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Symbolic Linking of Sites
Please excuse if this is in the wrong forum for this kind of question. So I've looked at the multi-site plugins but they don't seem to fit the bill for what I'm trying to do. I have a launcher page that allows you to choose between two parts of a company. It should take the user to different GetSimple installs in regards to the frontend, but the backend should stay synced in essence. Seeing that the data folder was seperate, I hoped, and attempted to create symbolic links between the two for the following folders: admin, plugins, themes, and also gsconfig.php. After having done this, the sites became in essence one instead of two different ones with just seperate data areas. Is there any way that I could do this, so I can use one theme, one set of admin logins (I also use the multiple admin user plugin), and plugins on two sites? Has anyone experimented with this?

Current directory structure is:


Messages In This Thread
Symbolic Linking of Sites - by lordzero - 2011-11-27, 06:45:26
Symbolic Linking of Sites - by Connie - 2011-11-27, 19:19:19
Symbolic Linking of Sites - by lordzero - 2011-11-27, 23:18:02
Symbolic Linking of Sites - by pupppet - 2012-08-23, 08:39:58

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