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News Manager (updated)
Woah! Thanks a lot! I definitely will try this next week, when I'm back home.
(2015-02-04, 04:36:50)Carlos Wrote:
(2015-02-03, 19:56:02)domscatterbrain Wrote: When do the news manager start paginating the news list? I've posted about 30 news items so far.

News Manager -> Settings -> Number of posts on News Page:
(enter the maximum number of posts per page there)

Sorry I forgot something. Yes, I've seen the settings of "Number of posts on News Page". But not that what I meant to know. The question I've asked about news list paginating was meant to the list in news manager on admin page. Any suggestion?
(2015-02-15, 01:29:20)domscatterbrain Wrote: Sorry I forgot something. Yes, I've seen the settings of "Number of posts on News Page". But not that what I meant to know. The question I've asked about news list paginating was meant to the list in news manager on admin page. Any suggestion?

Currently there's no pagination in the backend.
However it's in the roadmap ( )
News Manager 3.1 beta 26 available for testing.

New in this BETA version:
- Auto-generated post meta description (optional, custom setting) (@Oleg06)
- Custom authors (via array in gsconfig)
- Some more custom settings for custom classes in post's elements (like markupPost and markupTitle)

More info in the link above. Feedback much appreciated.
(2015-02-15, 02:49:16)Carlos Wrote: Currently there's no pagination in the backend.
However it's in the roadmap ( )

Thank you

could you tell me how the archiving function in News Manager works?

I switched to monthly archiving, but nothing happened.

And what happens, when one day it really archives entries? Is it resettable, when I switch back from monthly to yearly?

Thank you!
In your template or some component (e.g. Sidebar), insert this:
<?php nm_list_archives(); ?>
where you want to display the list of links to archive pages. It will be monthly or yearly depending on what you define in settings.
OK, I understand... it is a different view on all entries, sorted by year or month. Thanks!

thank you for this great plug-in!

I am having troubles with the excerpt length. Whereever I change it it doesn't take any effect. The length is always about 200 characters. I am using NM 3.0 and News Manager AddonsVersion 0.9.3.

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you for your help :-)
Do you have this issue in the news page? Or is it in some template code with NM Addons' functions? Or both?

You set the excerpt length in the NM settings page. You can also set if you enable Custom Settings and enter:
excerptlength 123
that overrides the above mentioned setting.

For NM Addons you can specify a custom length with:
<?php nm_set_custom_excerpt(123); ?>
before the display function.
Thank you very much for your quick response, Carlos.

I have tried both of your suggestions, but nothing changed.

Maybe my code is not correct:
PHP Code:
<?php nm_set_custom_excerpt(123); ?>
        <?php nm_custom_display_recent('
        <a href="{{ post_link }}" title="{{ post_title }}"><p class="date">{{ post_date }}</p>
        <h3>{{ post_title }}</h3>
        <p class="newsteaser">{{ post_excerpt }}... <span>Mehr &rsaquo;</span></p></a>'
); ?>

Everything works fine so far except for the excerpt.

Thank you again :-)
It's a bug in NM Addons - since 0.9.2
I've just released a fix - version
Thank you so much, Carlos!

Works like a charme now Smile
One more question Shy

As far as I know I have to assign a page where the complete news text will be displayed and the content will be overwritten.

Is it possible to assign a template (not a page) and using custom tags? For example if I don't want to display the date or place it anywhere on the template.

Something like this:
PHP Code:
<h1>{{ post_title }}</h1>
p>{{ post_content }}</p

Thank you in advance and have a good day Smile
See here -> Custom settings -> Post layout

For example, to show just title and content and use h1 for the post title, enable Custom Settings and enter:
showFields title,content
markupTitle h1
Works perfect! Many thanks to you! Smile
Just a note: if you want to use <h1> only in the single post view, but <h2> in other news pages (as several <h1>'s would be incorrect), then it could be:
markupTitle h2
single markupTitle h1
Thanks for the information, Carlos Smile Good to know.
News Manager version 3.1 released - Download (Extend)

