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I18N Gallery
TemurDanelia Wrote:I tried to put <?php get_i18n_gallery('slider'); ?> in another theme Cardinal.
Here is page preview: Sad

js and css again not included in <head></head>.

I didn't realize, you have the gallery in the template.
If you put the gallery in the template you need to also put the following in your HTML head (header.php in your case):
<?php get_i18n_gallery_header('slider'); ?>
(same function parameters as your get_i18n_gallery call; see also

If you put
(% gallery name=slider %)
into the page content, then the js/css is included automatically.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
Quote:If you put the gallery in the template you need to also put the following in your HTML head (header.php in your case):
Thanks a lot.
Now it works, but with some mistakes. Smile

I think I have to look inside my and your css.
Hello mvlcek!

Another question. Smile
How can I customize css for s3slider?
It automatically included in <head></head> section.

Thanks in advance.
TemurDanelia Wrote:How can I customize css for s3slider?
It automatically included in <head></head> section.

You could switch off including the CSS in the gallery settings in the administration - but then you would have to copy most of the generated CSS and adjust it.

The best way is to create additional, more specific rules in your own CSS, e.g. if the generated rule is
#s3slider-slider .s3slider-sliderImage span {
        background-color: #000;
        color: #fff;
you can add a rule (note the body to make the rule more specific)
body #s3slider-slider .s3slider-sliderImage span {
        background-color: red;
        color: black;
        text-align: center;
to get centered black on red text.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
Thanks again.

First of all, great gallery-collection!

I'm having an issue where the size of the thumbnail border of standing images get's erroneously generated.

I have made no modifications to the CSS of the gallery. When I created the gallery I used resizing of images, but left the "thumbnail dimentions" untouched (empty). Have you seen anything like this before?

Lorang Wrote:I'm having an issue where the size of the thumbnail border of standing images get's erroneously generated.

I have made no modifications to the CSS of the gallery. When I created the gallery I used resizing of images, but left the "thumbnail dimentions" untouched (empty). Have you seen anything like this before?

I think that this is caused by a fix for IE 7 and lower, which requires a width for "floated" items.
You should enter a thumb height in your gallery without a width.
(I probably should remove this fix again)
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
Quote:I think that this is caused by a fix for IE 7 and lower, which requires a width for "floated" items.
You should enter a thumb height in your gallery without a width.
(I probably should remove this fix again)

Thank you! I just discovered that setting thumbsize with cropping made the gallerypage better to look at, so I'll keep doing that for now. Maybe you can look at how the thumbs are distributed when you are bored? Smile

Anyway, cheers!
I18N Gallery version 1.4:
  • Image texts and descriptions are indexed, when used with I18N Search 2.0.1+
  • Russian translation (by Surendil) - thanks!
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
it's an old situation, but I do not know how to solve it!

I installed Version 1.4 yesterday and created 3 galleries. Perfect.
Today I cannot create a gallery and I cannot add images.

1) Cookie is set sidewide
2) GS 3
3) I cleared the cache, deleted all cookies, started FF 6.0.1 anew
4) it's on a local XAMPP

it happens with FF 6.01 and IE 9 as well

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Connie Wrote:I installed Version 1.4 yesterday and created 3 galleries. Perfect.
Today I cannot create a gallery and I cannot add images.

What happens? error message? warning/info if debug on?
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.

debug is ON, but no message
just this popup window with the message "not logged in"

[Image: gallery.jpg]

I attach the errorlog.txt from today (in parts)

in the health check I get these infos:
Quote:Warning: copy(G:\xampp\htdocs\getsimple/admin/inc/tmp/tmp.deny.htaccess) [function.copy]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in G:\xampp\htdocs\getsimple\admin\health-check.php on line 306

i don't now if that is a problem with galleries
I am going to install now on a real server, so we will see how it behaves there ;=)

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
I installed at my server (not public until now), and the problem doesn't occur any more.
So read this post as solved!

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
a new question:

you can set maximum widht and maximum height as options for CYCLE-galleries.

But unfortunately this is not "maximum", this means that ALL images are resized to this size.
I tried to manipulate the plugin_cycle.php and added "resize:0;", but it continues to resize

how can I set that these values are maximum values without having all images resized?

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Connie Wrote:a new question:

you can set maximum widht and maximum height as options for CYCLE-galleries.

But unfortunately this is not "maximum", this means that ALL images are resized to this size.
I tried to manipulate the plugin_cycle.php and added "resize:0;", but it continues to resize

how can I set that these values are maximum values without having all images resized?

