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News Manager (updated)
News Manager 2.3.5 (available for download in Extend)

- proper (temporary) fix for date locale

Once again, thanks to Oleg06 for testing.
Hi all,

News Manager 2.4.0 will work with plugins that use the content filter to insert their content. That is, you will be able to use I18N Gallery (requested several times before), DynPages, Shortcodes, etc. in your posts, just like in normal GS pages.

If you can or want to test the beta, just replace the news_manager.php file by the one attached.

Feedback much appreciated.

[attachment removed: (Size: 1.28 KB / Downloads: 11) ]
Thank You Carlos!
@evan70 You're welcome. Did you test it?
(2013-03-17, 19:09:30)Oleg06 Wrote: in Russia tense debate about the dangers and benefits if the page is the title a reference to itself, I think it's not very good

I understand, link to itself in title of full post.

I don't think it has any effect in SEO. There are many high ranked blogs/sites that have it this way, and even Google's own like,, etc.

But anyway I think it's a good idea to add some kind of setting for this in NM. I'll put it in my to-do list. :-)
on the news page, I activated "full text" and everything is ok
on the archive page, all the formatting is eliminated:

example: http://www.landgasthof-neueheimat-hohend...-an-ostern

this page uses a table

in archive list, the table format is eliminated:


Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Yes, that's how News Manager always worked. Also happens with tag pages.

To change that, edit news_manager/inc/site.php, find function nm_show_archive (and/or nm_show_tag) and change the nm_show_post(...) line to:
nm_show_post($slug, false);
(temporary patch)

I think this way is better: making the fullpost/excerpt setting work not only for the main news page but also for those. That is, if you don't want excerpts, no excerpts at all.

I may change it for the 2.4 branch.

Anyone thinks it's not a good idea? Should I make this optional? (maybe with a gsconfig setting)

I will try this. I think the eliminating of the formatting is very bad,
as I have websites, where the users post very short news, for example art installation dates and they want to show let's say 5 posts on one page, but with images!

I never managed to integrate images in these pages and the users got very frustrated (me too)

I would say it's good to have an option, but this option should be located in the plugin settings, not in gconfig.php)

Cheers. Connie

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
I don't know of any GS plugin that creates excerpts without stripping html formatting.
News Manager, I18N Search, GS Blog, etc... all of them do it this way.
If you don't strip the html tags, some of them would be broken or unclosed, and that would be worse.

A workaround for this would be supporting some kind of "more" tag in the content of pages/posts. The "rich excerpt" function would strip everything after that tag.
But even so, some </div> or </p> could be missing after that, so something should be done to fix this. I intend to take a look at how WordPress does, but haven't had the time.

Carlos, yes you are right, a "read more" will be accepted, because people know this from other systems

what about that:

maybe it could be possible to have two text fields: one for excerpt and one for the main part, that's also an option (could be activated in the settings)

cheers, have a sunny saturday with the kids!


Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
i need help with NewsManager 2.2.4 plugin and 3.1 GS with funcy urls enabled.

1. i have nginx with these rewrite rules for news plugin:
rewrite ^/novosti/post/([^/.]+)/?$ /index.php?id=novosti&post=$1 last;
        rewrite ^/novosti/tag/([^/.]+)/?$ /index.php?id=novosti&tag=$1 last;
        rewrite ^/novosti/page/([^/.]+)/?$ /index.php?id=novosti&page=$1 last;
        rewrite ^/novosti/archive/([^/.]+)/?$ /index.php?id=novosti&archive=$1 last;

2. my parent news page's slug called 'novosti'. it's for 'news' in russian.
3. i've created some news in NewsManager
4. funcy urls are enabled in GS and works fine for 2-level menus (1 level actually)
tryfiles directive is: "try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?id=$uri&$args;"
5. news are showing without funcy urlsenabled and have adresses like this:
seems good and ready to be rewritten from /novosti/post/sbc-computer . but it doesn't work and i don't know how to debug it in nginx. spot some lite here please.

(2013-03-28, 04:34:58)remort Wrote: i need help with NewsManager 2.2.4 plugin and 3.1 GS with funcy urls enabled.

