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Getsimple 3.1 Contactable Feedback/Contact Form
datiswous Wrote:I wonder if there's actually anti spam protection in this plugin? Or is this not needed?

n00dles101 , can you still answer my earlier question?
Firstly, thank you for this plugin!

Unfortunately I seem to be having problems with it, added to my first GSCMS attempt it does not show...

I created a new page 'CONTACT', removed the gallery and this time it appears but blocks out the rest of the page and furthermore, the form will not submit.

Is there some magic needed to coax this to work.

I'm afraid I have no PHP skills so please, if anyone answers, could you give me instructions in easy to follow, simple steps.

@jinky, you should not need to create a page especially for the contact form, it should appear on all pages.

I see your loading i18n gallery plugin aswell, in the options for that plugin there should be a checkbox to "not load jqeury/javascript" disable that option. and see if that fixes it.
My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
n00dles101 Wrote:@jinky, you should not need to create a page especially for the contact form, it should appear on all pages.

I see your loading i18n gallery plugin aswell, in the options for that plugin there should be a checkbox to "not load jqeury/javascript" disable that option. and see if that fixes it.

Thanks, that worked perfectly

GS Version 3.1.2 Contactable Version 1.9

Hi thanks for your plugin, it looks good but I don't get it to work

It works till to the point to submit the message - then I can wait for hours Undecided
I tried different email accounts but no luck - could it be a server thing?

Hope you can help me

btw I did a German translation don't know one exist.


[Image: contactable.jpg]
do you have a live site I could look at?

You can use Chrome dev tools and look the the "network" tab see if any 404 errors are showing.
My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
Ok just checked. Your getting a 404 on the file /plugins/DM_contactable/mail.php

Does this exist?

have you install GS in a subdirectory?
My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
Yes the file mail.php exist & GS is in /info/

Is it possible to move without data lost?

here is my htaccess if that helps.

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
Options -Indexes

# blocks direct access to the XML files - they hold all the data!
<Files ~ "\.xml$">
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all
    Satisfy All
<Files sitemap.xml>
        Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    Satisfy All

RewriteEngine on

# Usually it RewriteBase is just '/', but
# replace it with your subdirectory path
RewriteBase /info/

#TIDEngine News Plugin

#TIDEngine RSS Feed
RewriteRule ^rss/(.*)$ ^index.php?id=rss&page=$1 [L]

#TIDEngine Tags
RewriteRule ^tags/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$ ^index.php?id=tags&tide_tags=$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^tags/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$ ^index.php?id=tags&tide_tags=$1&category=$2 [L]
#TIDEngine Archive
RewriteRule ^archive/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$ ^index.php?id=archive&tide_archive=$1&category=$2 [L]

#TIDEngine News
RewriteRule ^news/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/page/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+) ^index.php?id=$1&tide_show_news&page_number=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^news/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$ ^index.php?id=$1&tide_show_news&category=$2&news_current=$3 [L]
RewriteRule ^news/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$ ^index.php?id=$1&tide_show_news&category=$3&news_current=$4&page_number=$2 [L]

#TIDEngine News Plugin

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule /?([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/?$ index.php?id=$1 [QSA,L]

GS is at http://domain.tld/info/

If I call it from index-Home:

If I call it from the page latest-news:

so it looks like a redirection rule thing - this I don't like. Dodgy
Now I switch to *root* but still not working.
Great plugin, but did not not show on i18n Gallery pages, neither on entire site with Flamingo theme enabled.
Got it to work by copying 2 of the Contactable js links to the bottom of the template :
<script src="/plugins/DM_contactable/js/jquery.contactable.js?v=1.2.1"></script>
<script src="/plugins/DM_contactable/js/jquery.validate.pack.js?v=1.5.1"></script>

Hope this helps.
Is there a way to integrate reCaptcha ( or some other captcha in the near future?
Hello andyash, I know it was almost a year since you commented about GS contactable not being compatible with googlemaps plugin, but yesterday I came across the same issue, and wanted to add the fix which resolved the issue for me. There are 2 lines in the googlemaps code which need changing - the problem affects both googlemaps / GS contactable and googlemaps / i18n Gallery, and is explained by didou038 in reply 137 of the googlemaps topic here: Once those 2 lines were edited on the googlemaps.php file and re-uploaded to the server, the compatibility between googlemaps and the GS contactable / i18n Gallery was resolved. Hope this is helpful to others, and a huge thank you to didou038 for posting the fix. Smile
Hello there,

