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I18N Gallery
Connie Wrote:Jarno,

if that is so, if you need a "user interface" and can't integrate the images in a page (with all that special outlines which are used for the galleries) you should check whether you can integrate the galery which you want to use into i18N-Gallery

Mvlcek described how to do this in a former posting here:

Thanks for your help Connie, I'll give it a try.
Jarno Wrote:I know that's possible but my client needs to be able to put pictures into the galleries. And as far as I know that's only possible with plugins? Correct me if I'm wrong though.

If it's just a gallery with images (and titles) you could use the following approach:
  • Setup the editor for selecting paragraph styles (see Wiki) with a style that adds class gallery
  • Tell the client that for a gallery he has to put all images of a gallery in a paragraph styled as gallery
  • Add a script to your template to convert the paragraph to a gallery: $('.gallery').mygallery(...);, where mygallery is the jQuery gallery plugin with the required functionality.

Or create a I18N Gallery plugin as mentioned by Connie:

BTW: do you know a jQuery gallery plugin with the functionality you want to have?
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
mvlcek Wrote:BTW: do you know a jQuery gallery plugin with the functionality you want to have?

have a look at

that is one of the most versatile galleries which I know. See the Minimalistic photos gallery here:

this is one with thumbnails below the main image

Cheers, Connie

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:

I use the cycle slider at my not so earnest domain,
I would love to find a parameter for the cycle to stop at the end, not to "cycle"

I tried with
(% gallery name=krisendichte autostop=1 autostopCount=5 %)

but that was ignored, and I do not want to edit the cycle.js

also did not work
do you have an idea how to stop it?

Cheers, Connie

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
@connie, try the nowrap setting.

nowrap: true

all the options available here:
My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
n00dles101 Wrote:@connie, try the nowrap setting.

nowrap: true

no, I am not sure if this is the right parameter, at least I added it to the gallery tag but no effect

(% gallery name=krisendichte nowrap:true %)
(% gallery name=krisendichte nowrap=true  %)
the gallery keeps cycling

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Currently I18N Gallery only supports the options that you can set in the administration GUI.
I suppose, I should add this option to the GUI.
And I could add all unrecognized options from the (% gallery %) call to the options of the respective gallery's setup.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
@connie the nowrap option stop the slideshow cycling from last->first and vicaversa

As the paprameter is not read in from the setup , you could just hard code it into your theme.

My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute

yes, I could do that, but I was using the gallery in a page, so I will check how to continue

thank you for the tipp!

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
I18N Gallery version 1.7:
  • allows further gallery configuration for experts (see below, @Connie)
  • fixes some minor CSS issues in the administration and the thumbnail view

You can now specify additional options for the specific gallery type, e.g. to set the option nowrap for the cycle gallery type, use
(% gallery name=mygallery type=cycle x-nowrap=true %)
Just add x- before the option. You can only set simple properties - strings, numbers, null, true, false.

For the available options, see the respective gallery type home page, whose link you can find in the administration, when you select a gallery type. If you have problems with these options, ask in the respective forum.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.


It is working like I wanted it, I counted to 100 and still the last slide did not cycle out, no re-start

I thank you for this update!

Have a nice day, schönen Abend!


Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Very handy. It allowed me to tweak Fancybox to my linking. Thanks!

I'm having issues with Fancybox on the I18N plugin. When using titles longer than the thumbnail's width, the title expands beyond the thumbnail instead of breaking onto another line as I want it to. How can I keep the title constrained within the max width of the thumbnail?

Here's an example image to better convey my problem:

[Image: example.jpg]


give us the URL; I want to see which CSS element is used for the fancybox title but I have no installation of that at hand

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
I18N Gallery version 1.7.1:
  • solves a bug indexing the titles and descriptions of the images when used together with the I18N Search plugin.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
Spanish language for I18N Gallery available in Extend
Connie Wrote:Golpar,

give us the URL; I want to see which CSS element is used for the fancybox title but I have no installation of that at hand

Thank you for the reply. I'm developing this website on a local MAMP server right now and don't have it uploaded anywhere. However, I just uploaded a test copy of GetSimple with that plugin installed to demonstrate my issue. Hope this helps.