1. i have nginx with these rewrite rules for news plugin:
rewrite ^/novosti/post/([^/.]+)/?$ /index.php?id=novosti&post=$1 last;
        rewrite ^/novosti/tag/([^/.]+)/?$ /index.php?id=novosti&tag=$1 last;
        rewrite ^/novosti/page/([^/.]+)/?$ /index.php?id=novosti&page=$1 last;
        rewrite ^/novosti/archive/([^/.]+)/?$ /index.php?id=novosti&archive=$1 last;

2. my parent news page's slug called 'novosti'. it's for 'news' in russian.
3. i've created some news in NewsManager
4. funcy urls are enabled in GS and works fine for 2-level menus (1 level actually)
tryfiles directive is: "try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?id=$uri&$args;"
5. news are showing without funcy urlsenabled and have adresses like this:
seems good and ready to be rewritten from /novosti/post/sbc-computer . but it doesn't work and i don't know how to debug it in nginx. spot some lite here please.

sorry guys, i just forget to restart nginx. shame on me !
Nice to know you solved it.
Anyway, this is the support thread for News Manager versions after 2.2.4.
(2013-03-18, 20:46:31)Carlos Wrote: Hi all,

News Manager 2.4.0 will work with plugins that use the content filter to insert their content.

Is there a category option in version in 2.4 or an easy way to pull all the posts with the tag "event" or "news" into a separate area? I have someone who wants to have news/events/press releases displayed separately. I originally launched their site using News Manager, but I'm afraid I might have to code something (or subcontract it out to get the functionality they want).

You can show all posts with tag "events" with ?tag=events (or /tag/events with fancy urls), but with no prev/next pagination.

I have no plans to support categories at this moment. (alternatives: GS Blog, I18N Search/Special Pages, Pages & Blog, ...)

However I intend to support several news/blog instances (in NM, or maybe in a new plugin), but that won't be soon as I'm quite busy with some other stuff.
I made a Czech translation for this great plugin. It would be nice if you included it in the next version. Yes, there are not many GetSimple users in the Czech Republic, but this might help some people. Download here

By the way, I need some help, please.

1) Is there a way for the articles to be in breadcrumbs otherwise than
<?php nm_post_title('News: ') or get_page_clean_title(); ?>
If I do it this way, the "News" part of the breadcrumbs is not a hyperlink which is not good, but better than nothing.
However, I would be really grateful for help with this.

2) I think it would also be good if the heading of an opened article weren't a hyperlink. It should be just heading - <h2> or <h3> without any links. How can possibly a heading in an article be a hyperlink? I'm sad about that, I would kill the link if I knew how.

3) I found news_manager\inc\site.php where I can change both the <h3> to <h2> and even the anchor, however, if I give the <a> away, I cannot get into the articles. Could the function nm_post_title be divided into a conditional or another function to keep the heading without a hyperlink just when I see the whole article? I mean I want to keep the hyperlink only on the excerpts and get rid of the hyperlink on the heading of the full article.

4) This hurts the most. There is one more thing that annoys me about SEO in this plugin. Let's say I have a menu tab called "News". I click onto it and I got into a page where are my articles with <h3> headings (I can change the level of the heading easily) and the main heading of the whole page is <h1> "News". However, when I click onto one of the articles in the News menu tab, I get into a new page which is problematic, because: the newly opened page and all the other articles still have <h1> heading called "News", which really hurts SEO = duplicate H1.

Thanks you for your suggestions and helping me.
Tomáš Janeček - Multilingual personal website powered by GetSimple
» The little I did for GetSimple
Yeah Carlos, I use "?tag=example" on my site too. A powerful function. GS is starting to be "complete" maybe it needs only a "expert" function.
My website made with GetSimple CMS is

Arte & Società

An indipendent website about Italian Contemporary Visual Arts
Hello, I have just downloaded and installed NM 2.3.5 and when adding my first post I noticed that it appears twice. Once in the main content column and again in the sidebar.

I noticed that you have already discivered this issue in the other thread on the original NM.

I do indeed have the <?php getPageContent('sidebar'); ?> in my template.

Do you know if there is a fix or workaround to this issue?
(2013-04-03, 15:19:35)stryker Wrote: I do indeed have the <?php getPageContent('sidebar'); ?> in my template.

Do you know if there is a fix or workaround to this issue?

Yes, please try 2.4.0 beta, it should fix that issue:
(You just have to replace the news_manager.php file by the one in the attached zip)
Yes that is great - Thanks heaps.

By the way is there any way to place custom text like a heading etc at the top of News page. Your plugin, of course, ignores any text placed manually but it would be nice to have a heading on that page like "Latest News" or something.

