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Another "thank you for this great CMS" post
... great not only for creating small sites, but also for making sections within a bigger site or intranet easily editable by some user(s).
I can see this system really come into its own in about 6 months.
Clients always want to be able to change the content of their pages, but they are unwilling to do so.

Have you ever coded in your underwear before?
I totally agree. I am a hobby designer, I make website for friends, family etc but I am certainly not a developer and as such I really hate digging around in a load of code to make little changes here and there. I've picked up quite abit that way (older versions of cubecart, wordpress and drupal of all things) but I really wanted a truly simple cms for small sites and this is it!

Can you tell I'm ptretty chuffed with Get Simple, thanks so much to the developers. I can't wait to get cracking on my new site now!
I just found GS today, and I have to say... it's AMAZING! I LOVE it! I was just about to give up on an "easy" way to post pages... I kept looking at all kinds of CMS's and was even thinking of going to RapidWeaver (on Mac) to make my simple pages "templatable". The thing I really didn't like about RW is that if I want to edit a page, I have to be at MY mac.

Yesterday, I had just decided that maybe there's just no good CMS out there to just manage pages... I'm SOOOOO glad I found GS!
Thank you everyone... it's so great to see what i originally created turn into this great platform. The true greatness of GS comes from the community willing to help debug our code and releases.
- Chris
Thanks for using GetSimple! - Download

Please do not email me directly for help regarding GetSimple. Please post all your questions/problems in the forum!
Hi there - just want to drop in a thankyou.

I just found GS today through a mail from Hot Scripts, and I have to say... I like it very much!
Installation was a breeze; just copied the folder into my MAMP and filled in the requested info in the browser-config-page. Even quicker than the famous five minute install from WordPress. I am a designer by hart, no programmer. Like some others here I picked up a lot coding by poking around in WordPress and TYPOlight but I want to have a quick way to prototype as a designer. Am curious if GetSimple fits the bill. TYPOlight is very nice, but after a pause is really hard to pick up where I left off. I like the concept of Stacey - just have a file-folder structure instead of a database - and GS seems to do this in a XML-sort-of-way.

I will upload future projects when finished. First have to delve in the semantics and underlying structure to grasp the basics so I can speed up workflow on my next commercial project.

cheers Peter
Hi, my name is Joel and I love GS.

-Hi Joel.

So I've been creating a pretty small-scale site for a local business. I've looked in to both Joomla and Wordpress as possible CMS's. I get fed up with them both as they didn't do what I thought they should be doing. Then I stumbled upon GS via some googling, and now I'm in love. Thank you!
"Dynamite's a very tricky sort of operation"
sysse Wrote:Hi, my name is Joel and I love GS.

-Hi Joel.

So I've been creating a pretty small-scale site for a local business. I've looked in to both Joomla and Wordpress as possible CMS's. I get fed up with them both as they didn't do what I thought they should be doing. Then I stumbled upon GS via some googling, and now I'm in love. Thank you!

I've been doing some small-scale web design jobs mostly with rapidWeaver. However, it means the clients / friends also need to have rapidweaver on their computers. After some experiments with WordPress and Joomla I found this site and am totally happy. Well, thanks, also on behalf of some clients / friends I'de designed the Web sites for.

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