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I18N Gallery
(2018-01-20, 05:03:50)bafrali55 Wrote: is the further development of cms and plugins stopped?

The cms is being developed, but on a slow pace. At the moment you can download a beta of the next version, for example. The plugin developer of I18N Gallery has not been on the forum since 14-05-2017, so developing activity on his plugins might have stopped. There might be someone else in here that knows how to integrate what you need.
I'm inattentive, so I never paid attention to the dates of creating galleries, they all change after the creation of a new gallery.
It is a pity that Martin is no longer at the forum.
One of the users of GetSimple CMS found some errors in the plug-in related to the dates of creating galleries, he made edits and added a paginator with a choice of the number of galleries on the page and a search that will greatly facilitate the work with a large number of galleries on the site. The contents of the archive should be copied to the i18n_gallery folder, the files should be replaced.

Download files
Hi guys,

I'm using the pretty photo option but when I display the gallery it shows the navigation box, rather than than presenting the content via pretty photo.  I'm sure it's pretty simple fix ... just cant see it.  Example here if you click on any of the thumbnails.
Move the script from the bottom up.
Hello ,
i used this great CMS and In18 Gallery  and all works fine only the Gallery is shown the Thumbnails and if i klick he load the full side  include Template  and than it is... now switging left or right , only i can close and reload the gallery.
Slider, Superzied  dont work in the settings and only Fancybox  is possible.

Can somebody help me fix that, you can see the problem here :

I have a big problem with the Gallery-Plugin since I did an update to the system and some plugins.
I am using GetSimpleCMS 3.3.14 and I18Gallery 2.2.1 and my gallerys where displayed with the "fancybox" plugin without any problems.
After the update gallerys are not shown any more when they are set to be displayed with "fancybox" or any other plugin - except "cycle".

At the gallery page there is only shown the HTML-output of the page like that:

<div class="gallery gallery-fancybox gallery-la-palma">
 <div class="gallery-thumb" >
   <a href=";lang=de&amp;pic=la-palma:-1" rel="fancybox-la-palma" title="My picture">
     <img src="" alt="My picture"/>

Gallerys are only shown (more or less) correct, when switching to "cycle". All other modes don't work.
I examined the HTML-code and found that when switching to "fancybox" or other mode that does not work, there is this code here inserted in the page, that seems to break the correct output -> <pre><code>

<!-- page content -->
               <!-- title and content -->
               <p>La Palma</p>
<pre><code>&lt;div class="gallery gallery-fancybox gallery-la-palma"&gt;
 &lt;div class="gallery-thumb" &gt;

This <pre><code> tags are inserted using every display mode (fanybox, prettyPhoto, ...) - except "cyle" mode.
When I switch to "cycle", this tags are not inserted and the gallery-page ist displayed correctly.

Any ideas?


(2018-09-15, 17:06:05)GetSimple2018 Wrote: This <pre><code> tags are inserted using every display mode (fanybox, prettyPhoto, ...) - except "cyle" mode.
When I switch to "cycle", this tags are not inserted and the gallery-page ist displayed correctly.

Have you tried removing the <pre><code> ? You can preview this by going into inspect mode, change that and see the result.
How can I centre the gallery on a page?
May anybody help me? I included a gallery, but it seems the javascript of PrettyPhoto is not called/executed.
The pictures are shown, but they link to the real photo, not to a "prettyBox"

Here ist the link to the  Gallery

(2019-03-29, 18:29:13)Lazy-Crocodile Wrote: May anybody help me? I included a gallery, but it seems the javascript of PrettyPhoto is not called/executed.
The pictures are shown, but they link to the real photo, not to a "prettyBox"

Here ist the link to the  Gallery


Try adding




In your case

<script type="text/javascript">
/*! Fades out the whole page when clicking links */
$(document).ready(function(){ // add this
$('a').click(function(e) {
    if(this.href !='' && !this.href.startswith('#'))
        newLocation = this.href;
        $('body').fadeOut(1000, newpage);
function newpage() {
window.location = newLocation;
}); // add this
@smdp-1971: That's not what i meant. I thougt should will be a javascript which opens a "Lightbox"-Clone.

But this does not work.

Working Example:

I think there is a Javascript missing or not called, but ic can't find the reason.

Regards Markus
(2019-04-02, 18:10:21)Lazy-Crocodile Wrote: @smdp-1971: That's not what i meant. I thougt should will be a javascript which opens a "Lightbox"-Clone.

