2011-07-04, 20:50:24
cyklades Wrote:I have GS3.0 and new I18 Gallery and I18 Custom Fields.
They works very good.
I have boxinfo (from Custom Fields) in sidebar.
I want "mini gallery" in sidebar
(% gallery name=test %)
It din't works. I see only above code
I can see gallery in sidebar ONLY after instert gallery code in sidebar AND IN PAGE .
The best way - if the gallery is always the same in the sidebar - would be to use
<?php get_i18n_gallery_header('my_gallery_name'); ?>
<?php get_i18n_gallery('my_gallery_name'); ?>
(see http://get-simple.info/forum/post/15390/#p15390)
The current version of I18N Gallery does not support galleries in a custom field.