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News Manager (updated)
(2014-01-28, 01:30:00)Carlos Wrote: Do you have other plugins installed?
Does GS admin > support > health check show any non-green notices or warnings? (without News Manager installed, I mean)

I only have bootstrap3 settings (part of the bootstrap theme), I installed gs-socialize after NM.

The health check is all green.

When I enable the NM, there is nothing returned when viewing page source.
(2014-01-28, 01:30:00)Carlos Wrote: Do you have other plugins installed?
Does GS admin > support > health check show any non-green notices or warnings? (without News Manager installed, I mean)

Ok, I tried some things
- Disabled all other plugins and went back to Innovation theme -> same issue
- If I log out of the admin panel, the public pages render, when logged in, neither the site nor the admin panel work.
If you uncommented the debug mode in GSConfig
# Turn on debug mode
#define('GSDEBUG', TRUE);
and still no errors are shown, try adding
php_flag display_errors on
into your .htaccess file. However, some hosting providers doesn't support these flags in .htaccess - the only way to display errors may be allowing it via a control panel provided by your hosting.

Try what I suggested above, it has always worked for me, yesterday was the last time I needed it - also a blank page after missing one brace "}" in my code.
Tomáš Janeček - Multilingual personal website powered by GetSimple
» The little I did for GetSimple
Besides suggesting you try what TeeJay says in the previous post, a couple questions:
- Is "an error occured" exactly what you got when activating NM, or was it a different message?
- Did you upload both news_manager.php and the news_manager folder and contents to your plugins folder?
(2014-01-28, 04:31:39)Carlos Wrote: @gvs77
Besides suggesting you try what TeeJay says in the previous post, a couple questions:
- Is "an error occured" exactly what you got when activating NM, or was it a different message?
- Did you upload both news_manager.php and the news_manager folder and contents to your plugins folder?

Hi Carlos

- An error occured was the message I got from memory, but I can't replicate it anymore. It now says plugin updated when re-enabling NM, but everything still goes blank
- I tried with display_errors on in php.ini together with DEBUG and still no output (I do get error output on a drupal site on the same server).
Are you sure you're enabling debug mode properly?
It has to be like:
define('GSDEBUG', true);
without a # at the beginning of that line.
Carlos I have a quick question to see if this can be done. If so, how would I do that.

I need to strip out some characters in the beginning of the content in the generated excerpt. Total loss at how to do that.

Any suggestions.

Im using the 2.4.4 news manager
I am using
PHP Code:
<h4>Choose a Tag</h4>
php nm_list_tags(); ?>
in the sidebar, and getting the tags returned alphabetically as anchors but not a 'tag cloud'. Shouldn't I get a 'tag cloud'? How do I get one?

Sorry if it's been answered. This thread is too long to read through!
What characters? Whitespace?

You should get a tag cloud, though a simple one. Most used tags should have class="large" that you can style with a.large ...
(I just realized this is not explained in the docs, there's only an example of styles for the Innovation theme)
@Carlos. Yes whitespace too.

You can see here.

In the excerpt, it has Thoughts from our Domestic Equity Team. i need that out of the excerpt but not from the content
Too? Did you mean other characters besides blank/spaces?
(I recently fixed some related issues in the development version...)
Sorry. No. I just need to trim off a certain amount of characters in the generated excerpt.

PHP Code:
function nm_create_excerpt($content) {
$len intval($NMEXCERPTLENGTH);
  if (
$len == 0) {
  } else {
$content preg_replace('/\(%.*?%\)/'''$content); // remove (% ... %)
$content preg_replace('/\{%.*?%\}/'''$content); // remove {% ... %}
$content strip_tags($content);
    if (
strlen($content) > $len) {
      if (
$content trim(mb_substr($content0$len'UTF-8'));
$content trim(substr($content0$len));
$content .= i18n_r('news_manager/ELLIPSIS');

and sorry this probably can't be done since you are already trimming off the end of the content....
(2014-01-29, 06:55:03)Carlos Wrote: You should get a tag cloud, though a simple one. Most used tags should have class="large" that you can style with a.large ...
(I just realized this is not explained in the docs, there's only an example of styles for the Innovation theme)

I see, yes it is working but I lacked the css. Okay now thanks.

Sorry I don't get it.

In the beta version, words (any strings between spaces) are no longer truncated. Don't know if this has something to do with what you need...

[edit] I hadn't seen you edited one of your posts and added a link. I'll take a look at it...

I see html tags in your excerpts. What NM version? Is it patched, or what are you using to insert those headings in posts' content/excerpts?
(2014-01-29, 05:16:03)Carlos Wrote: Are you sure you're enabling debug mode properly?
It has to be like:
define('GSDEBUG', true);
without a # at the beginning of that line.

Yes, before I activate NM, it shows the debug console.

Can you try with a fresh GS install (no plugins, default language theme) on the same server? (in another folder or whatever)

If it still happens the same, can you try installing a similar plugin like GS Blog?

I'm wondering if it's possible to list the latest 3 news items on a single page? Not on page you define in the settings. I have a news page where I post all the news, but I also want to post the latest 3 items on the homepage.

It should contain the Title and an small excerpt. Currently, I only found a way to get a list of the latest items, only showing the title.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
You can use the complementary News Manager Addons plugin.
(2014-01-30, 07:13:33)ZackWhite Wrote: It should contain the Title and an small excrement. ...

I don't think you meant to say that. That's what my cat does.
(2014-01-30, 07:18:25)Timbow Wrote:
(2014-01-30, 07:13:33)ZackWhite Wrote: It should contain the Title and an small excrement. ...

I don't think you meant to say that. That's what my cat does.

Oops, not sure how this one slipped through my fingers. Blush

"excerpt" of course.
(2014-01-30, 07:16:59)Carlos Wrote: You can use the complementary News Manager Addons plugin.

Got that working, 1 final question though: Is it possible to add an image to the title and excerpt? Should result in 4 news items next to each other, all 4 showing: Title - Image - excerpt.

Currently I have this for images:
<div class="news_image">{{ post_image }}</div>
But where do I define which image has to be used for a specific news item?

Ugh, forget this question, apparently you need to enable images in the settings menu. My bad.
(2014-01-30, 07:54:57)ZackWhite Wrote: Got that working, 1 final question though: Is it possible to add an image to the title and excerpt? Should result in 4 news items next to each other, all 4 showing: Title - Image - excerpt.

Currently I have this for images:
<div class="news_image">{{ post_image }}</div>
But where do I define which image has to be used for a specific news item?

Post images/thumnails are not supported by the current stable version (2.4.4). You have to use the beta version for that.

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