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Missing images
(2013-03-19, 23:03:51)shawn_a Wrote: Does the image load when you preview it in file manager ?

Nope, that's what I meant when I wrote "access through the panel" Sleepy

OS - Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium
httpd server - Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)

Health checks
php version - PHP Version 5.3.2 - 1ubuntu4.18
gs version - 3.2.0 (worked on 3.1.0)
Any orange or red - all clear (green)

From settings
SiteUrl and recommended - (??)
Fancy urls on? - yes
Permalink - %slug%

root htaccess rewrite rule - no changes made from install

Quote:AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
#Options -Indexes

# blocks direct access to the XML files - they hold all the data!
#<Files ~ "\.xml$">
# Order allow,deny
# Deny from all
# Satisfy All
#<Files sitemap.xml>
# Order allow,deny
# Allow from all
# Satisfy All

RewriteEngine on

# Usually it RewriteBase is just '/', but
# replace it with your subdirectory path
RewriteBase /homepage/

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule /?([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/?$ index.php?id=$1 [QSA,L]

Exact problem
url trying to load -
Expected behavior - shows image
Actual behavior, exact error messages or browser output. - Internal Server Error / The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Advanced, turn debug mode on gather php errors. - none
Check browser console for missing assets and js errors. - none but the server error from not getting to the images

I'm running another GS website on the same server, different directory with no problems. There was no prior GS install for that site though.

Tried changing the .htaccess in "data" to "allow from all", but that didn't do nothing Tongue

I hope this helps? Huh

Messages In This Thread
Missing images - by tf2 - 2012-12-22, 02:27:29
RE: Missing images - by spiel - 2013-03-18, 20:23:54
RE: Missing images - by Connie - 2013-03-18, 23:11:56
RE: Missing images - by spiel - 2013-03-18, 23:35:29
RE: Missing images - by shawn_a - 2013-03-19, 09:04:43
RE: Missing images - by spiel - 2013-03-19, 17:20:08
RE: Missing images - by shawn_a - 2013-03-19, 23:02:53
RE: Missing images - by shawn_a - 2013-03-19, 23:03:51
RE: Missing images - by spiel - 2013-03-20, 00:31:51
RE: Missing images - by shawn_a - 2013-03-20, 00:54:07
RE: Missing images - by spiel - 2013-03-21, 19:21:19
RE: Missing images - by sonicFM - 2013-08-03, 05:58:24

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