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News Manager (updated)
I have a really dumbass question to ask (so please feel free to smack me round the head with your answer) - but I was going through the documentation and couldn't find out how to include a link within a "single post" to jump to next post (later or more recent) thus bypassing returning to the main blog page (list of posts).

I'm certain I'm missing something but the only older/newer link I could find is under page navigation: navOldNew
and what I'm after is the same kind of thing but for (within) post navigation to bypass the in/out menu issue.

That said when I go to a major blog like Zerohedge, they don't have that option - so maybe it's not so easy.

Any help much appreciated.

(2017-09-19, 15:56:02)carpman Wrote: I have a really dumbass question to ask (so please feel free to smack me round the head with your answer) - but I was going through the documentation and couldn't find out how to include a link within a "single post" to jump to next post (later or more recent) thus bypassing returning to the main blog page (list of posts).

See here:
(2017-09-19, 23:07:41)Carlos Wrote: See here:
Excellent - that did the trick nicely.

.nm_next_post {
 float: left;
 text-transform: uppercase;
 color: #333;

Thanks again. That's me sorted out for a while. Keep up the great work !!!

The thread is long and maybe I missed the post. I'm sorry if this is the case.

Is there any simple way how to wrap text around a post image on the page containing news excerpts, i.e. to align a post image to the left of text?

(2017-09-25, 05:44:24)Carlos Wrote:

Many thanks for your quick help!
NM 3.5 beta available for testing
Carlos, I could not find this text to be able to translate it.
metatags work well
It's already translated in ru_RU.php
"NEW_POST"            =>  "Создать новую запись",
It could be that you have some $nm_i18n["NEW_POST"] definition in your gsconfig...


I suppose you mean the canonical meta tags. Thanks for reporting
indeed, it is, I added the parameters to gsconfig.php Smile
News Manager 3.5 available for download in Extend
Proper canonical meta tags for better SEO with new get_header replacement template tag, fixed integration with Multi-User plugin, etc.
See release notes
The ellipsis ("...") in numbered page navigation (available since NM 3.4) is not displayed (nor aligned) properly in Bootstrap - when set up as a "pagination" component in NM custom settings.

This will be fixed in next version. If anyone needs a patch, let me know.
News Manager 3.6 available for download in Extend

- meta description for posts
- date/time picker in edit post

- fixed issue (proper display of ellipsis in Bootstrap's "pagination" for numbered navigation)

See release notes for more info.
(2017-12-23, 22:06:59)Carlos Wrote: News Manager 3.6 available for download in Extend

- meta description for posts
- date/time picker in edit post

- fixed issue (proper display of ellipsis in Bootstrap's "pagination" for numbered navigation)

See release notes for more info.

Just started using News Manager and wanted to say thanks Carlos for this excellent plugin!
Hello, i don't know if it the solution already exists, but i have an idea. It would be useful to have a possibility to make a priority to news. Let's say default settings would be priority 1. My first article would be published on 5th of January and the second article on the 8th of January. But the first article from the 5th will be suddenly more important and i want to display it as first without changing the release date. So i will set up the priority on 2. It means every published article even with a more recent date will be displeyed under the article with priority 2. Is it possible to do it please?
(2018-01-03, 06:19:35)Sevin Wrote: Hello, i don't know if it the solution already exists, but i have an idea. It would be useful to have a possibility to make a priority to news. Let's say default settings would be priority 1. My first article would be published on 5th of January and the second article on the 8th of January. But the first article from the 5th will be suddenly more important and i want to display it as first without changing the release date. So i will set up the priority on 2. It means every published article even with a more recent date will be displeyed under the article with priority 2. Is it possible to do it please?

Currently (since NM 3.4) I can think of a way to do something like that for the main news page (by using a "special" tag, a gsconfig setting and a bit of code in the template), but... those "high priority" posts wouldn't be displayed in month/year archives, neither listed by nm_list_recent() (unless you patch the plugin)

[edit] There's also the easy way: rendering those high priority posts (tagged with the "special" tag) in the news home page just before the normal posts. But if they are recent they would be displayed twice Undecided
I am sorry in advance if I am asking something stupid, but am still pretty newbie with GetSimple because I have been using it only for 5 months.

The question is: I would like to know if its possible to add on the side of any page where someone is reading an article, all the tags related to that post. 

Like some websites says:Posts you may like 
See this post (by morvy): (list of related posts)
@Carlos, hello, I have great respect for your work. I have a big question that worries me very much.
About google adsense.
I know about existing plug-ins, adding ads using Special Pages -> DynPages.
But I would like to ask you for a simpler and more interesting option.
Is it possible to add the adsense code to your plugin automatically?
For example:
I have code, I insert it into one of the additional menus of your plugin, and then the plugin AUTOMATICALLY adds this code to all news feeds, for example after 300 ~ 400 characters.
I know, it sounds fantastic, but still, maybe it's possible? Thank you.
@Carlos, Thank you for your attention. I also have a question about advertising in feeds. How is it possible to insert a block of adsense into this code so that it also happens to fall out randomly along with other blocks? Huh Thank you.

<?php nm_custom_display_random('
  <div class="mini-posts">
    <article class="mini-post">
        <h3 align="justify"><a href="{{ post_link }}">{{ post_title }}</a></h3>
          <time class="published" align="justify">{{ post_excerpt }}</time>
          <a href="{{ post_link }}" class="image">{{ post_image }}</a>
'); ?>

The google adsense code is standard, for example: Idea
Quote:<script async src="//"></script>
<ins class="adsbygoogle"
     (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
(2018-01-21, 22:56:33)rokkybalbboa Wrote: @Carlos, hello, I have great respect for your work. I have a big question that worries me very much.
About google adsense.
I know about existing plug-ins, adding ads using Special Pages -> DynPages.
But I would like to ask you for a simpler and more interesting option.
Is it possible to add the adsense code to your plugin automatically?
For example:
I have code, I insert it into one of the additional menus of your plugin, and then the plugin AUTOMATICALLY adds this code to all news feeds, for example after 300 ~ 400 characters.
I know, it sounds fantastic, but still, maybe it's possible? Thank you.

I suppose it could be done by a plugin or function that parses the output of get_page_content() and inserts those codes.
It could work for normal pages, and also for News Manager lists of posts and single posts.
But... as far as I know, no one has developed something like that for GS.
(2018-01-23, 02:10:27)rokkybalbboa Wrote: @Carlos, Thank you for your attention. I also have a question about advertising in feeds. How is it possible to insert a block of adsense into this code so that it also happens to fall out randomly along with other blocks? Huh Thank you.

Sorry, right now I cannot think of a way to do what you want without making modifications to the NM Addons plugin.
I intend to add support for full custom post rendering in NM 3.7. With this, you will be able to define the post layout in template files or GS components, using HTML and some PHP functions.

A simple example:

<div class="myPost">
    <h3><?php nm_render_title(); ?></h3>
    <i><?php nm_render_date(); ?></i>
    <p>Tags: <?php nm_render_tags(); ?></p>
    <?php nm_render_content(); ?>

I have it more-or-less ready, though I haven't committed these changes to GitHub yet.
I will do and post a beta version here, after I've done some tests. Anyway if anyone is interested in testing this soon, let me know.
I'm ready Smile
Me too :-)

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