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Basic contact form support
Hi threeam,

I can't get your plugin to work on my system, which is (so far) a vanilla install of GS 3.1.2 having followed your directions. I created a page with just your example form code, and set the Theme config as directed.

When I go to the page I created, it shows the PHP code (escaped to HTML entities) inside the form fields. Looking at the HTML source of the page, it's clear the PHP code is being rendered in the document, not evaluated.

I think I might be better off implementing something myself than persisting with this plugin, but if you can clue me in to something silly I'm failing to do here (being a 100% newbie GS user) I'd be very appreciative.

Messages In This Thread
Basic contact form support - by threeam - 2012-01-04, 16:26:00
RE: Basic contact form support - by GreenFrog - 2012-11-09, 15:58:28
RE: Basic contact form support - by headbank - 2012-12-16, 03:04:23
RE: Basic contact form support - by Ende - 2013-02-21, 01:42:07
RE: Basic contact form support - by marrco - 2013-01-09, 00:50:52
RE: Basic contact form support - by crealpes - 2013-03-07, 23:39:11
RE: Basic contact form support - by Italian David - 2013-08-02, 19:05:56
RE: Basic contact form support - by moscoski - 2013-10-19, 01:22:41
RE: Basic contact form support - by nohc - 2013-11-17, 05:44:13
RE: Basic contact form support - by lukoie - 2014-10-24, 18:42:36
Basic contact form support - by Connie - 2012-01-04, 17:34:29
Basic contact form support - by threeam - 2012-01-05, 09:34:30
Basic contact form support - by chefbyte - 2012-01-16, 01:13:06
Basic contact form support - by threeam - 2012-01-16, 09:54:02
Basic contact form support - by Simple50ph - 2012-01-27, 00:28:31
Basic contact form support - by threeam - 2012-01-31, 15:27:03
Basic contact form support - by Ampersand - 2012-09-12, 02:34:55

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