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News Manager (updated)

I have news manager installed from 1 year. it works fine.

Now I installed the I18N and with this plugin I can't got the blog in the sitemap. If I disabled this plugin it generates normally all pages.

in my htaccess i have this:

# News Manager:
RewriteRule ^articoli/([^/.]+)/?$ index.php?id=articoli&post=$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^articoli/tag/([^/.]+)/archive/([^/.]+)/?$ index.php?id=articoli&tag=$1&archivio=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^articoli/tag/([^/.]+)/page/([^/.]+)/?$ index.php?id=articoli&tag=$1&page=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^articoli/tag/([^/.]+)/?$ index.php?id=articoli&tag=$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^articoli/post/([^/.]+)/?$ index.php?id=articoli&post=$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^articoli/page/([^/.]+)/?$ index.php?id=articoli&page=$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^articoli/archivio/([^/.]+)/?$ index.php?id=articoli&archivio=$1 [L]
# end News Manager

How I can solve it please?
The I18N plugin uses its own method to generate the Sitemap, and it doesn't let other plugins (like NM) add or remove items to it.

Try this workaround:
(2017-01-12, 04:29:41)Carlos Wrote: The I18N plugin uses its own method to generate the Sitemap, and it doesn't let other plugins (like NM) add or remove items to it.

Try this workaround:

Thank you very much.
It seems ok now.
News Manager 3.4.1 available for download in Extend

There are no important fixes in this version, so it's not necessary to upgrade from 3.4 (unless you need any of the changes):

- Now compatible with custom permalink structures having I18N's %parents% placeholder for multilevel URLs (*)
- Duplicate tags (if any) are removed when saving a post
- Slovak language completed (@bokor.pavol)

(*) It should work if the news page is top- or second-level, but not deeper.
Hi all. I try to disable /post/ tag for single post. I added
in config and 
RewriteRule ^news/([^/.]+)/?$ index.php?id=news&post=$1 [L]

in my htaccess file. 
But when i open i get Oops! Page not found!. Pls help.
All posts still open with /post/ tag (  Huh
Are you sure you edited the .htaccess file? (prefixed with a dot, no extension)
Did you place that rule just after the other News Manager rules?
Is 'news' the slug of the page you selected in News Manager settings?
(2017-01-15, 19:03:34)Carlos Wrote: Are you sure you edited the .htaccess file? (prefixed with a dot, no extension)
Did you place that rule just after the other News Manager rules?
Is 'news' the slug of the page you selected in News Manager settings?

- Yes
- Yes
- No. I just write in setting site url:
(2017-01-15, 19:03:34)Carlos Wrote: Are you sure you edited the .htaccess file? (prefixed with a dot, no extension)
Did you place that rule just after the other News Manager rules?
Is 'news' the slug of the page you selected in News Manager settings?

All works for me with  
RewriteRule ^([^/.]+)/?$ index.php?post=$1 [L]
It's okay?
I assume the page you selected in NM Settings is 'index'...
I see, it seems it works. However that way you cannot have (view) normal pages in your site, only news posts.
How i can edit a standart get_page_content(); template?
I don't understand.
(2017-01-17, 01:31:34)Carlos Wrote: I don't understand.

I need to edit internal code of get_page_content()
I have to ask for a second time because i'm not firm in your codelines and there are not so many options to customize the output.
i've build following function:
PHP Code:
function nm_count_news() {
$posts nm_get_posts_default();   
$items count($posts); // 6 entries

what i'd like to do now is a simple for - loop

PHP Code:
for($count 1$count $items$count++)
 echo 'the single post like nm_show_post($count)';

is there already a built function i haven't found in your plugin or is the only way to get each single post the $slug variable?
I'm not sure I understand what you want to do.

This would display all (non-private) posts, using internal functions:
foreach (nm_get_posts_default() as $post) {

Or if you want to customize the posts' layout (and currently available NM Custom Settings are not enough for you), check the NM Addons plugin.
Hi Carlos,

thank you again for your great plugin.

Will it be possible in a future version to sort the news in the backend via drag & drop, so that the order of the news will be reflected in the frontend ?

That would be great :-)

Sorry for that stupid question, the news will be sorted already. Was too late yesterday...

I am sure that this is a redundant question, but I cant seem to find the answer to it:

Is it possible to have the blog display on the home page without it replacing the content and just have it display below?

GS Community Edition with php8.x compatibility, new features and much more!  Support Me

(2017-02-15, 23:13:11)islander Wrote: Is it possible to have the blog display on the home page without it replacing the content and just have it display below?

In your template, just before (or after) <?php get_page_content(); ?>, insert this:
<?php if (nm_is_home()) getPageContent(return_page_slug()); ?>
That was quick, thank you Carlos.

GS Community Edition with php8.x compatibility, new features and much more!  Support Me

(2017-02-16, 00:13:43)Carlos Wrote: In your template, just before (or after) <?php get_page_content(); ?>, insert this:
<?php if (nm_is_home()) getPageContent(return_page_slug()); ?>

Even though I am placing the code after <?php get_page_content(); ?>, it still appears above it?
Can it be made to come after the pages content?

GS Community Edition with php8.x compatibility, new features and much more!  Support Me

Works for me...
One more question. In grid which I use the classes look like "6u 12u$(small)" - and I cannot put it into the NM classes in custom setting, it shows "6u 12usmall" without other symbols. How can I fix it? - webmaster, graphic designer, translator.
For any job offers contact me via
I'm using too, quickest solution was to use different template files with own html structure defined in them
(2017-02-18, 02:39:52)Artur Wrote: One more question. In grid which I use the classes look like "6u 12u$(small)" - and I cannot put it into the NM classes in custom setting, it shows "6u 12usmall" without other symbols. How can I fix it?

Download this zip and replace news_manager/inc/site.php with the patched version inside the file.
Characters !, %, $, ( and ) will be allowed now.
(Valid for NM 3.4 and 3.4.1)
Hello @Carlos,

I am trying to understand how templates work for the blog.
I understand that you can add classes etc., and create templates for Main and Single posts, but this over-rides the complete page template.

Is it possible to just use a Post chunk that includes place holders for the posts data?
For example:

<section class="pb0 bg-secondary">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="feed-item mb96 mb-xs-48">
            <div class="row mb16 mb-xs-0">
                <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1 text-center">
                    <h6 class="uppercase mb16 mb-xs-8"><i class="icon fa fa-calendar"></i> {{DATE}} <i class="icon fa fa-thumb-tack" style="padding-left:30px;"></i> {{TAGS}} </h6>
            <div class="row mb32 mb-xs-16">
                <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1">

So that each post would be in this format.

Is this beyond the scope of this plugin or is there an alternative method for doing something like this?

GS Community Edition with php8.x compatibility, new features and much more!  Support Me

NM 3.5 will have support for custom post rendering.
I'll post a beta in this other thread when it's more or less ready.

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