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I18N Gallery
Hi mvlcek,

Any chance that we could get the option to disable the arrows when you rollover the pictures?

Kind regards,
(2013-03-20, 03:39:18)graphiclunch Wrote: Any chance that we could get the option to disable the arrows when you rollover the pictures?

You can use CSS to not show the arrows, e.g. add this to your CSS file for fancybox:
#fancybox-left:hover, #fancybox-right:hover {
    visibility: hidden !important;

To remove them and their functionality completely, I think that
#fancybox-left, #fancybox-right {
    display: none;
should work.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
(2013-03-20, 03:56:04)mvlcek Wrote:
(2013-03-20, 03:39:18)graphiclunch Wrote: Any chance that we could get the option to disable the arrows when you rollover the pictures?

You can use CSS to not show the arrows, e.g. add this to your CSS file for fancybox:
#fancybox-left:hover, #fancybox-right:hover {
    visibility: hidden !important;

To remove them and their functionality completely, I think that
#fancybox-left, #fancybox-right {
    display: none;
should work.

Thanks for the quick reply, mvlcek! You're always so very helpful with all of our somewhat stupid questions and request. Cheers!
I updated GS to 3.2. versionand using the 2.0 version of i18n gallery.

I am not able to save/edit a gallery with more than 1 image inside. Even if I save a gallery with 1 image after adding another and re-saving I loose the name, all seetings and the pictures inserted. The gallery is not usable than (I need to delete by FTP).
Should I downgrade back to 3.1? Any hints?

Some time ago you added the function to add all images in a folder to a gallery. It would make more sence if the link is not at the bottom, but on top of that window. Otherwise you have to scroll down everytime to add all images, which can take long when you are adding 30+ images to a gallery.
I'm having an issue with my installation of I18N Gallery and I suspect it may have to do with multiple/conflicting jQuery references, but I am not developer enough to know.

If you take a look at this page, you'll see the issue:

Clicking on the image opens the larger version, but it doesn't properly open as a modal window--it opens on the page itself.

I've checked the box for "Do not include jQuery" (with it unchecked, the image just opens by itself). However I can't figure out what I need to do to make the proper modal window behavior occur. Can anyone help?
It looks as though you have three instances of jquiry...

Line 13: plugins/i18n_gallery/js/jquery-1.4.3.min.js
Line 103:
Line 104: theme/SimpleCorp/js/libs/jquery-1.5.1.min.js

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(2013-03-31, 22:15:13)islander Wrote: It looks as though you have three instances of jquiry...

Line 13: plugins/i18n_gallery/js/jquery-1.4.3.min.js
Line 103:
Line 104: theme/SimpleCorp/js/libs/jquery-1.5.1.min.js

Would you suggest that I delete all but one reference? I'm assuming I should probably keep 1.5.1.
I've installed i18n gallery successfully and love it. So far, everything works pretty much as expected. I'm not trying to modify the behavior. What I do want to do is change where images are stored. I want to do this to maintain consistency with my other sites. Instead of saving images to /data/uploads/galleryname/ I want to put everything in /images/galleryname/.

I did a search function for "data/uploads/" and found about 20 occurrences in 8 files... 6 in /admin and i18n. If I simply do a global replace with "images/"... is it really that simple? I understand future models would also need to be updated.
(2013-04-11, 00:07:06)dblewett Wrote: I've installed i18n gallery successfully and love it. So far, everything works pretty much as expected. I'm not trying to modify the behavior. What I do want to do is change where images are stored. I want to do this to maintain consistency with my other sites. Instead of saving images to /data/uploads/galleryname/ I want to put everything in /images/galleryname/.

I did a search function for "data/uploads/" and found about 20 occurrences in 8 files... 6 in /admin and i18n. If I simply do a global replace with "images/"... is it really that simple? I understand future models would also need to be updated.

It will probably work, but some functions might not work anymore, like the GetSimple backup. If you have linux servers, you should rather create a link in the file system.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
(2013-04-11, 01:33:09)mvlcek Wrote:
(2013-04-11, 00:07:06)dblewett Wrote: I've installed i18n gallery successfully and love it. So far, everything works pretty much as expected. I'm not trying to modify the behavior. What I do want to do is change where images are stored. I want to do this to maintain consistency with my other sites. Instead of saving images to /data/uploads/galleryname/ I want to put everything in /images/galleryname/.

