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PROBLEM Blank screen in browser when saving anything
Hi, all -

Total GS newbie here, need a bit of help. I just moved my GS installation (the whole directory, including hidden files) from my home machine to the server where it's going to live, and now it's doing this thing I can't figure out: anytime I try to save anything, it shows me a blank screen. If I edit a page and save it - blank screen. If I edit a component and save it - blank screen. Reloading the page takes me back to where I started from, but any changes I've made are gone.

Interestingly, I can edit and save the users in my UserLoginEnhanced plugin. But native GS, no way.[/b]
I've tried setting the permissions for everything to 777, recursive, and flushed the cache; still the same. The source of the blank page is also empty - no errors.

I'd really appreciate any suggestions you folks may have!

Messages In This Thread
Blank screen in browser when saving anything - by bluewater_sailor - 2015-02-13, 11:47:11

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