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Trying now a production site in Greek
I have been trying the original version (I think it was 2.3.?) and I am really impressed with the capabilities of this new software. So I decided to do a big jump and replace one of my Drupal based sites which is only in Greek ( This is a relatively large site with some pictures and videos and a lot of text.

So I installed version 3.0 in and I must say that I am still impressed. After adding a total of 5 pages (including a modified index page) I can see that this software will be a great success in may areas. (By the way the theme of the above website(s) is the present mess with Greek politics and the title means: I am looking for a political party).

I do have a couple of problems which I am sure are very minor:
  • Since this site is only in Greek I noticed that although the final saved article can be viewed exactly as untented, in the browser, when it comes to edit the code is totally changed to strange characters. This makes editing almost impossible. (in fact in some articles when I try to edit the text ect are not there anymore, but they still show in the browser and they are in the xml files). I will attach a copy of the index page as a .txt file to demonstrate the problem.
    I have the feeling that this problem can be solved by changing the global encoding to charset=utf-8 All my other Greek websites work fine with that.
  • The second minor problem I have, is that I am unable to edit the components of the theme. I am using the Default_Simple theme, but I tried the other themes and I get the same problem: as soon as I change something in the components and after I save it, I get an "Oops! Page not found!" and when I get back to admin nothing has changed

I looked for a translation in Greek and it is not available yet. I can try and make one by following some of the other translations. My written Greek is pretty good and my English is not bad either. I checked the en_GB.php and I think it will be easy for me to duplicate it in Greek. Let me know if this is OK and any additional tips that I may need. Once done I will be grad to submit it checking and for your repo. I guess the question is where should I place the file el_EL.php once done in order to try it.

All the best to the team at GetSimple

costas100 Wrote:
  • Since this site is only in Greek I noticed that although the final saved article can be viewed exactly as untented, in the browser, when it comes to edit the code is totally changed to strange characters. This makes editing almost impossible. (in fact in some articles when I try to edit the text ect are not there anymore, but they still show in the browser and they are in the xml files). I will attach a copy of the index page as a .txt file to demonstrate the problem.
    I have the feeling that this problem can be solved by changing the global encoding to charset=utf-8 All my other Greek websites work fine with that.

The page looks perfectly right on my local site as well as in the admin back-end's editor. The encoding of all web pages delivered is UTF-8. However, GetSimple currently (unnecessarily) replaces all non-ascii characters with their HTML entities when saving, thus the XML is unreadably and uneditable.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
There's a related issue concerning HTML entities replacing non-ascii characters in GS.. The issue's title maybe a bit misleading, the problem mentioned is the same as it is here though.
As I am fiddling around with CKEditor, here is a thing you should try:

in gsconfig.php

# WYSIWYG Editor Options
    entities :false

will stop the Editor to convert all special characters and your text will stay readable

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Connie Wrote:define('GSEDITOROPTIONS', " entities :false ");
Thanks for the tip which does indeed work in the editor.
Thank you mvlcek and polyfragmented and my special thank you to Connie not only the html tags are not changed after I applied your suggested change, but also the Greek text remains as it is supposed to be in the html tab. Also the change corrected all previous pages automatically. This program is one of the best and the team is at the very very top.

Thank you

I am glad I could help you with what I did for my page today...

I would suggest to add this configuration to the standard Editor-Integration ... Chris, what do you think?

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Connie Wrote:I would suggest to add this configuration to the standard Editor-Integration
I'd add couple things for ckeditor in gsconfig, but leaving them commented.
If somebody wants to turn on a ckeditor's functionality, he would just have to uncomment a line.
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
yojoe Wrote:I'd add couple things for ckeditor in gsconfig, but leaving them commented.
If somebody wants to turn on a ckeditor's functionality, he would just have to uncomment a line.

As I am just refreshing my knowledge in CKEditor after long time working with FCKEditor, I think in a couple of days I will be able to recommend settings, either in gsconfig.php as in templates/js/ckeditor/config.js as well

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
I use mostly
   shiftEnterMode: CKEDITOR.ENTER_P,
   pasteFromWordRemoveStyles: true
I'm not sure of disadvantages of turning off entities, when it goes to problems with parsing and security.
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
Hi Costas
I've just today translate in greek language.

You can find greek language in
kiriakos118 Wrote:Hi Costas
I've just today translate in greek language.

You can find greek language in

Thanks! This will be very useful for me
kiriakos118 Wrote:Hi Costas
I've just today translate in greek language.

You can find greek language in

Thank you Kiriako I will install today the Greek pachage. Get Simple is one of the best software I have tried in the last 5 years or so, that I play with websites. I have two installed at the moment: and

All the best to you and success to your website. Let me know in any of my webpages if I can do anything for you.

ή καλλίτερα Κώστας
Thanks kostas (Ευχαριστώ)

Ι think you're living in Canada. Nice place (never been there)
I'm workin (not php expert) in GS for about 1 month and I made one (test) site

take a look
kiriakos118 Wrote:Thanks kostas (Ευχαριστώ)

Ι think you're living in Canada. Nice place (never been there)
I'm workin (not php expert) in GS for about 1 month and I made one (test) site

take a look

Καλησπέρα από το Τορόντο, σου έστειλα ένα μήνυμα από το site σου και μου αρέσει η αριστερή μπάρα όπως την έχεις χωρίσει. Θα ήθελα να κάνω κάτι ανάλογο και το δικό μου και ίσως και το Μήπως θα μπορούσες να μου πεις πια αρχεία (CCS ή άλλα) πρέπει να επεξεργαστώ. Εγώ χρησιμοποιώ το default theme.

Νάσαι καλά


I'm new here but I think we have to write in english (everyone that's interested in, could read)

I use "greek_black" template (it's based on Innovation)
I made some changes into "style.css" (take a look at colors, widhs ... e.t.c.)

If you like to use it put the "greek_black" folder into GETSIMPLEPATH/theme

NOTE that I made changes in "template.php" and "sidebar.php" to have different content and sidebar in each page


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