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Pages and comments plugin
Hi. I am trying to get this to work with GS Blog, but I am having trouble.

1) The captcha images are not appearing.
2) The moment I try to send a comment, there is a server error.
Hi Jacex,

You can try this:

I have not tried it yet.


I used this plugin on my website with News Manager.
Now I have a problem.
How I get collaborate with this two plugins?
On page, where I have my posts, I add this plugin. But comments I have under all posts, not for post.
Is possible to add this plugin under one post?

Zdravim vsechny!
Hi kasztelan

I have tried it:

and it works right. Comments are shown under each post.

(2013-11-18, 03:05:34)cumbe Wrote: Hi kasztelan

I have tried it:

and it works right. Comments are shown under each post.

Thanks for answer.
This patch works very well! Thanks!

For another: patch is in post number 74.
I write it, because when I click link from cumbe's post I get 404 file.
Zdravim vsechny!
(2013-11-18, 03:05:34)cumbe Wrote: Hi kasztelan

I have tried it:

and it works right. Comments are shown under each post.


Hi cumbe,
I was very pleased when I got to know your plugin and the fact that it works even with dynamic content plugins Smile however, it doesn't work with fancy URLs on and that's a big deal - I'm indexed in search engines and I just can't afford to change my URLs. Whatever - I'll wait and wish you luck to make this okay, this plugin is right before its splendid future.

Looking forward to that day it will work without troubles even with News Manager and nice URLs.
Is there anything I could try to do to make it work? Don't you know where is the problem, where to start correcting things? I'd love to help, I'd love to have such gorgeous commenting system which IS NOT EXTERNAL (perfect SEO boost), although I've been kinda busy past weeks and I still am.

Btw, of course will also do a Czech translation for this plugins once this is solved - just a little thing I can easily do.

Thank you! Smile
Tomáš Janeček - Multilingual personal website powered by GetSimple
» The little I did for GetSimple
Hi TeeJay,

Do you have problems with dynamic content plugin & pages_comments & fancy url? or the problems are with pages_comments & fancy url¿?.

The plugin works with fancy url and pages of getimple. I have tested pages_comments with news manager and fancy url and have not any problems.

I am doing a new version of pages&comments where from admin you can to integrate witn news manager or blog system,...

(2013-11-25, 01:46:02)cumbe Wrote: Hi TeeJay,

Do you have problems with dynamic content plugin & pages_comments & fancy url? or the problems are with pages_comments & fancy url¿?.

The plugin works with fancy url and pages of getimple. I have tested pages_comments with news manager and fancy url and have not any problems.

I am doing a new version of pages&comments where from admin you can to integrate witn news manager or blog system,...


The situation was like this:

I just did a copy of my site, installed Pages & Comments, tweaked them to work with News Manager and the comments weren't shown on the News Manager posts. They I added comments to my news page and they also did not appear.

Right after that, I switched off Fancy URLs of NM and GS and comments did appear. That's why I though it doesn't work with Fancy URLs on.

After reading your comment, I have tried re-allowing fancy URLs and it works nice Smile happy to see that, thanks for your reply.

Gonna make some time restyling it and then I can put it on live Smile just one more question, could I determine where exactly in my template should the comments be put? With that, I could do some changes like hiding them on the News list while keeping them shown in the posts themselves.

I'm glad to hear about your work on a new version. Will it be backwards compatible with our tweaked version? I just don't know if I shouldn't wait for your complete "NM ready" version. Just thanks again for your great work, I've been looking for this for a long time.


I've got one more idea how to make this even better - if comments written by myself could have an extra class or id or whatever, I could style them to look differently than other comments by my visitors. This feature would be awesome. But native implementation for News Manager etc. is even greater Wink I appreciate your work Smile ... And I think that maybe I could implement adding the extra class myself using a JavaScript (getElementById, if name equals the string of my name, add a class...). Whenever I setup the comments for my site, I will give you an echo about the situation if I were successful with this.
My examination time is nearer and nearer, so I have to deal with my school duties first, but I'm sure I'll make some time during Christmas at the latest Smile
Tomáš Janeček - Multilingual personal website powered by GetSimple
» The little I did for GetSimple
Why you are ignored this?

(2012-06-02, 17:18:45)kinata Wrote: In next version please change the row 1109 in pages_comments.php:

$s_emot = $s_emot.' <a href="javascript:Smile(&quot;'.$id.'&quot;,&quot;['.substr($file, 0, strlen($file)-4).']&quotWink"><img src="'.$SITEURL.'plugins/pages_comments/img_emot/'.substr($file, 0, strlen($file)-4).'.gif" /> </a>';

At the end you use: /> </a>'; but should be: /></a> ';
So space should be after </a>.
It's really important because a style for anchors can be underlined on the page and as result with your code I see a small dash.
Hi kinata,

You are right, in next version this will be fixed.

Upload to extend new version: 2.1, where I fixed smalls bugs:

some suggestions:

better solution would be numbered (first) ... (10) (11 - active page) (12) ... Last, not all numbers of page ... look at the link screen:

- refreshing a captcha is not working...captcha disappears when i click reload

- "i like this page" "i don't like this page" is not working... (icon are active and visible but not counting a click's) Support comments ratings: option is YES .. always 0 in comments like..

i'm using a
GetSimple 3.3.1
Firefox 28.0 (actual)
server localhost: wamp server
user plugin: scroll to top
(2014-04-05, 19:39:14)xxdex Wrote: ... refreshing a captcha is not working...captcha disappears when i click reload...

