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GetSimple Next Version
awesome ideas Smile definitely agree with most of what you said and I think GetSimple should have a built in plugin and theme installer in the admin area Smile
(2012-11-02, 01:59:39)shawn_a Wrote: Yeah I think I evaluated that when I found GS. looks like it has evolved a bit.

Yes, so did I. It's weakness (for me) was that the SQLite version often had problems (as the main development revolved around MySQL). In turn, MySQL is usually the weakness of cheap, shared hosting and at least adds a layer of complexity, which as GS demonstrates, isn't necessary.

So, GS wins with its flat-file architecture – run (almost) anywhere and simply zip up and move, if necessary.

As for the future wishlist, my vote is for:
- Draft pages
- Improved image handing, with automatic resizing
- Better (email) forms, either as a plugin or core feature
Yes, thats why I avoided it, I have a site that relies heavily on mysql and on shared hosting mysqls performance varies an unacceptable amount, that I had to write a whole query caching system for it.

Also backing up is a pain.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Depends who your host is Wink
with good hosting, and with cPanel, you can simply do a Full Backup or Database backup at any time; MySQL performance shouldn't suffer unless your host oversells a crazy amount.
(2012-11-07, 07:00:32)shovenose Wrote: ... with good hosting, and with cPanel ...
I'd rather have no dependency on MySQL ... or the whims of the DMCA and the Patriot Act ... Wink

I would like to ask for 2 features which should be pretty easy to implement (as i already made it for every GS as use)

First, the easier and cleaner: change the way file names and folder names are created. Currently GS simply strip any multilingual character like "ó,ł,ę, etc" leaving only ascii characters (as i understand).

This is not good. An example in polish (as i'm polish user). The extended news manager use xml files to store its news (or at least the last version i've downloaded). So let assume we have a news title like this:

"Piękne gołębie latają nad łąką"
(this is valid sentence)

when you enable the permalink you would get something like this

(and this is just gibberish)

so what i curently do is to replace all multingual characters (in my case polish ones) like this: "ł => l", "ą => a", "ó => o" which would give me above permalink like this:

(this, for most polish users is readable as much as the original sentence)

this method could be applied for all languages and be configurable either by ON/OFF switch in gsconfig or by custom conversion table/file for each each language that requires it.

And second would be: preserving multilingual filenames as they were typed.

As i've mentioned some time ago while showing one of my GS powered websites i'm using additional XML file in each directory which holds the full name the user typed when he/she created that directory. This way the user doesnt see some strange names (also affected by point #1 above) but exactly what he/she typed.

We would need additional function for the plugin developers that they could use to get the original name as well as some functions to change that name. This could also be used for files.

I understand it would add some disk I/O for directories with many files but i think when used corectly it wont be so bad. Also for the files it could be enabled only if the plugin developer call it with additional parameter and not for each file by default.

Those two things are the first i need to change everytime i install GS Smile
(sorry guys for the wall)
(2012-11-17, 02:10:27)v3par Wrote: so what i curently do is to replace all multingual characters (in my case polish ones) like this: "ł => l", "ą => a", "ó => o" which would give me above permalink like this:

GetSimple already can do this automatically (for the pages):
just add an entry 'TRANSLITERATION' to your GetSimple language file, e.g.
'TRANSLITERATION' => array("ł" => "l", "ą" => "a", "ó" => "o")
As for news/blog entries - I don't know which plugins support this for their own files/URLs.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
This has been discussed amongst us here

I have been trying to understand all the nuances of utf-8 on file systems. We know we have a problem with utf-8 filenames in uploads for example. Most of them are stripped, this is not acceptable.