To be honest, I didn't see a use case where the images had different sizes.
Anyway, only larger images are resized - and if they have a different format than the maimum sizes (e.g. 3:2 instead of 3:4) only one dimension will be equal to the maximum. So it really is maximum!
As the images are resized on the server, the css attribut resize won't change anything.

What do you want to do? Only display the left upper corner of the image?
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.

I have images which I used in an exhibition and a very old kind of gallery before (each photo one html-page)
the images are either (450 x 312) pixels or (354 x 454) px

So I want a container (750 x 460 ) where the images are at the right, text at the left (smaller images not to be resized/blown up) maybe positioned on top or centered vertically

as the site is not public until now, I send you the URL by PM

Cheers, thanks in advance,


Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Connie Wrote:I have images which I used in an exhibition and a very old kind of gallery before (each photo one html-page)
the images are either (450 x 312) pixels or (354 x 454) px

So I want a container (750 x 460 ) where the images are at the right, text at the left (smaller images not to be resized/blown up) maybe positioned on top or centered vertically

The problem is that you have selected Crop (Zuschneiden). Deselect it and smaller images will not be resized. However, I'm not sure how they will be displayed with the cycle plugin - just try.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
ok, the crop function is invocated by the "maximum image size", I took that off and deleted the image cache

now the cycle gallery takes the dimensions of the first image in the gallery and resizes all images to that size ... if the first image is landscape, portrait image is cut, if the first image is in portrait orientation, all following landscape images are blown up to that size

I think I can not obtain with cycle what I want to get. I will check for another slider (or I must add transparent canvass to the smaller images)

we will see, thanks for your help!

Cheers, Connie

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Connie Wrote:ok, the crop function is invocated by the "maximum image size", I took that off and deleted the image cache

now the cycle gallery takes the dimensions of the first image in the gallery and resizes all images to that size ... if the first image is landscape, portrait image is cut, if the first image is in portrait orientation, all following landscape images are blown up to that size

I think I can not obtain with cycle what I want to get. I will check for another slider (or I must add transparent canvass to the smaller images)

Hi Connie,

As I mentioned I didn't see the need for not all pictures being the same size. Thus crop was always switched on, if an image size was given.
I've modified the cycle plugin of the I18N Gallery plugin and it should now behave like you want, if you specify a size and do not select crop. Smaller pictures will be centered.
Please try the attached file - rename it to plugin_cycle.php and put it in plugins/i18n_gallery.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
well, I just did the first version, I added transparent canvass to the images.

But I will check with another gallery where I will use the original jpgs...

thanks, I will tell you the result!

PS: and here it is:

I defined the maximum size and entered the files

smaller files are centered horizontally and vertically.

That is ok!

And here my next suggestion (do not hit me!): maybe centering vertically, but not horizontally, let the smaller image sit at the right side (if text is defined to be shown at the left of the image), so the scolling will be more soft...

But I can live with that! Thanks, danke, spasibo!

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Connie Wrote:PS: and here it is:

I defined the maximum size and entered the files

smaller files are centered horizontally and vertically.

That is ok!

And here my next suggestion (do not hit me!): maybe centering vertically, but not horizontally, let the smaller image sit at the right side (if text is defined to be shown at the left of the image), so the scolling will be more soft...

To do this, you can use your own styles (do not include css in i18n gallery settings) or just enter a more specific css rule in your style sheet, e.g.
body .gallery-image {
  text-align: right;
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
yes, that is an option, I already included a lot of these styles in my css

so I think I am really happy now! Thank you for your great work!

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
I18N Gallery version 1.4.1:
  • cycle gallery now supports images that have different dimensions
  • removed support for CSS 2.0 (float requires width) in thumb views of fancybox and prettyPhoto - if you need it, you have to add the css rule yourself in your style sheet
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
Installed v 1.4 into GS 3. Uploaded files. Created gallery. Applied prettyPhoto to my Gallery.

Not a single thumbnail show up. Nor in admin panel, nor in the users side.

Chrome replaces thumbnails with standard icons, so when user clicks icon, the original size picture show up.

But without thumbnail the plugin is obsolete for me.

Can You help me? What's going on? What could be wrong?
Mike Wrote:Installed v 1.4 into GS 3. Uploaded files. Created gallery. Applied prettyPhoto to my Gallery.

Not a single thumbnail show up. Nor in admin panel, nor in the users side.

Chrome replaces thumbnails with standard icons, so when user clicks icon, the original size picture show up.

But without thumbnail the plugin is obsolete for me.

Can You help me? What's going on? What could be wrong?

Did you copy the whole plugin - including the .htaccess files in the subdirectories?
What are the links of the thumbs? Are they correct or is a directory missing?
Try http://your-site-and-path-to-getsimple/plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/pic.php. What do you get?
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.

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