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Cookies Plugin
Upload to extend new plugin to accept web cookies:

The plugin displays a message to accept web cookies; it creates a cookie in browser.
It is easy to use. Information in extend.

hi, thanks looks great so far. but it seems like there is a problem to display the translation.

Nice, we needed a plugin for that.
Hi inJection; you have right, there is a bug with langs....

Upload to extend a new version fixed the bug.

datiswous, I needed it too...

Hi cumbe,

i have a question i use SEO Manager and i like to use the cbcookie plugin too.

But now i have the problem that SEO Manager use a function called get_footer() too. And i do not use this function of SEO Manger which are now enabled if i add this to the template to use cbcookie.

Is there any workaround to use cb cookie with different function call?

Hope you can help.

Hi phpman,

I think that you can use the function cb_cookies() directly in template and don't use get_footer().

<?php cb_cookies(); ?>

hmm... if i do this i show only the "accept" test on top or bottom of my side not the message behind
which generate normaly from cb_cookie. What i made wrong ?
You should have a <?php get_footer(); ?> tag in your template. Both plugins should be able to use that function without conflicts. But there must only be one get_footer call.
Check if in data/other/cbcookies/cbcookies.xml is created, and permissions of folder and file.

Upload new version(1.3) to extend, more compatible with i18n multilanguage...

(2015-11-29, 07:47:56)cumbe Wrote: Upload new version(1.3) to extend, more compatible with i18n multilanguage...


I have this message displayed on my main page after updating to " Cookies Plugin" version 1.3.

Notice: Undefined index: cbcookies/name in /home/byzatisn/www/plugins/cbcookies.php on line 39

Anything I can do about that ?

Thank you.
Hi Dora,

you are right. If you have enabled debug this message is displayed...

Upload new minor version with this fixed.
@cumbe small suggestion, maybe the CSS inclusion could be enabled/disabled in backend, so developer can use his own styles, and maybe that small part of code would be faster with inlining, no need to include another external file.
When I activate the plugin the style of characters in GS administration changes and becomes bigger: how can I activate the plugin without have chenges in characters?
Hi gaetanoc,
I have tested with last version of GS and cookies plugin and haven't had any change.
What theme is using?
Enable debug mode and use firebug to check this change of style.
any help with this would be so much appreciated. I installed this plugin but it does not show up at all. I saw in the documentation that you have to add get_footer() in template.

My question is ... which template? The theme file?

I am new to GetSimple. I inherited it from another designer. Also is there supposed to be some sort of code before the "get_footer()" ? I don't know code at all.

I emailed the developer but never got a reply :-(

in the theme template
(2018-06-08, 00:58:11)lindacarey Wrote: any help with this would be so much appreciated. I installed this plugin but it does not show up at all. I saw in the documentation that you have to add get_footer() in template.

My question is ... which template? The theme file?

I am new to GetSimple. I inherited it from another designer. Also is there supposed to be some sort of code before the "get_footer()" ?   I don't know code at all.

I emailed the developer but never got a reply :-(


You have to add it to where the <footer></footer> is located in your theme code. This can be the main template file (Default Template), but it can also be another file like for example - in some themes the template is devided in seperate files, like header, sidebar, default template and footer. For example the default suplied theme Innovation has this structure.

See also:
(2018-06-08, 01:16:49)Oleg06 Wrote: in the theme template

thank you so much! will try this.
(2018-06-08, 18:57:59)datiswous Wrote:
(2018-06-08, 00:58:11)lindacarey Wrote: any help with this would be so much appreciated. I installed this plugin but it does not show up at all. I saw in the documentation that you have to add get_footer() in template.

My question is ... which template? The theme file?

I am new to GetSimple. I inherited it from another designer. Also is there supposed to be some sort of code before the "get_footer()" ?   I don't know code at all.

I emailed the developer but never got a reply :-(


You have to add it to where the <footer></footer> is located in your theme code. This can be the main template file (Default Template), but it can also be another file like for example - in some themes the template is devided in seperate files, like header, sidebar, default template and footer. For example the default suplied theme Innovation has this structure.

See also:
ok thanks for this info. it's helpful! The theme is Innovation so I guess I put the code at the end of the file like this?

<?php get_footer(); ?>

</div><!-- /.container -->
thanks all. it worked. yay!
Hi, thanks for the plugin.

To set cookies only if the user accept it, i added a reload document in acceptco function:
<script type="text/javascript">

function acceptco(id, ident){
    if (ident == "cbcookies"){
        var frm=document.getElementById(id);
                var fecha = new Date();
                tiempo = <?php echo $cbtmp; ?>;
                fecha.setTime(fecha.getTime() + tiempo);
                document.cookie = "acceptco" + ' = ' + escape("Y") +         ((tiempo == null) ? "" : "; expires = " + fecha.toGMTString()) +"; path=/";
    location.reload();  // <<== added this line

and where is the set cookies function (i.e. googleanalytics):
<!-- Check if cookie accepted -->
function checkCookie(){
   // acceptco = getsimple cookies plugin  
   if (document.cookie.split(';').filter((item) => item.trim().startsWith('acceptco=')).     length) {
      return true;
   return false;
<!-- -------- -->

<script async src=""></script>
   if ( checkCookie() ){
      window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
      function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
      gtag('js', new Date());
      gtag('config', 'xxxxx', { 'anonymize_ip':true });

in this way everywhere you have to set a cookie just use checkCookie() before setting it.
Hi guys,
Installed the Cookies-plugin on my test-website.
The message shows up correctly, but is there a way, if the visitor not click on the ACCEPT button the tracking scripts are disabled/hide, until the visitor clicks on the 'accept' button?

Is there a way implement this in the Cookie plugin or with an if-condition disabled/enabled the scripts in the theme-template.


<?php if (cookie-plugin == ACCEPT) { ?>
<?php } ?>
(2023-02-17, 21:11:09)tuxy Wrote: Hi guys,
Installed the Cookies-plugin on my test-website.
The message shows up correctly, but is there a way, if the visitor not click on the ACCEPT button the tracking scripts are disabled/hide, until the visitor clicks on the 'accept' button?

Is there a way implement this in the Cookie plugin or with an if-condition disabled/enabled the scripts in the theme-template.


<?php if (cookie-plugin == ACCEPT) { ?>
<?php } ?>
This plugin is only giving notice of the use of cookies.
It does nothing regarding excepting or not.
It is not a GRPD script.
* as for as i know

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