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unified directory for plugin translation files
As I'm currently consolidating my plugins and making them translateable, I've created common functions which provide the above functionality - not fully tested yet:

// these functions should be in the GetSimple Core:
if (!function_exists('is_admin')) {
  function is_admin() {
    return basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) != 'index.php';

if (!function_exists('load_i18n')) {

  $i18n_plugins_loaded = array();  

  function load_i18n($plugin, $language=null, $default_language=null) {
    global $i18n, $LANG, $i18n_plugins_loaded;
    if (in_array($plugin, $i18n_plugins_loaded)) return;
    if (!$language) $language = $LANG;
    if (!$default_language) $default_language = 'en_US';
    $langs = array($language);
    $pos = strpos($language,'_');
    if ($pos !== false) {
      $lang = substr($language, 0, $pos);
      if (!in_array($lang, $langs)) $langs[] = $lang;
    if (!in_array($default_language, $langs)) $langs[] = $default_language;
    foreach ($langs as $lang) load_i18n_impl($plugin, $lang, $i18n);
    $i18n_plugins_loaded[] = $plugin;

  function load_i18n_impl($plugin, $lang, &$globali18n) {
    $i18n = array();
    if (count($i18n) > 0) foreach ($i18n as $code => $text) {
      if (!array_key_exists($plugin.'/'.$code, $globali18n)) $globali18n[$plugin.'/'.$code] = $text;

I think these functions should be included in the Core. They can be used, if the plugin developer adheres to the standards - here the language files are expected in plugins/<plugin>/lang/<lang>.php (but that can be changed).

BTW: Is there a reason to have translation files as code as opposed to property files (like standard for Java)?

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Messages In This Thread
unified directory for plugin translation files - by mvlcek - 2011-03-16, 06:05:48

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