I've installed the plugin and so far it works like charm. Thanks for the work you did when writing this plugin Smile

I still have a question though: is it possible to switch the contact button from the left to the right side? That would be totally awesome Smile And if I may be so bold: if it's possible to change the position of said button, would you please be so kind to explain the necessary steps as simple as possible? I'm happy that I managed it to install the plugin in the first place as I'm not exactly the most skilled person on this planet Blush

Thanks in advance
Quite a few issues with the plugin

1st is:
Quote:Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in /home/mysite/plugins/DM_contactable/mail.php on line 19

Deprecated for php 5.3 ............... should turn into preg_match()

PHP Code:
    if(preg_match("/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$/i"$emailAddr) ) { 

path @ js/jquery.contactable.js causing problems with url rewrite ..
May turned into php file to keep path ????

One or both of those two may cause fugo's symptoms .... posted here in the page ...
hello ! Wink
love your plugin !

i just have a little quation ...
what if i wanted to "toggle" the form from an outside ID click event,
like from a <a> tag...
10x ! great plugin !
(2013-06-30, 16:39:54)giggty Wrote: hello ! Wink
love your plugin !

i just have a little quation ...
what if i wanted to "toggle" the form from an outside ID click event,
like from a <a> tag...
10x ! great plugin !

Nevermind Smile cracked it....

if anybody ever wondered how to do this it's really simple :

look at the default plugin code :

//show / hide function
            $('div#contactable, #contactablea').toggle(function() {
                $('#overlay').css({display: 'block'});
                $('div#contactable').animate({"marginRight": "-=5px"}, "fast");
                $('#contactForm').animate({"marginRight": "-=0px"}, "fast");
                $('div#contactable').animate({"marginRight": "+=387px"}, "slow");
                $('#contactForm').animate({"marginRight": "+=390px"}, "slow");
            function() {
                $('#contactForm').animate({"marginRight": "-=390px"}, "slow");
                $('div#contactable').animate({"marginRight": "-=387px"}, "slow").animate({"marginRight": "+=5px"}, "fast");
                $('#overlay').css({display: 'none'});

**now just change "this" to 'div#contactable' and add another ID as following:

//show / hide function
            $('div#contactable, #contactablea').toggle(function() {
                $('#overlay').css({display: 'block'});
                $('div#contactable').animate({"marginRight": "-=5px"}, "fast");
                $('#contactForm').animate({"marginRight": "-=0px"}, "fast");
                $('div#contactable').animate({"marginRight": "+=387px"}, "slow");
                $('#contactForm').animate({"marginRight": "+=390px"}, "slow");
            function() {
                $('#contactForm').animate({"marginRight": "-=390px"}, "slow");
                $('div#contactable').animate({"marginRight": "-=387px"}, "slow").animate({"marginRight": "+=5px"}, "fast");
                $('#overlay').css({display: 'none'});

then just stick the id to the a href tag :
example :
<a id="contactablea" href="#">link name</a>

hope this helps some1 Smile
(2012-11-13, 23:54:45)fugo Wrote: GS Version 3.1.2 Contactable Version 1.9

Hi thanks for your plugin, it looks good but I don't get it to work

It works till to the point to submit the message - then I can wait for hours Undecided
I tried different email accounts but no luck - could it be a server thing?

Hope you can help me

btw I did a German translation don't know one exist.


[Image: contactable.jpg]
enter the settings Fancy URLs %slug% or turn off Fancy URLs
Is there a way of just putting this as content on a single page instead of a slide in on every page?


I'm building my getsimple page, and I don't have any idea about php.

I already have uploded this plugin "contactable", and I can view on the web, but this not slide to right.

Can somebody write the specific steps that I must following for this plugin work ok??

Hi all

I started the whole thing out when I tried to use GS Contactable plugin on a draft site

There were some other JQuery scripts on its pages, so I could't get the plugin to work as it somehow messed up other JQuery scripts on the page.

