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CityBiz Theme

CityBiz is an up-to-3 columns theme based on a free premium valid CSS3 & HTML5 web template from ZyPOP, released under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

It can be used out of the box or installing the supplied plugin, wich allows a few settings like:

  • Columns layout (1, 2 or 3 columns)
  • Navigation menu positioning (top, sidebar and footer)
  • Change banner's title and message
  • Add social media icons

Other features are:

  • Support for dropdown menu using i18N navigation plugin.
  • Sidebar menu can be used as child menu changing the necessary parameter for i18N.

Create pageslug_left_sidebar or pageslug_right_sidebar components to have page-specific sidebars. If you rather have only one left or right sidebar, create left_sidebar or right_sidebar. Otherwise, default sidebar component will be used.

English isn't my native language. Sorry for any mistakes you may find.
(2014-11-26, 10:08:05)Luigi Wrote: Create pageslug_left_sidebar or pageslug_right_sidebar components to have page-specific sidebars. If you rather have only one left or right sidebar, create left_sidebar or right_sidebar. Otherwise, default sidebar component will be used.

I'm having trouble with italics and undercores using markdown in extend for theme description. How can I put the same message as above?
English isn't my native language. Sorry for any mistakes you may find.
(2014-11-26, 10:56:16)Luigi Wrote: I'm having trouble with italics and undercores using markdown in extend for theme description. How can I put the same message as above?

The markdown doesn't seem to work. You can use html tags.
English isn't my native language. Sorry for any mistakes you may find.
Hello, i have problems with the citybiz theme settings plugin.
there is no submit button.
tried to fix myself but without success.
Please can you help.

Hi schakaa, what browser are you using? Can you post an image?

I checked it and see no problem. The "Save Settings" (submit) botton is there.

English isn't my native language. Sorry for any mistakes you may find.

Hi Luigi,
i use Safari 7.1.3, see screenshot by clicking the symbol.
I also tried with firefox, was the same.

Thank you, regards Peter
Hi schakaa,

I downloaded the theme, made a fresh installation and everything working fine using Chrome, Firefox, Safari and IE. Since you changed the code trying to fix it, I'd recommend delete and re-install the plugin. Also delete citybiz_settings.xml file located in data/other prior re-installation.

Once installed you can set your settings again.

By the way, does your banner use any special characters? Maybe could be a conflict there.

Regards Luigi
English isn't my native language. Sorry for any mistakes you may find.
Dear Luigi, thank you for your efforts.
I made a reinstallation with same effect. There is no file citybiz_settings.xml in data/other, my banner does not use special characters see yourself here
I was a php programmer 10 years ago before i decider to change profession an became a blacksmith so nowadays i am not in practice with code any more, but the end of the file citybiz_settings.php looks strange to me with the open php tag (see attachment)
Is it possible something was cut off by uploading?

.php   citybiz_settings.php (Size: 8.53 KB / Downloads: 3)

Appreciate your help very much
Regards Peter
Hi schakaa,

The citybiz_settings.php is correct, no cut off. I checked again and no problem found (see screenshot).


Let's do this: I changed the password for the fresh installation made earlier, so you can log-in and try there. Use this link, username and password sent before.

Let me know the results.

Regards Luigi
English isn't my native language. Sorry for any mistakes you may find.
Hi Luigi,
at your installation i see the save settings button.
could it be a php version problem?

See my installation under

user: Pass: (deleted info after solving problem

Regards Peter
Problem solved, was a conflict with another plugin.
Have to install plugins one by one to find out which plugin it is.
Regards schakaa

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