I don't mind if I have to change a PHP file - just let me know what file and roughly where to change it to add the custom text.
Insert this in your template:
PHP Code:
<?php if (return_page_slug()=='news'): ?>
... your text or html ...
<?php endif; ?>
(news is the News page's slug)

So you tested 2.4.0 beta? Please confirm it fixes the getPageContent issue.
(2013-04-03, 17:47:24)Carlos Wrote: Insert this in your template:
PHP Code:
<?php if (return_page_slug()=='news'): ?>
... your text or html ...
<?php endif; ?>
(news is the News page's slug)

So you tested 2.4.0 beta? Please confirm it fixes the getPageContent issue.
I have just tested it because I have had the same problem. The sidebar's content was the same as the content of the News Page. However, the problem was only at the News Page. When I was on another page, the sidebar's content was ok Smile
Now I can confirm it is definitely ok. Thank you for that.
Tomáš Janeček - Multilingual personal website powered by GetSimple
» The little I did for GetSimple
Hello Carlos,

Like TeeJay I have also confirmed that 2.4.0 beta solves the getPageContent issue. Displays great in my template with sidebar on all pages.

Your workaround regarding a heading for that page also works as long as the code is actually in the CONTENT div. I initially made the mistake of not doing this and stuffed up the style Smile.

Maybe a future realse could have a "heading" section in your plugin as without one the page looks kinda plain Smile. Thanks for your support Carlos.

Sorry to bother you with another question but the Published DATE is not showing on the frontend. All it says is "Published on" and then blank. Checked the post and the date is there - 2013-04-05.

I'm in Australia so maybe it's an international formatting thing - I am also using XAMPP locally so I vaguly remember that this may be an issue with displaying dates but am not sure.

Any advice would be appreicated.
(2013-04-05, 08:39:57)stryker Wrote: Hello Carlos,

Like TeeJay I have also confirmed that 2.4.0 beta solves the getPageContent issue. Displays great in my template with sidebar on all pages.

Your workaround regarding a heading for that page also works as long as the code is actually in the CONTENT div. I initially made the mistake of not doing this and stuffed up the style Smile.

Maybe a future realse could have a "heading" section in your plugin as without one the page looks kinda plain Smile. Thanks for your support Carlos.

Sorry to bother you with another question but the Published DATE is not showing on the frontend. All it says is "Published on" and then blank. Checked the post and the date is there - 2013-04-05.

I'm in Australia so maybe it's an international formatting thing - I am also using XAMPP locally so I vaguly remember that this may be an issue with displaying dates but am not sure.

Any advice would be appreicated.
I had the same problem. However, when I put my page on-line on a hosting, it figured out that the only problem was having the site on my offline XAMPP server in my PC which couldn't retrieve the date information.
If you want to change the format of a date, you should see the 8th post of this page -
It's written by Carlos (surprisingly Smile ) a it tells you how to Smile
Tomáš Janeček - Multilingual personal website powered by GetSimple
» The little I did for GetSimple
(2013-04-05, 08:39:57)stryker Wrote: Hello,
I had the same problem. However, when I put my page on-line on a hosting, it figured out that the only problem was having the site on my offline XAMPP server in my PC which couldn't retrieve the date information.
If you want to change the format of a date, you should see the 8th post of this page -
It's written by Carlos (surprisingly Smile ) a it tells you how to Smile

Thanks TeeJay. I don't care if I don't see it on my local test server, as long as it's OK live on the web. I'm putting the site in demo mode on my live server on the weekend so will test it then. Thanks for replying Smile
(2013-04-05, 15:56:43)stryker Wrote:
(2013-04-05, 08:39:57)stryker Wrote: Hello,
I had the same problem. However, when I put my page on-line on a hosting, it figured out that the only problem was having the site on my offline XAMPP server in my PC which couldn't retrieve the date information.
If you want to change the format of a date, you should see the 8th post of this page -
It's written by Carlos (surprisingly Smile ) a it tells you how to Smile

Thanks TeeJay. I don't care if I don't see it on my local test server, as long as it's OK live on the web. I'm putting the site in demo mode on my live server on the weekend so will test it then. Thanks for replying Smile
You don't have to worry, it will work, I'm absolutely sure.

The only thing you should care about is the date format. Neither don't I know the format in Australia, nor in America and everywhere else.
However, if you want to have numeric date format, it's very simple even to comprehend. In the bottom of the lang file of your News Manager plugin, replace those date format data with...
I have there
"DATE_FORMAT"         =>  "%d.%m.%Y - %H:%M"
Which makes date and time like 5.4.2013 - 8:18 (this is the time here)

If Wikipedia is right, you can replace it with
"DATE_FORMAT"         =>  "%d/%m/%Y
and you will have Australian date format like 5/4/2013. You can even add the time information which I have if you want.

I hope you understand fully now Smile
Tomáš Janeček - Multilingual personal website powered by GetSimple
» The little I did for GetSimple

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