andyash Wrote:but it doesn't work even for root level pages.I wonder what went wrong after you pushed your webiste to production environment and changed RewriteBase path in htaccess and site's url in GS settings.
If my page is named 'testing' and an image inserted from 'data/uploads/image1.jpg'
The live page tries to look for the image path as http://localhost/getsimple/testing/data/uploads/image1.jpg'.
Any other suggestions?
Try another approach, follow up migration migration steps described in wiki
The simplest way in 3 steps:
1. install GS on production server
2. copy /data directory from localhost
3. configure GS the way you did it on localhost
It has to work, unless your production environment doesn't meet GS minimum requirements.
Shawn: I think it has been added when gs 2.04B was going to be published as 3.0
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