OK, I found the original JQuery plugin and tried to implement it instead of the GS Plugin.

The contact form shows up, I can fill in the inputs and even hit the SEND button, but no luck in sending the message. The form returns "error sending the message" or something like that.

These are the options of the contact form:

    var defaults = {
            url: 'mail.php',
            name: 'Name',
            email: 'Email',
            dropdownTitle: '',
            dropdownOptions: ['General', 'Website bug', 'Feature request'],
            message : 'Message',
            subject : 'A contactable message',
            submit : 'SEND',
            recievedMsg : 'Thank you for your message',
            notRecievedMsg : 'Sorry but your message could not be sent, try again later',
            disclaimer: 'Please feel free to get in touch, we value your feedback',
            hideOnSubmit: true

Plugin developer says that url must be absolute.

The contact form is supposed to send data to mailing script mail.php like this:
url:options.url is the same like in defaults here

                    type: 'POST',
                    url: options.url,
                    data: {

So far so good. Then goes mail.php, our mailing script.

    // Assign contact info
    $name = stripcslashes($_POST['name']);
    $emailAddr = stripcslashes($_POST['email']);
    $issue = stripcslashes($_POST['issue']);
    $comment = stripcslashes($_POST['message']);
    $subject = stripcslashes($_POST['subject']);    
    // Set headers
    $headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
    $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";

    // Format message
    $contactMessage =  
    <p><strong>Name:</strong> $name <br />
    <strong>E-mail:</strong> $emailAddr <br />
    <strong>Issue:</strong> $issue </p>

    <p><strong>Message:</strong> $comment </p>

    <p><strong>Sending IP:</strong> $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]<br />
    <strong>Sent via:</strong> $_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]</p>

    // Send and check the message status
    $response = (mail('CHANGE@YOURADDRESS.COM', $subject, $contactMessage, $headers) ) ? "success" : "failure" ;
    $output = json_encode(array("response" => $response));
    header('content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');

This where the pain in the neck starts for me. As I'm next to nothing in PHP and JavaScript I have to rely upon pure logic Smile

So it occured to me, the problem is:

I don't know where and how I must place mail.php file within GS-powered site in order to have this code working. Either I'm wrong in defining the absolute path to mail.php (that is unlikely but who knows) or the path is OK but GS doesn't allow mail.php to start because of permissions or security policy or whatever.

So the question is:
Where (and how?) in GS-powered site can I place that mail.php file so that the contact form could be able to send contact messages.

Hope that explanation of my problem is understandable

Thanks Smile

Or course, I changed CHANGE@YOURADDRESS.COM for the appropriate email
New to this, installed with no problems.

I do however have a suggestion.

Is there's a way to delay a little longer after submitting the form? - When I did a test, the Recieved or Non Recieved Message disappeared too fast before I've finish reading it Sad

It'd probably be nicer if there's an way to "Click" to close or leave it open a little longer maybe 10 second or a choice of timer in the settings maybe?

Just a note, if you are creating a theme and you're following the official tutorial here:

If you create a page called "contact" the body will have an id of contact, this is the same id of the field that this plugin injects into the page, and therefore your page will not work correctly, you can change this behavior by changing these lines as follows (around line 84~ in DM_contactable.php in the plugins folder):

PHP Code:
    echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.onload = function() {
    $("<div id=\'contact\'> </div>").appendTo("body");
             name: "'
            email: "'
            message : "'
            subject : "'
            recievedMsg : "'
            notRecievedMsg : "'
            disclaimer : "'
            hideOnSubmit: "'

To something like this:

PHP Code:
    echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.onload = function() {
    $("<div id=\'contactable_form\'> </div>").appendTo("body");
             name: "'
            email: "'
            message : "'
            subject : "'
            recievedMsg : "'
            notRecievedMsg : "'
            disclaimer : "'
            hideOnSubmit: "'

This will cause the id of the contactable div to be more unique and it likely won't collide with any page names you create.
I've activated Contactable 1.9 on GetSimple 3.3.7 and BlueClock theme and I've noticed no changes on my site:

<?php get_header(); $> is included in the head section of my default template.

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