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Installing on hosting

GetSimple does not demand too much permissions and the permissions are well defined, also documentated in the WIKI

Why don't you contact the hoster's support and

installation requirements:
necessary modules:
and the file permissions are listed during the install process

I think your hoster's support knows the best if and how to install GS there.

At their website, they write:
"Examples of some of the most popular web apps that work with dynamic sites include Wordpress, Moveable Type, Drupal, Joomla, phpBB, SMF, Coppermine, MediaWiki, Trac, and hundreds more."

So I don't see any reasons why GS should not work there, ask them. At they describe what kind of support they offer.

But please forgive me, I must say I never met such a strange hosting plan as theirs ;=)

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Messages In This Thread
Installing on hosting - by Connie - 2012-06-22, 03:57:36

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