..i'm using a ...
...server localhost: wamp server

fwiw I used this plugin last month and captcha didn't work on wampserver but it was fine on the webserver.
I'm using beta and it works pretty well, see the comments down here for instance:

When I tried things on local, it worked well as well, but it was XAMPP server, not WAMP, which may make a difference.
Tomáš Janeček - Multilingual personal website powered by GetSimple
» The little I did for GetSimple
Hi xxdex
(2014-04-05, 19:39:14)xxdex Wrote: some suggestions:

better solution would be numbered (first) ... (10) (11 - active page) (12) ... Last, not all numbers of page ... look at the link screen:
R: yes, you are right: I will do a new pagination...

Quote:- refreshing a captcha is not working...captcha disappears when i click reload

- "i like this page" "i don't like this page" is not working... (icon are active and visible but not counting a click's) Support comments ratings: option is YES .. always 0 in comments like..

i'm using a
GetSimple 3.3.1
Firefox 28.0 (actual)
server localhost: wamp server
R: I have not tested in wamp server. Checks the permissions of folder, subfolder and files of pages_comments.
The system rating creates a cookie for each comment with the counter and a time of expiration of 24 hours, only allows 1 click each 24 hours.

I will test in wamp server...


At first, I must admit that I particularly like this plugin. But I'm having some troubles with it though...

When I install it on my (nginx) server, it works fine (excepted for the captcha that doesn't show, but I don't use it so I don't mind). When I go to modify its stylesheets, it goes to work too. And then, I dunno why, it goes to bug. I mean, when I write a comment to re-test it, it changes my page with no more design (excepted the background image) and just add #pc at the end of url. At first, I thought it was because of my changes on stylesheets, so I copied back the original stuff, but it doesn't work neither. I deleted the folder under /plugins/ and loaded it back, but it doesn't work neither, so I'm wondering if it's not bugging from the /data/ folder or something else. I even used to set the pages-comments folder to chmod 777 but it didn't work neither.

My /backups and /data folders are both recursively chmod 777.

EDIT : Oh, I forgot to say that I already had this bug a week ago, with GS 3.2.3, so I upgrated it to 3.3.1 and it went to work again...

You can see it at :

Please explain me... Sad
Hi leeyo,
I do not use nginx server and I do not know like works this.

If you enable debug, do you have any error?


(2014-04-14, 23:54:15)leeyo Wrote: Hey,

At first, I must admit that I particularly like this plugin. But I'm having some troubles with it though...

When I install it on my (nginx) server, it works fine (excepted for the captcha that doesn't show, but I don't use it so I don't mind). When I go to modify its stylesheets, it goes to work too. And then, I dunno why, it goes to bug. I mean, when I write a comment to re-test it, it changes my page with no more design (excepted the background image) and just add #pc at the end of url. At first, I thought it was because of my changes on stylesheets, so I copied back the original stuff, but it doesn't work neither. I deleted the folder under /plugins/ and loaded it back, but it doesn't work neither, so I'm wondering if it's not bugging from the /data/ folder or something else. I even used to set the pages-comments folder to chmod 777 but it didn't work neither.

My /backups and /data folders are both recursively chmod 777.

EDIT : Oh, I forgot to say that I already had this bug a week ago, with GS 3.2.3, so I upgrated it to 3.3.1 and it went to work again...

You can see it at :

Please explain me... Sad
Nope, I don't have any error...

As you can see on this page I could comment 24h ago so I really don't understand what's going wrong... Sad It's like form couldn't write the files or something.

EDIT : I just copied my entire site to an Apache2 serv and it didn't work neither, even by replacing /plugins/ content, so I guess Nginx is not responsible of this bug. Maybe should I change the owner of some files/dir by www-data or something? Don't u think?
Ok I got it. In fact, I modified the settings.php file from GS so I could use a simple slash (/) in the back end setting page instead of a full url, and this plugin uses "relatives links as absolutes links" (weird). So it's ok for now, the comments work as it should, I just have to find a way to visit my site from local network AND from Internet at the same time (if I use my dynamic IP on local network, it redirects me to my internet box home page).

Thanks to Cumbe anyway, and keep going with your great work! Smile
I have a similar problem with Internet Explorer (#pc at the end of url). Firefox reports an error (*** THERE WAS AN ERROR SENDING YOUR COMMENT.. ***), but then the comment is still displayed. I have installed a clean GS and install only the pages and comments Plugin, you can see and test it here: http://***

With the older Version (2.1) it works fine.

Sorry for my english.

I have enable Debug, but no Error.
It doesn't work when I try it Christian. Same bug as before, just adding "#pc" at the end of url.
I would advice you to check the url under back end panel, and to check permissions of /data and /backups folders and subfolders.
Yes, it seems to be the same bug.

"I would advice you to check the url under back end panel" Can you tell me in detail what you mean? When I go to Admin Panel -> Settings -> Website URL and write a "/" instead of the full URL, it does not work. I think you mean something else, but my english... sorry for that.
I will have to test again....

Can you test with captcha enabled?

I enabled captcha Mode. Now, Internet Explorer write an error "*** THERE WAS AN ERROR SENDING YOUR COMMENT.*** $_SESSION $_POST"

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