I did a search function for "data/uploads/" and found about 20 occurrences in 8 files... 6 in /admin and i18n. If I simply do a global replace with "images/"... is it really that simple? I understand future models would also need to be updated.

It will probably work, but some functions might not work anymore, like the GetSimple backup. If you have linux servers, you should rather create a link in the file system.

I'm on an Apache server. When you say create a link, do you mean a symlink?

I discovered that when the plugin "Google maps" is activated, clicking on a picture does not work correctly anymore: seems that the jscript is not executed.

I'm newbie and I cannot figure out how to bypass the problem.
I tried to reorder the loading of plugins (with Plugin reorder) but it did not help.

Any idea would be appreciated.
(2013-04-13, 23:35:05)sbollaerts Wrote: Hello,

I discovered that when the plugin "Google maps" is activated, clicking on a picture does not work correctly anymore: seems that the jscript is not executed.

I'm newbie and I cannot figure out how to bypass the problem.
I tried to reorder the loading of plugins (with Plugin reorder) but it did not help.

Any idea would be appreciated.
in file googlemap.php find and replace:

if($maps > 0){
if($maps > 0 && $GETIMGSIZEJS != ""){

find :
if (strpos($contcomp, 'gmap_') === false ){ $contcomp = false; };

if (strpos($contcomp, 'gmap_') == false ){ $contcomp = false; };

find :
if (strpos($data_index->content, '(%googlemap') === false AND $contcomp === false){ return false; };

if (strpos($data_index->content, '(%googlemap') == false AND $contcomp == false){ return false; };
I want to center my rows of thumbnails, rather than having each row aligned left. I tried simply surrounding the call to gallery with center attribute, but had no effect. I've looked through the various files, but I'm very much a novice when it comes to that stuff.

(2013-04-16, 04:38:17)dblewett Wrote: I want to center my rows of thumbnails, rather than having each row aligned left. I tried simply surrounding the call to gallery with center attribute, but had no effect. I've looked through the various files, but I'm very much a novice when it comes to that stuff.


You have to add CSS rules to your style sheet. You may start with
.gallery {
  text-align: center;
.gallery-thumb {
  float: none !important;
  display: inline !important;
but you will need more rules to correctly display the frames, etc (if it is possible).
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
Hi at all

beforehand, I'm still a beginner in GS and don't understand many thinks, but I learn more and more...

Today I've updated an testinstall (with no content) from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1.
Suddenly the i18n-Gallery-Plugin does not work. Only a white page appears with a errormessage:
This functionality is deprecated
and nothing more.
If I deaktivate the extension, then all thinks are fine except the Gallerys.

Can anybody confirm that and how could the error been find and eliminated?
Thanks vor advice in advance...
(2013-04-26, 18:54:44)hempelr Wrote: Today I've updated an testinstall (with no content) from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1.
Suddenly the i18n-Gallery-Plugin does not work. Only a white page appears with a errormessage:
This functionality is deprecated
and nothing more.
If I deaktivate the extension, then all thinks are fine except the Gallerys.

Make sure you use jQuery < 1.9, as jQuery 1.9+ is not yet supported by I18N Gallery.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
(2013-04-26, 19:04:33)mvlcek Wrote: Make sure you use jQuery < 1.9, as jQuery 1.9+ is not yet supported by I18N Gallery.

Hi mvlcek
thanks fpor your quick reply.
But how can I check the version of jQuery - and if it is wrong then change?
I don't know anything of change that, my searches where unsuccessfull...

Thanks in advance...

I've found a function to check, it ist jQuery 1.7.1. active in the adminpanel
What could be another reason of the error?
after upgrading to 3.2.1, switching to the tab "albums" opens a blank window with the inscriptionThis functionality is deprecated
<script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script src=""></script>        
    <script type="text/javascript" src="template/js/jquery.getsimple.js?v=3.2.1"></script>
gallery of works
plugin version?
Version: 1.9.4
With 2.0 you should not have this issue.
Yes, it works
Is there a not-too-complicated way to tweak the code of the gallery to get it to make the image's file name automatically be the title?

Any help is greatly appreciated!
(2013-05-18, 10:40:47)allytheartist Wrote: Is there a not-too-complicated way to tweak the code of the gallery to get it to make the image's file name automatically be the title?

In plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/imagebrowser.php add the following before the <script> tag:
<?php foreach ($metadata as &$m) if (!@$m['title']) $m['title'] = basename($m['url']); ?>
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.

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