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p01-contact : simply add contact forms in your pages
(2014-07-17, 08:16:17)Oleg06 Wrote: delete in the plugin settings

Been there, done that

Captcha is tricky
I use on a company-site this extension one year ago and it went fine.
But now suddenly an errormessage appears:
Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/virtual/ on line 69

My GS-Version is 3.3.1 and the p01-contact-version is 0.9.1

Can possibly anyone help that this does not occur....
I would like to remove input label names and enter in input placeholder.
Is there any option/modify?

This is what I imagine, but need to make it work:
public function html()
case 'text' :
                $html .= '<input id="' . $id . '" ';
                $html .= 'name="' . $name . '" type="text" ';
                $html .= 'value="' . $value . '" placeholder="' . $LABEL-NAME . '" ' . $disabled . '/>';
Hi all,

I'm probably being really stupid but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to have an email subject which does not display on the website. I'd like a default one set of 'Website contact' or something along those lines, but php really isn't my forte. Can anyone advise? Thank you, thank you, thank you! Smile
(2011-02-09, 23:42:56)p01 Wrote: You can't access to sessions.
Some hosts disable sessions by default, try to create a /tmp directory in server root (like for hosting in france) or ask to your host.

I just install your plugin, and I have the same problem as Barlew but on $_POST.
When I fill the form for the first time, I have :
  • token session
  • not a POST token (empty)
  • this message : "The message have already been sent"
  • message is not sent

Next, when I full this form for the second time : it's work, I have the same token for POST and session, I receive the message in my mailbox.

Any idea about this ?
Hope you will can help me.

Thank you

It seems as there has always been a problem getting the special characters of Æ, Ø and Å to display correctly in the mail headers of the generated by the contact form. Instead they are displayed as &AElig;, &Aring; &Oslash;
I have found another plugin where this is not the case, but since the form is deeply integrated with the formatting of the contact page, I hope for some help to finding a solutions of this problem. The other plugin has a charset entry like the following:

public $CharSet = 'iso-8859-1';

I need to have this code rewritten to p01-contact plugin, and where to put the code.

Besides that, I need the correct syntax of the checkbox, to have a copy of the message sent to own email.

Thank you!


Hy guys i have one question becouse i don't understand how to change the style of the contact forms. The plugin it's installed and the (% contact %) code it's add to the contact page. This is what i see:

How is possible to change the text label text field size/position to produce something like that:
[Image: image.jpg]
Anyone made this sit nicely in bootstrap?
No, don't work for me. But i have switch on this plugin:

It's look like nice and it work very well.
Fitting anything into Bootstrap is just a matter of HTML and CSS, you can do that even with this plugin, Riianna.
I haven't done it yet but I'm already thinking about redesigning my website to make it responsive and probably I'll use bootstrap.
Tomáš Janeček - Multilingual personal website powered by GetSimple
» The little I did for GetSimple
(2015-02-06, 03:10:11)TeeJay Wrote: Fitting anything into Bootstrap is just a matter of HTML and CSS, you can do that even with this plugin, Riianna.
I haven't done it yet but I'm already thinking about redesigning my website to make it responsive and probably I'll use bootstrap.

yes i made that, i just put bootstrap taqs in to the plugin code Big Grin.. i mean is there a bootstrap ready version
(2015-02-09, 20:03:44)Riianna Wrote: yes i made that, i just put bootstrap taqs in to the plugin code Big Grin.. i mean is there a bootstrap ready version

There isn't such version. And you don't even have to edit the code of the plugin but it's the easiest way and furthermore, there aren't any updates coming for this plugin anyway so it doesn't really matter how you do that in this case.
Tomáš Janeček - Multilingual personal website powered by GetSimple
» The little I did for GetSimple
After days trying finally found something to fix special characters mail headers problem:
I deleted line 271 $tmp = htmlentities($tmp, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
and line 723 $subject = '=?utf-8?B?' . base64_encode($subject) . '?=';
now working perfect.
Please try and report if there are any side effects.
In the default settings, when I try to use the password feature, before the captcha!, it auto fills in the "subject" text box with the word "admin" and then the textbox to fill in the password. If I put the password after the captcha!, "admin" appears in the text box where people are supposed to fill in what they see in the captcha along with the textbox for the password.

Same happens if I try to create a form within the page that I want the contact form to show up on.

Is this a bug or how to I use the password?
When I copy and paste the example syntax from the documentation, When I view my contact page, there is no form, but rather just the text, exactly as I copied it.
Excellent Plugin - Merci beaucoup P01.

I use the form with the syntax method using the example code given by the author, but what I can not get to work is the subject field. All else is fine.
If I use the code...

PHP Code:
(% contact address@domain.extanother@domain.ext,
   subject => "About this script",
   email!, etc etc

subject => "About this script", becomes an input field in the form on the webpage with the > appearing inside the input box as text.

My assumption is that subject would be a hidden field that becomes the subject to the email that is generated from the form.
Anyone ideas as to why this is happening or examples that work?

Many thanks.

is there any possibility to add a DatePicker to this wonderful form?


Anyone know how to set a permanent 'from' address so that a form sender's email address only appears in the 'reply to' header, and the 'from' remains an email address from my domain set in the p01 contact code? My web host currently seems to be blocking 'hotmail' and 'gmail' addresses, which renders P01 Contact useless. I tried some solutions suggested on this forum, but the version seems to have been updated with different code so I wasn't sure what to change and how to change it Undecided.


ok no reply about DatePicker,

is there any other possibility to do it pure with html date picker as <input type="date"> ?

Thanx for any reply ..

I have discovered a bug.
I have someone that has an email address like:
On the public side, when entering the email address, it says that it is invalid. My guess is because of the "." in the prefix.
The admin is using that address, and although the form says email sent, emails are not always received.

GS Community Edition with php8.x compatibility, new features and much more!  Support Me

p01-contact looks perfect.

I was all ready to download and install it when I noticed:
Quote:Compatible with: GetSimple 3.0 - 3.0
Last Updated: April 18, 2015

Has anyone else installed on GetSimple version 3.3.7 ?

Does p01-contact work OK ?
Or should I avoid?
I use it, works normally. You can install plugin even for GS 2.0, if it won't work, just uninstall it. Wink - webmaster, graphic designer, translator.
For any job offers contact me via
(2016-01-21, 06:43:18)Artur Wrote: I use it, works normally. You can install plugin even for GS 2.0, if it won't work, just uninstall it. Wink

Thank you, Artur. That encourages me to give it a try.

My concern is that, as a fairly complex plugin, thoroughly testing whether it works isn't trivial.

I have just discovered that my p01-contact form (
is not working.  It was working previously, but had not been tested for a long time.  I have now tried to send a test message and although it says it has sent it, the email is not received. I had made no configuration changes before it stopped working, but when I looked at the configuration. it had the minimum message size of 100 and no email address in the contact field.  I am sure that I was able to send emails including short messages previously.  I have fixed both of these problems but emails are still not being received.

The syntax I am using is:

(% contact :, name!, subject!, email!, phone, text  "Company", text "Battalion/District", message! %)

Can anyone explain what has happened, why this no longer works and what can be done to fix it.


Phil Tarr
(BB Mountaineering Club)
Dear friends,
I have a calculation form on my site.
Can I send this form to my email, using p01-contact?

Thank you very much in advance

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