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Cut article in to pieces
Hello there users of GetSimple Smile
Is there a way to cut a single large article in to some small parts like 1k signs, so the rest of the article we can access by cliking on links under that article ( like: page << < 1,2,3,4,5,6 > >>)???.

Thanks for any help!
I just created the plugin Pagify which does exactly this: and
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
mvlcek Wrote:I just created the plugin Pagify which does exactly this: and
This is tariffic! Grate thanks Smile
mvlcek thant you for pluggin, but I have a little problem:
I can't index in Google pages of cutted article, for example adress index without any problem, but I can't index, maybe it is problem with url or somthing? Is it posible to change url to etc. ?
It is not problem of bad linking of site because I used thousands of links on site, waiting about 2 weeks and still not even one cutet page was indexed.
Google should be able to read that URL

i am not sure of the theme you are using, but i think it is a problem with it rather than the plugin. Within the <head> element of your site (do a view source) check to see if you have a canonical meta tag.

- Chris
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My site is
all pages was indexed very fast, but only first page of article,
other parts of article can't be indexed.

I also made a test, putting a link to from a large number of sites, which normaly index pages in few hours, and I can't index it.

Ok I see a problem now, in head in part:
<link rel="canonical" href="" />
should be
<link rel="canonical" href="" />

Now how we can repair it?
I don't know when Google indexes pages with parameters. Maybe it doesn't when it already has the page without parameter?

I tried to look at the info about my site using google's webmaster tools (, but it just says "no data available" (also all pages are indexed with the exception of the pagify pages).

If you find out, what makes google follow links with parameters (special attributes in links, ...), please tell me. I will then change the plugin appropriately.

One other possibility would be to serve the whole content, if a robot is recognized.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
it is without a doubt the canonical meta tag that is restricting the indexing of that page. I think in this case, it needs to be removed.
- Chris
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Please do not email me directly for help regarding GetSimple. Please post all your questions/problems in the forum!
Sorry for stupid question but where I can remove that line, it is not in template Tongue

Ok, it is in admin/inc/theme_functions.php
for future, thanks guys for help, I hope it will be helpfull for other people.
line #299 in theme_functions.php

I am making a change to the get_header() => get_header(false) call that allows you to tell it to not show the canonical meta tag, but this will be in 3.0 forwards... otherwise you will need to edit the line number referenced above.
- Chris
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Please do not email me directly for help regarding GetSimple. Please post all your questions/problems in the forum!
I have just one last question for mvlcek,
is it possible to modify somehow plugin, so it will display pages, like
1 2 3 ... 36 37

because it could look much better then a list of all 37 site for example?

Best regards

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