Changes (3.0 users, see Upgrade notes for more info)

- Private posts are now visible to logged-in users (@Hypertexter)
- Image/file browser improvements: default sorted by date; sortable columns (filename, date, size)
- The <title> tag in tag pages now contains the tag name
- Tag pages are now included in Sitemap

New settings/options (More information here)

New Custom Settings for:
- Auto-generated post meta description: autometad (@Oleg06)
- Using post Tags as meta keywords: metaKeywordsTags (@newdeepdan)
- Using custom GS thumbnails: imageThumbnail (@Hypertexter)
- Custom CSS class selectors (post layout, etc.) (thanks @Oleg06)
- Custom HTML markup (post layout elements)
- Customizable page navigation (custom markup and classes, useful for Bootstrap etc.)

New gsconfig settings for:
- Image sorting (filebrowser): NMIMAGESORT
- Custom authors (public names): $NMAUTHOR array
- Excluding tag pages from Sitemap: NMSITEMAPEXCLUDETAGS

New template tag/function to display/return current tag: nm_single_tag_title()


- image filebrowser was broken if custom admin folder. GSADMIN gsconfig setting is now supported
- Custom Settings label/textarea was not rendered properly with GSSTYLE wide (@Gooos)
- post options adjusted - prepared for responsive admin styles (GS 3.4), also better for navigation with keyboard (tab)
- sets "URL" as default link type in CKEditor
- better support for I18N-based multilanguage sites (prevent broken links in backend with some permalink structures)
- bug with read more link and Full Text setting when using more 1 custom setting (@Gooos)
- several filebrowser issues (@johnnyb, @bensayers)
- added security on pic script + better parameter validation
- function nm_is_single did not always work properly
- Language file was loaded twice in frontend
- Entities were decoded in Custom Settings when saving settings
- Quotes were escaped in Custom Settings if magic_quotes_gpc enabled (@Oleg06)
- Direct links to full-size post images (instead of passing them to the resizing script)
- Several other slight fixes


- added Finnish language (@naavis)
- backend warning if GSCANONICAL enabled (may help detecting issues)

Full information: What's new in NM 3.1

PS Special thanks to the great beta tester Oleg Svetlov.
Works perfectly - tested on two websites already (including mine) :)
Tomáš Janeček - Multilingual personal website powered by GetSimple
» The little I did for GetSimple
(2015-03-04, 11:54:13)TeeJay Wrote: Works perfectly - tested on two websites already (including mine) Smile

Great to know! thanks for reporting.
Hello Carlos,

thank you for all the new stuff!

There is one Shy additional wish I have since some time: Is there a way in NM 3.1 to add some semantic markup to the posts automatically?

Something like

<time itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2015-01-07T07:07:21+02:00">January 7, 2015</time>

(in HTML5) would be very helpful for the Google snippet of a post, or some markup - and it could be made automatically since every post has a date...

And thanks for all your work.
(2015-03-13, 03:23:24)Hypertexter Wrote: There is one Shy additional wish I have since some time: Is there a way in NM 3.1 to add some semantic markup to the posts automatically?

Something like

<time itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2015-01-07T07:07:21+02:00">January 7, 2015</time>

(in HTML5) would be very helpful for the Google snippet of a post, or some markup - and it could be made automatically since every post has a date...

And thanks for all your work.

Enter this in Custom Settings:
DATE_FORMAT <time itemprop="datePublished" datetime="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z">%B %e, %Y</time>
This looks very nice, thank you.

Is it possible to add a complete markup structure as recommended by Like this:

<div itemscope itemtype="">
<span itemprop="datepublished" datetime="2015-03-13T09:55:00+0100">13. März 2015</time></span>  
<span itemprop="name">Name of the Article</span>
by <span itemprop="author">Johnny Authorname</span>
  <span itemprop="articleBody">Text of the Article... blabla.</span>
I'm afraid it's not currently possible. It will be when some kind of custom post templating is implemented (in a future version).

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