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Please Ignore the (site-wide theme) Mess

I do like the new design, however, there are still some flaws:

The new design always shows a horizontal scroll bar in Firefox (3.6.14, Ubuntu) - the reason seems to be the
-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 30px ...
in #gssw-advertising and #gssw-footer (30px shadow on a 100% div is more than 100% of the width).

Inconsistencies, like if I move the mouse on the getsimple logo, it gets lighter, if I move it on the download link it gets darker.

If I click on Blog or Demo and have set "open new window as tabs" in firefox, and go back to the getsimple tab, Blog/Demo is still marked (this might be a firefox bug?).

And on another topic: using markdown in the plugin descriptions doesn't quite work, e.g. urls, preformated texts and escaping with backslashes. It's impossible to write something like "replace get_component with get_i18n_component" because the _ are interpreted as underline start/end.
Together with the fact that there is no preview and it takes so long until the changes are displayed (why?) in Extend this makes writing instructions quite difficult.


P.S.: I really liked the two-color orange-black getsimple logo.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.

Messages In This Thread
Please Ignore the (site-wide theme) Mess - by mvlcek - 2011-03-07, 00:34:00

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