But this does not work.

Working Example:

I think there is a Javascript missing or not called, but ic can't find the reason.

Regards Markus

Open attachment and see source code. This should work.

Attached Files
.html   test.html (Size: 26.23 KB / Downloads: 12)
@smdp-1971: Wonderful, it works.

Thanks for your quick help.
Hope this helps someone . . . 

I installed the plugin (which is really good) in a fresh instance of GS and all worked fine. I did this purely for testing purposes to see if it worked straight out of the box so to speak, with no potential for conflicts with other plugins or libraries.

Then I installed the plugin on my own live website and there was an issue with the navigation controls when an image was selected. The controls were missing and the functionality was broken. 

So I compared the original source code of the fresh GS install with that of my own site and realised I had the following code appear too early to my header include file. 

Some of the styling etc must have been over written by my own css files and or js files.
PHP Code:
<?php get_header(); ?>
I also selected the 'remove jquery' option in the gallery settings. 
Within my header, I referenced a more recent cdn version of jquery with the script tag as normal.

I also moved the 'get_header' file to the end of the header just before the closing tag </head> and all seems to be fine.
I spent ages going through the docs. I found many different references and pieces of advice and solutions but none seemed relevant to my dilemma. 

 Maybe someone else has experienced the same issues I have. Hopefully this will help
I haven't as yet experienced any issue by moving the get_header call to the end of the head tag  . . .  if anyone thinks it will cause a conflict somewhere then please show.

Is there any way to better add photos to the gallery? Currently, I have to click each in turn to add them. I have a gallery with over 100 photos. I would like to do it with one coup. Does anyone know a method how to speed up this process? Adding more photos is irritating. Maybe there is a plugin that improves this functionality?
(2019-10-16, 07:19:08)vixrealitum Wrote: Is there any way to better add photos to the gallery? Currently, I have to click each in turn to add them. I have a gallery with over 100 photos. I would like to do it with one coup. Does anyone know a method how to speed up this process?  Adding more photos is irritating. Maybe there is a plugin that improves this functionality?

In the window that opens, at the bottom of the list of your photos there is a link Add all images.
many thanks, I don't know how but I didn't notice this link before. Smile
I was realy excited about installing i18n gallery plugin, but a dissapointment was even bigger.

First I have tryed it on my WAMP, and spent two days setting it to create first gallery. Next day "You are not looged in!" again !!!
OK, maybe on the "real" website it will work correctly...
For the begining, could not upload zip file because the virus was found ?!?! VIRUS, WTF???
OK circumvented it again, and after few hours, the same meassage (...not logged in...) again...

A huge dissapointment!

Sorry, but the life is too short for this... but now I know why the plugin is free!!! It is a pain in the bottom and it does not work!

FInally uploaded the old Shadowbox, typed a few lines, and my gallery is up and running...
Hi satman1w,

I have installed the i18n gallery plugin and it is working fine
with GS version 3.3.15

Instead of posting your rant, why don't you give us some
more details so we can help you in a better way :

1) What version of GS are you using ? 3.3.15 ?
2) What local dev server are you using ? e.g. wamp, xamp, lamp, laragon . . . .
3) What php version are you on ? 4.x - 5.x or 7.x ?
4) Did you at least turn Debug mode on ?? What does it report ?

No virus. False positive.

"Not logged in" error might be because you're logging to your site with an site URL that is different from the one you defined in GS settings. E.g., with or without www prefix.
Hi everyone!

Me again. XD I have been looking for a way to upload multiple images at once via the CKeditor. I've tried different plugins, looked into and tried the KCFinder File Manager. But nothing seems to provide me with the option to chose more than one image at a time. But this plugin can!

Only I would like to use my own CSS and JS. Is both of this possible? I read that the CSS can be overwritten. But is that true for the JS also? I've seen that I can disable the JS, but then I get multiple console errors that it can't find jQuery...

If I'm on totally the wrong track here, please tell me. All I really want is an option to upload more than one image at a time via the CKeditor.

you can write your own plugin inside this plugin
Don't get me wrong, GS has some really great plugins and functions! I've just been wondering...uploading multiple images at a time seems like something many users would want, so maybe I'm missing the obvious here and I just can't find the plugin/functionality that implements this.

If it's really not there, I might look into making my own plugin.
In any case, page editors load one image at a time, as they provide various functionality to be applied to it.

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