Can someone help me put a "Share" button or "likes" facebook in each photo. Gallery prettyPhoto or FancyBox.
I want to share each photo separately, not the entire gallery.

Quote:Alguem pode me ajudar a colocar um botão "Compartilhar" ou "Curtir" do facebook em cada foto. Da galeria prettyPhoto ou FancyBox.
Quero compartilhar separadamente cada foto, não a galeria inteira.

One suggestion for next version is to add a css editor for the galleries.
Quote:Uma sugestão para proxima versão é adicionar um editor css para as galerias.
schluters Wrote:One suggestion for next version is to add a css editor for the galleries.

The gallery provides a default CSS, if you want different styles, you can add styles to your theme's CSS file. If you use the Theme Highlighter plugin, you will also have syntax highlighting in auto completion.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
understand it more if I disable the jquery css or disable it for a gallery for all.

For example, if I want to disable only the css s3slider and use the default prettyPhoto have to manually loaded.

Quote:entendo, mais se eu desabilitar o css ou jquery para uma galeria ele desabilita para todas.

Por exemplo, seu eu quiser desabilitar o css só do s3slider e usar o padrão do prettyPhoto tenho que carregado manualmente.
schluters Wrote:understand it more if I disable the jquery css or disable it for a gallery for all.

For example, if I want to disable only the css s3slider and use the default prettyPhoto have to manually loaded.

You don't need to disable css, just specify a more specific rule in your CSS, e.g. instead of .gallery-fancybox a use body .gallery-fancybox a.
And you can switch off the css for a specific gallery by using (% gallery name=myname css=0 %).
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
mvlcek Wrote:
aston Wrote:hi, i'm trying to use your cycle slideshow in I18N Gallery on my local server; everything is ok but i'm not able to get it with autostart.

The cycle slideshow starts automatically anyway, this parameter has no effect. Maybe the Javascript is not included correctly (get_header()) or you have two or none jQuery include (or jQuery after gallery).

i read a lot of documentation about but i can't get it working: please , can you take a look at my homepage slideshow, now i'm online at

thank you very much
aston Wrote:i read a lot of documentation about but i can't get it working: please , can you take a look at my homepage slideshow, now i'm online at

thank you very much

jQuery has to be included before the gallery scripts.
As you seem to use two galleries (I18N Gallery and Photogallery) you have to include jQuery directly in your template and turn off including of jQuery for both plugins. Currently Photogallery loads jQuery, but I18N Gallery includes its scripts before Photogallery (the order in which plugins load/execute is rather random and can not be consistently influenced).
Alternatively switch on jQuery for I18N Gallery and remove Photogallery.

P.S. The gallery works perfectly (with manual switching of slides) with Javascript turned off ;-)
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
Golpar Tah Wrote:
Connie Wrote:Golpar,

give us the URL; I want to see which CSS element is used for the fancybox title but I have no installation of that at hand

Thank you for the reply. I'm developing this website on a local MAMP server right now and don't have it uploaded anywhere. However, I just uploaded a test copy of GetSimple with that plugin installed to demonstrate my issue. Hope this helps.

Hi again - sorry to bump the topic but I never got an answer to my question. Thanks for any help.
Golpar Tah Wrote:
Golpar Tah Wrote:
Connie Wrote:Golpar,

give us the URL; I want to see which CSS element is used for the fancybox title but I have no installation of that at hand


Hi again - sorry to bump the topic but I never got an answer to my question. Thanks for any help.

You can easily find out by looking at the HTML code of your page or by using browser plugins like FireBug (for Firefox).
In this case the CSS selector is .gallery-fancybox .gallery-thumb .gallery-title and you can use it to define a width or max-width for the title.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.

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