2012-09-28, 19:00:28
The site is loading very very quickly for me no matter when or where I try to access it.
Version numbers, etc. are cached not only by the actual extend system, but also by CloudFlare now. CloudFlare empties cache every 4 hours as far as I know. I don't know how long the actual extend system caches, but let's pretend that's 4 hours - it turns into 8 hours cached.
The wiki might have been slow because I've been messing with it pretty much every day trying to get the CSRF error to go away.
Version numbers, etc. are cached not only by the actual extend system, but also by CloudFlare now. CloudFlare empties cache every 4 hours as far as I know. I don't know how long the actual extend system caches, but let's pretend that's 4 hours - it turns into 8 hours cached.
The wiki might have been slow because I've been messing with it pretty much every day trying to get the CSRF error to go away.