2021-04-27, 03:35:02
(2021-04-26, 18:45:06)Oleg06 Wrote:OK - Voilà(2021-04-26, 18:36:20)cuirassier Wrote:Show the code of the block that contains the video.(2021-04-26, 06:22:48)Oleg06 Wrote:(2021-04-26, 03:07:14)cuirassier Wrote: Dear friends,
I use the standard video player (for MP4 files) created by the "Video" button of the Editor.
It works well, but I want to block only one option showed at the video screen (bottom in the right) - DOWNLOAD.
The rest control button must be as usual.
Can I block only this feature (I don't want visitors to download my videos)?
You can create a :: after pseudo-element for the video block and position it absolutely by placing it above the button.
Google translation.
Олег, большое спасибо, но я не столь опытен, не могли бы Вы пояснить более подробно?
<td style="text-align: center; border-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
<video class="uk-responsive-width" controls="controls" height="394" id="video202132519195" poster="data/uploads/rem/remvideo01.jpg" width="700"><source src="data/uploads/rem/remvideo01.mp4" type="video/mp4" />Ваш браузер не поддерживает видео, пожалуйста загрузите файл <a href="data/uploads/rem/remvideo01.mp4">video/mp4</a></video>
<p><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>На этом видео-ролике показан пример промышленного применения установки РЭМ. </strong></span></p>