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Contact Us Form Error
^ You removed <?php get_page_content(); ?> and you shouldn't have.

I'm updating the 1.1 very soon. I mean, very soon. Smile
Clients always want to be able to change the content of their pages, but they are unwilling to do so.

Have you ever coded in your underwear before?
Version 1.1 is now available.
Clients always want to be able to change the content of their pages, but they are unwilling to do so.

Have you ever coded in your underwear before?
Problem with the coding of the messages from the contact form.
The version 2.01
It is received on Email:


Name: п░п╩п╣п╨я│п╟п╫п╢я─
Subject: п╨я─п╬п╡п╩я▐
Body: я┤п╣я─п╣п©п╦я┤п╫п╟я▐ п╨я─п╬п╡п╩я▐ п╦ я└п╟я│п╟п╢я▀
Is that my plugin your using?
What language?
Can you post the original text? (meaning entire email source)
Clients always want to be able to change the content of their pages, but they are unwilling to do so.

Have you ever coded in your underwear before?
Has established Simple Contact Plugin 1.1 and has translated to Russian.
On page is displayed correctly:
Name: Александр
Message: тема тема тема тема тема

It is received on Email:
Name: п░п╩п╣п╨я│п╟п╫п╢я─
Message: я┌п╣п╪п╟ я┌п╣п╪п╟ я┌п╣п╪п╟ я┌п╣п╪п╟ я┌п╣п╪п╟

For testing site I use localhost "Denwer" (package Apache+PHP +... Russian developers)
Replace your sc_mail function with this one and let me know what happens.
function sc_mail () {
    global $successmsg;
    global $sc_captcha;
    global $sc_to;
    $error = 0;
    if( isset($_POST['sc_submitted']) ) {
        $sc_email = $_POST['sc_email'];
        if(!eregi("^[a-z0-9]+([_\\.-][a-z0-9]+)*" ."@"."([a-z0-9]+([\.-][a-z0-9]+)*)+"."\\.[a-z]{2,}"."$",$sc_email )){
            $successmsg = "<div style=\"color:red; text-align:center;\">Invalid email address entered.</div>";
            $error = 1;
        if ( empty($_POST['sc_name']) || empty($_POST['sc_email']) || empty($_POST['sc_subject']) || empty($_POST['sc_message'])) {
            $successmsg = "<div style=\"color:red; text-align:center;\">Please fill out all fields.</div>";
            $error = 1;
        if ($_POST['sc_captcha'] != $sc_captcha) {
            $successmsg = "<div style=\"color:red; text-align:center;\">Captcha answer incorrect.</div>";
            $error = 1;            
        if ($error != 1){
            $from = $_POST['sc_email'];
            $headers="Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\n";
            $headers.= "From: $from \n";
            $message = "Name: ".$_POST['sc_name'];
            $message = $message."\n". "E-mail: ".$_POST['sc_email'];
            $message = $message."\n". "Message: ".$_POST['sc_message'];
            mail($sc_to, $_POST['sc_subject'], $message, $headers);
            $successmsg = "<div style=\"color:red; text-align:center;\">Thank you... The form was successfully sent.</div>";
            //Clear values
            $_POST = array();
    } else {
        $successmsg = "";
Clients always want to be able to change the content of their pages, but they are unwilling to do so.

Have you ever coded in your underwear before?
It has corrected a problem.
Now all is displayed correctly.

It is received on Email:
Имя: Александр
Сообщение: тема тема тема тема тема

Still unreadable to me Wink
Guess that's my fault for not knowing Russian.
Clients always want to be able to change the content of their pages, but they are unwilling to do so.

Have you ever coded in your underwear before?

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