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News Manager
(2013-01-28, 05:47:34)Carlos Wrote: @-FrA-
Are you "GetSimple CMS Italia"? Translators usually put their names.

I've updated the file with my name and my personal address.
Thank you, I didn't know that...
I am gonna check it how it works.
My website made with GetSimple CMS is

Arte & Società

An indipendent website about Italian Contemporary Visual Arts
I'm sorry Carlos and D.O. , I've added some missing letters and rewritten the header of the file.

Here is the newest release.
no worries, i noticed it. lemme test it again.
My website made with GetSimple CMS is

Arte & Società

An indipendent website about Italian Contemporary Visual Arts

Thank you for news manager. I didn't find the information in this topic, so maybe every body know that, maybe no. But to fix the problem with the refresh of the sitemap:

edit function generate_sitemap() in admin/inc/template_functions.php

and add:
global $xml, $page;

I found this information here:

I've found an issue:

There is a conflict with theme functions getPageContent and returnPageContent, available since GS 3.1. They run the content filter to echo/return their result, same filter used by NM to insert its content.

So, if you use any of the functions (e.g. to echo another page's content in the sidebar or something) they echo/return the NM content instead, when the user is in the NM page.

(This really isn't a bug. The way NM does was ok for GS 3.0 - it's more of an incompatibilty issue.)

I will try to fix this in the News Manager updated version (issue report)
It is probably because the slug is always the main page, not the sidebar, so if you call the sidebar as a page, it your plugins sees it as the main slug. It is a bit annoying.

If you need to insert or replace content and not actually do filtering, use the index-pretemplate hook and $content global.

Some plugins use filters wrong and are bad examples of patterns. Filter hooks are for filtering data not outputting data.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Thanks, that's what I was thinking of (index-pretemplate and $content).

I've just found out how GS Blog does (heh, you did it), I'll probably do it like that.
Well I fixed it by wrapping it in output buffering, ideally you would use a variable or returns instead of echoing from every function call or class, but I figured he can rewrite all his code if he wanted, it was a quick solution.

@mvlcek set me straight on this, it took me forever to understand.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Thanks for the link to mvlcek's post, very interesting!
Newbie from Newbury here,

is it possible to/how do I change the order of the news/events on the news/event listing page?


Do you mean sorting posts by ascending date? (instead of blog-style, descending)
It's not possible right now without patching the plugin.

I posted a tip for this some time ago:
News Manager Version 2.2.4 , function nm_list_archives() brings wrong formatted result:

- see here in the sidebar:

M�rz 2013

where to fix?

It's this line here in sidebar.php:
PHP Code:
$title nm_get_date('%B %Y'mktime(000$m1$y)); 

it is the correct month but wrong printout

I helped myself using
PHP Code:
$title nm_get_date('%m. %Y'mktime(000$m1$y)); 

but that is not what I want... using
PHP Code:
$title nm_get_date('%b %Y'mktime(000$m1$y)); 

is ugly in german ...

Cheers, Connie

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Try upgrading to News Manager latest release, and if you still have this issue, please report in the new support thread.
Querido Carlos,

todo bien! Juhu, gracias por tu ayuda!


Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Can anyone post the link to the documentation?
First of all thank you for news manager Wink great plugin but I wonder is there a possibility to display numbers of pages instead of "older posts", "newer posts" ??

Edit:, I made pages numbering. There are many examples of this feature in web and it can be made in diffrent ways but I decide to do it by my own. It's a bit wordy but I wanted to make as least condition checks as posible. Tell me what you thinking about it and keep in mind I'm not php programmer.

PHP Code:
function nm_show_navigation($index$total) {
$url nm_get_url('page');
'<div class="nm_page_nav">';
if($index==0){ ## if we're on first page
echo "[1] "## ...and rest of numbers as links
      <a href="<?php echo $url.($num-1); ?>">
      <?php echo "[".$num."] "?>

## first page as link
    <a href="<?php echo substr($url0, -6); ?>">
    <?php echo "[1] "?>
     <?php ## more!
      <a href="<?php echo $url.($num); ?>">
      <?php echo "[".$num."] "?>

     <?php ## echo current page
echo "[".($index+1)."] ";
     <?php ## if it's NOT last page...
## ...echo rest of pages
        <a href="<?php echo $url.($num); ?>">
        <?php echo "[".$num."] "?>

echo '</div>';

Hello at all,

I have one Question. Is it possible to referencing an Article to read in full as on Facebook? So I mean by the "weiterlesen/read more" instead of clicking at the Title of Article?