I have tried characterset conversion and that wound up with my host detecting malicious attacks when I saved some files. So obviously we want a safe way and one that doesn't break windows and mac OSs.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2012-11-17, 02:40:34)mvlcek Wrote: GetSimple already can do this automatically (for the pages):
just add an entry 'TRANSLITERATION' to your GetSimple language file, e.g.
'TRANSLITERATION' => array("ł" => "l", "ą" => "a", "ó" => "o")
As for news/blog entries - I don't know which plugins support this for their own files/URLs.
Well but afaik (and i can be wrong of course) filenames are not covered by this. Also the upload page will strip such characters when you make new folder.

ah, i forgot about russian and other utf characters, the dirty fix i'm using works fine for polish characters but i really have no idea how to make it work with eg. russian characters (other than storing that full names in additional xml)
If you want to discuss this here more, please create a new thread for it.
And we can see how we can fix this.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Transliteration arrays are being held by translation files.
At least it was the best choice long time ago, after some of us insisted of implementing Zegnat's transliteration solution into GS core. If there's no translit array in translation file, GS still works.
But if you guys are going to implement full UTF support, then GS should contain all utf8 characters arrays, and convert it automatically if a "use utf8 characters in file and slug names" is enabled in backend.
I've seen couple nice solutions in existing CMS apps, but those weren't small enough.

edit: btw. polish translation file contains translit array since v2.4b
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Well we don't know what to do yet, we need input from experts. I could spend the next 2 weeks becoming an expert on utf-8 charsets and then when dealing with filesystems we have to deal with normalization sets and handle the different character sets, what if people want cyrillic support?

ugh, makes my head hurt.

I am still trying to learn the difference between
mb_convert_encoding and iconv
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2012-11-17, 08:28:27)shawn_a Wrote: I am still trying to learn the difference between
mb_convert_encoding and iconv

I was fighting with this exact problem during newsletter wars.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for your success Big Grin

ps. watch closely for webserver platform, and its default settings.
I remember that both functions needed to be present.
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is it hard to implement meta information in templates ?

if I use more template files on one site, I have "Default Template" and then "left_sidebar.php", "right_sidebar.php", "no_header.php". Is it possible to insert some information on top of php file, so files could be named in select list ? I mean that I will see "Left Sidebar" instead of "left_sidebar.php" etc.
Hmm we would h e to make it so themes register themselves, and so that only
Theme files only on theme root
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
adding NGINX to the officially supported server. I see there's a new check (noapache), but considering we already have quite a complete config for nginx (, including advanced feature like static caching with detection of logged_in users via cookies etc, i think we're already really close to consider nginx a safe working config.
Yeah, once someone gets us the rewrites and security rules
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2012-12-07, 23:28:53)shawn_a Wrote: Yeah, once someone gets us the rewrites and security rules

I'm willing to help, if you tell me where's the problem with the advanced config i posted. I have (and can provide) root access to a few server with NGINX and GS to do all the test and improve the config.
I am not that familiar with nginx, but it looks like that thread has a bunch of config stuff.
We would only need what we have now, permission deny equivalent to htaccess.
And root rewrites.

Can you do the same thing , whats the nginx equivalent or per directory htaccess?
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2012-12-08, 03:25:08)shawn_a Wrote: I am not that familiar with nginx, but it looks like that thread has a bunch of config stuff.
We would only need what we have now, permission deny equivalent to htaccess.
And root rewrites.

Can you do the same thing , whats the nginx equivalent or per directory htaccess?

there's no per directory .htaccess, and limited need for old-style rewrites. I just downloaded the newest built from github and i'm verifying if there are new rules that need to be translated. At the moment everything seems fine to me, even if the rewrite rule ( /?([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/?$ index.php?id=$1 [QSA,L]) is different from the old one. But since i contributed with most of the stuff in that post, i'd appreciate if someone else double check and verify everything.
I do not think anything has changed in htaccess in core.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
@shawn_a I just updated the configs in that thread, on the first post there's a simple (but still complete) one, and in one of the last posts there's a complete config, including fastcgi caching. Both versions tested with latest beta and afaik work fine.
Do you know of and dev instlalers for nginx ?
Like lamp or wamp standalones ?
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2013-01-04, 06:15:44)shawn_a Wrote: Do you know of and dev instlalers for nginx ?
Like lamp or wamp standalones ?
Try theese
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@shawn_a if you just need to do a few NGINX tests i can provide you with server/hosting PM me.

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