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[Discussion] "Hello World" Redux (towards a possible Plugin SDK)
I like the idea of a 'Hello World' plugin for GS (especially since so many other libraries, CMS'es, and web-related stuff have one). I don't like the idea of having a 'Hello World' plugin in which the functions demonstrated are not in the GS core. In that sense I would rather consider this plugin to be just a plugin SDK in which an elaborate example is included about the use of the plugin. So basically I say "YES!" to all features you mentioned in the intro post, but "NO" to mixing the last feature with the preceding ones.

I like the OO approach, but expected to see in the code a working example with elaborate documentation about core functions like add_action and its different parameters; how to load scripts only on your own plugin page; how to implement your own hooks (so other devs can hook into them); how to use the init function; how to split your code into different files: etc. (for the record, I know how to do all this but took some effort finding out first).

Plugin Toolkits are great (and there already is one), I just don't think it's good to mix them up with a plugin that is meant to demonstrate the very basics of building a plugin.

Messages In This Thread
RE: "Hello World" Redux (towards a possible Plugin SDK) - by Tyblitz - 2015-07-27, 07:54:01

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