I do this like this, but how you can see on the follow image, the "link" is in the full news show too, how can i remove this?

[Image: 6wwecqw9c91m.jpg]

i add this line

PHP Code:
# print post data ?>
    <div class="nm_post">
      <h3 class="nm_post_title">
        <a href="<?php echo $url?>"><?php echo $title?></a>
      <i><p class="nm_post_date"><?php echo i18n_r('news_manager/PUBLISHED') . $date"?></p></i>
      <div class="nm_post_content"><?php echo $content?></div>

      <a href="<?php echo $url?>">weiterlesen</a>

# print tags, if any
if (!empty($post->tags)) {
'<p class="nm_post_meta"><b>' i18n_r('news_manager/TAGS') . ':</b>';
$tags explode(','$post->tags);
        foreach (
$tags as $tag) {
$url nm_get_url('tag') . $tag;
" <a href=\"$url\">$tag</a>";

into the site.php, without the "->" and space.

Sorry for my bad English, i come from German and i use google-translate, because my english is not the best when I need it spontaneously.

Cheers, [/align].eXit.
My website made with GetSimple CMS is

Arte & Società

An indipendent website about Italian Contemporary Visual Arts
(2013-09-05, 10:58:12).eXit. Wrote: Hello at all,

I have one Question. Is it possible to referencing an Article to read in full as on Facebook? So I mean by the "weiterlesen/read more" instead of clicking at the Title of Article?

I do this like this, but how you can see on the follow image, the "link" is in the full news show too, how can i remove this?

why don't you use the updated News Manager? This topic is for the old version which is not supported anymore.

However, Carlos has continued development of this very useful plugin (the topic is here ) and there's the "Read More" button already included (in the latest beta version).
Tomáš Janeček - Multilingual personal website powered by GetSimple
» The little I did for GetSimple
(2013-09-05, 21:30:24)TeeJay Wrote:
(2013-09-05, 10:58:12).eXit. Wrote: Hello at all,

I have one Question. Is it possible to referencing an Article to read in full as on Facebook? So I mean by the "weiterlesen/read more" instead of clicking at the Title of Article?

I do this like this, but how you can see on the follow image, the "link" is in the full news show too, how can i remove this?

why don't you use the updated News Manager? This topic is for the old version which is not supported anymore.

However, Carlos has continued development of this very useful plugin (the topic is here ) and there's the "Read More" button already included (in the latest beta version).

Im sorry, i haven't know that. Im realy new at the GetSimple CMS.

Thank you for your Information, i will try the beta Versin.

Cheers, .eXit.
(2013-09-05, 21:52:42).eXit. Wrote: Im sorry, i haven't know that. Im realy new at the GetSimple CMS.

Thank you for your Information, i will try the beta Versin.

Cheers, .eXit.

You're welcome and you don't have to be sorry at all, this is what the support forum is for Smile
Tomáš Janeček - Multilingual personal website powered by GetSimple
» The little I did for GetSimple
Major bug - News manager (2.2.4) always (Fancy URLs disabled!) trying to save slug/url according to header of news, if it non latin it saves as ".xml" and it is unreachable and you can not delete it from admin page. How to force always save slug as number ?
(2013-10-08, 22:30:56)mescaline Wrote: Major bug - News manager (2.2.4) always (Fancy URLs disabled!) trying to save slug/url according to header of news, if it non latin it saves as ".xml" and it is unreachable and you can not delete it from admin page. How to force always save slug as number ?

That bug (and some others) have been fixed in the News Manager updated version.
Latest stable is 2.4.4
Support thread:
Hi, I'm new to GetSimpleCms and stuff.

But I think I've found a small problem in NM Plugin.

I discovered that if you name News post with non latin letters, there is no name for .xml file in 'data\posts\' and it's messing my posts list a bit. It becomes to impossible edit or delete that post untill you do it manually.

Is that confirmed?

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