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Getsimple 3.1 Contactable Feedback/Contact Form
Replace the lines 114-116 in the file DM_contactable.php

register_script('contactable','/plugins/DM_contactable/js/jquery.contactable.js', '1.2.1', FALSE);
    register_script('contactable-validate', '/plugins/DM_contactable/js/jquery.validate.pack.js', '1.5.1', FALSE);
@oleg, V1.6 already ahs this change made.

I've updated to 1.7 which removes a check for the default E-Mail address which is not always available and was causing problems.
My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
I tried this plugin, but it doesn't do any thing. On my website your plugin is activated:

Am I missing something?
you need to have get_header() call somewhere in the <head> of your pages.

My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
n00dles101 Wrote:you need to have get_header() call somewhere in the <head> of your pages.


I have this code in the head of my site:

<?php get_header(); ?>
ah ok I see it, doesn't quiet work on sites installed in a subdirectory (never doen it so would not have tested)

to fix change lines (111-113 and change /plugins/ to /gs/plugins/

I'll fix it and upload to extend...

Thanks for finding...

My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
please add Ru lang to package - my translate
also will be nice if add language auto detection from GS settings
also you may add link to plugin description
for future updates

also plugin need to be able to translate CONTACT and SEND

i don't receive any emails from my site Sad
n00dles101 Wrote:ah ok I see it, doesn't quiet work on sites installed in a subdirectory (never doen it so would not have tested)

to fix change lines (111-113 and change /plugins/ to /gs/plugins/

I'll fix it and upload to extend...

Thanks for finding...


Hey thanks for the quick solve. It looks nice. Going to test it later.
Thank you for this plugin !

I have a small bug will writing a disclaimer :

It's adding \ before ', and adding one more for each "save settings"

You can look it there :

And : French language !

edit : Problem is fixed !

replace in DM_contactable.php :
$xml->addChild('message', $ct_message);
            $xml->addChild('recievedmsg', $ct_recievedMsg);
            $xml->addChild('notrecievedmsg', $ct_notRecievedMsg);
            $xml->addChild('disclaimer', $ct_disclaimer);

by :
$xml->addChild('message', stripcslashes($ct_message));
            $xml->addChild('recievedmsg', stripcslashes($ct_recievedMsg));
            $xml->addChild('notrecievedmsg', stripcslashes($ct_notRecievedMsg));
            $xml->addChild('disclaimer', stripcslashes($ct_disclaimer));
I saw several things that are not complete:

in the file "mail.php", is it possible to use the language file for this line? :

echo('An invalid email address was entered'); //email was not valid

DM_contactable.php file line 146:
$ct_hideOnSubmit = isset($_POST['hideonsubmit']) ? $_POST['hideonsubmit'] : $ct_disclaimer;
should be (this option not displayed without this line):
$ct_hideOnSubmit = isset($_POST['hideonsubmit']) ? $_POST['hideonsubmit'] : $ct_hideOnSubmit;
from line 192 there is no option "hideOnSubmit"

I propose this addition:
<p><label for="hideOnSubmit" ><?php i18n($thisfile_contactable.'/CONTACTABLE_HIDEONSUBMIT'); ?></label><select name="hideonsubmit"><option><?php i18n($thisfile_contactable.'/CONTACTABLE_HIDEONSUBMIT_YES'); ?><option><?php i18n($thisfile_contactable.'/CONTACTABLE_HIDEONSUBMIT_NO'); ?></select></p>
and translation in the language file:
by cons I do not know how to get this to work (I think this must be done in the mail.php file after line 22 but I do not know how).
I'm on Godaddy with the windows server, IIS7. Site is in a subdirectory but root for the domain ... hosting has two domains, so it has the domain that GS is installed for pointing at a folder.

Using firebug I'm getting a 301 error on the post. The Get is correct ...

[21:30:44.312] POST [HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently 50ms]
[21:30:44.352] GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 55ms]
@didou038, thanks for the updates, I;'ve updated the version to 1.8 on extend.

This fixes the il8n problems and adds the hideOnSubmit function .

Also changed the string in mail.php, its not actually used or outputted and can be ignored...

Let me know if there are more issues.
My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
For what it worth, Line 75 of the jquery.contactable.js file

Original: $.post('plugins/DM_contactable/mail.php', .......

Corrected.: $.post('plugins/dm_contactable/mail.php', .......

Notice the case on the folder name

Being on a windows server makes the paths case sensitive I guess ... works good now.
Three things I've noticed:
1. after "installing" contactable, contactform.log file wasn't created. I had to do it manually in /data/other/logs
2. If a template contains a call to jquery library, there may be a problem.
Optional checkbox with "do not load jquery library" would solve that.
3. Latest 1.8 doesn't work. I didn't test earlier versions so I have no idea what is the cause of problem.
If you need more info about the environment settings, tell me what exactly.
4. you forgot to update # Version of plugin to 1.8 Wink
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
I wonder if there's actually anti spam protection in this plugin? Or is this not needed?
I have installed the plugin and checked its settings, but it is not showing on the site at all. Do I need to add any code to the template or something else?
it just requires get_header() in the head section of your template.
My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
n00dles101 Wrote:it just requires get_header() in the head section of your template.
Found it. It is incompatible with GoogleMap plugin.
so complicated... waste of time
n00dles101, make adequate tutorial for your plugin
freedom rulezzz! dependence suxxx...
@moglika, Whats so complicated ??
Copy to your plugin folder and put in your e-mail address and your done!!

What do you want?

Edit: instructions are in the first post of this topic.
My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
n00dles101 Wrote:@moglika, Whats so complicated ??
Copy to your plugin folder and put in your e-mail address and your done!!
What do you want?
Edit: instructions are in the first post of this topic.
Complicated because the plugin doesn't work as is. Of course, I have read the instruction and followed it, but the plugin causes js not found errors. Reading forum's posts I haven't find working solution.
Besides, I didn't understand what a language file you mean and where it must be placed.
freedom rulezzz! dependence suxxx...
andyash Wrote:
n00dles101 Wrote:it just requires get_header() in the head section of your template.
Found it. It is incompatible with GoogleMap plugin.

Has anyone found a work around/solution to make it work with the GoogleMap plugin?

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This is my first message in this forum !
I like GetSimple !

I like your plugin !
I have made the french translation, how can I send you the file fr_FR, if you want it !?
Français et éternel débutant
French and eternal beginner
@krysttof, you can upload the language file to extend yourself and people can download it from there. Thanks for taking the time to do it.
My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
Le fichier de traduction en français.
French translation file.
Français et éternel débutant
French and eternal beginner

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