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GS Blog v1.4
lr Wrote:Hi I installed and the blog is running great apart from image upload /save in the edit post area
The images upload okay, (and they show on the front end)
Problem is when I save the code converts to (example)
<img alt="\\&quot;\\&quot;" data-cke-saved-src="\\" src="\\&quot;\\&quot;" style="\\&quot;width:" 210px;="" height:="" \\"="">
in admin...

FIXED.. old hosting 1and1 account. I had added to php.ini magic_quotes_gpc = off
but adding to the main directory was not enough. Added it also to sub directories admin and plugin/blog
and the error disappeared.
Hello! Have some questions
Is it possible on the index page to show excerpts of recent posts, and on the blog page - full posts?

Now I use <?php show_blog_category('recent'); ?> on the index page
and <?php show_all_blog_posts(); ?> on the blog page.

Sorry for the google-translate
@mikeh - I was thinking of calendar image dates for blogs like the ones shown in the following example:

Your blog plugin is great! Thanks for sharing this with the community Smile
My rss feed isnt being parsed properly.
when i validate it it says
This feed does not validate.
line 11, column 68: XML parsing error: <unknown>:11:68: not well-formed (invalid token) [help]
which contains the <link>

Perhaps it needs to be encoded ?

Also it seems that the htaccess link doesn't work when fancy urls is off.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Is it be possible, on the summaries page, to display the date of the post under the title?

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jimbo_on_travels Wrote:@mikeh - I was thinking of calendar image dates for blogs like the ones shown in the following example:

Your blog plugin is great! Thanks for sharing this with the community Smile

Please let me know your favorite choice from the examples shown.

shawn_a Wrote:My rss feed isnt being parsed properly.
when i validate it it says
This feed does not validate.
line 11, column 68: XML parsing error: <unknown>:11:68: not well-formed (invalid token) [help]
which contains the <link>

Perhaps it needs to be encoded ?

Also it seems that the htaccess link doesn't work when fancy urls is off.

I will look into the rss feed, it definitely should validate (and originally did).
I originally made the .htaccess example not show (if pretty urls are off) on purpose to avoid confusion from users. I assume you think I should show it regardless?

islander Wrote:Is it be possible, on the summaries page, to display the date of the post under the title?

This will be included in the next version.
dima-s Wrote:Hello! Have some questions
Is it possible on the index page to show excerpts of recent posts, and on the blog page - full posts?
............. ditto it would be great to have this.
<?php show_blog_recent_posts(); ?> is great, a really easy to use code snippet, but it would be great if you could easily pass excerpt and date to other pages.

Can anyone guide on changing the code to do this for now?

great plugin!
lr Wrote:
dima-s Wrote:Hello! Have some questions
Is it possible on the index page to show excerpts of recent posts, and on the blog page - full posts?
............. ditto it would be great to have this.
<?php show_blog_recent_posts(); ?> is great, a really easy to use code snippet, but it would be great if you could easily pass excerpt and date to other pages.
[link=]Link To Gist Coding[/link]

Can anyone guide on changing the code to do this for now?

great plugin!

Go to the below url, copy the entire show_blog_recent_posts() function and use it to replace the show_blog_recent_posts() function in blog.php

Once you have done this you can optionally provide 2 parameters. One to decide whether to show excerpts, and another to define the excerpt length. Explained below

<?php show_blog_recent_posts(true, 350); ?>

parameter 1: $excerpt=false
The first param is false by default. If you do not wish to display excerpts, do not place any parameters in the function. If you do want to show excerpts, this should be true (as in above example).

parameter 2: $excerpt_length=null
The second parameter defines the length of the excerpt. If you do not provide the second parameter (and the first param is true), it will default to the excerpt length defined on the blog settings page.
mikeh Wrote:[link=]Link To Gist Coding[/link]
<?php show_blog_recent_posts(true, 350); ?>
Great Mike ! really nice !!
a smaill contribution: add the READ MORE thing at the end of the excerpt
is just adding like this
echo '<li><a href="'.$url.'">'.$title.'</a><p class="blog_recent_posts_excerpt">'.$excerpt.' ... <a href="'.$url.'">READ FULL</a></p></li>';

Thank you man!
Dear Mikeh
I have a problem with the position of the sidebar since I installed GS Blog.
Please have a look at The sidebar is below the blog instead of being on the right side. In menu Impressum you can see, where the sidebar should be. Any idea what to do?
Thanks in advance
mikeh Wrote:I assume you think I should show it regardless?

Well the link is still there regardless, so I don't see how that matters.
Plus people probably want to see the details or even change htaccess BEFORE enabling the checkbox.
Also to clarify, the setting has to be SAVED not just checked for it to display.

Also if you implemented a component callout or a templating method or even just output the date parts in individually classed spans, people can style their own date widgets, I don't see a predefined one needing to be added as a feature.

hmm the rss issue might be non encoded ampersands in the links, also the links in the feed don't seem to respect pretty urls.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Here is a slightly updated version of the Spanish lang file.

GS Community Edition with php8.x compatibility, new features and much more!  Support Me

[link=]Link To Gist Coding[/link]

Go to the below url, copy the entire show_blog_recent_posts() function and use it to replace the show_blog_recent_posts() function in blog.php

<?php show_blog_recent_posts(true, 350); ?>
and also the tip from focoves

echo '<li><a href="'.$url.'">'.$title.'</a><p class="blog_recent_posts_excerpt">'.$excerpt.' ... <a href="'.$url.'">READ FULL</a></p></li>';

Thank you !!!! Just perfect

I'd go with the following from that calendar icon site: (they look pretty standard and easy enough to customise for an end user)

I've also checked that they're free to use.

Thanks for looking at this Smile
This might be a stupid question.

I want to add comments to the blog, but I also want comments on select pages on my site.
So aside from running 2 comment systems, any way to just use the one with blog for both.

Or some other plugin and intergrate it into the blog.

I was thinking maybe normal pages can masquerade as blog posts somehow or maybe the code is modular enough i can just insert the blog commenting system. Or maybe even make fake blog posts for each page and then link to those from the normal pages ?
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
shawn_a Wrote:This might be a stupid question.

I want to add comments to the blog, but I also want comments on select pages on my site.
So aside from running 2 comment systems, any way to just use the one with blog for both.

Or some other plugin and intergrate it into the blog.

I was thinking maybe normal pages can masquerade as blog posts somehow or maybe the code is modular enough i can just insert the blog commenting system. Or maybe even make fake blog posts for each page and then link to those from the normal pages ?

Well if you want to use disqus you can just use the same shortname for your installation on your pages.

I have a page for the blogs as per the settings - this is not my homepage, but I want ot add just the latest blog to the front page below the content. I have used the show_blog_recent_posts(true, 350); but it doesn't display image content in the blog. Is there a function that can adjusted to display only the latest blog on the front page (while keeping my blog page)?

My Apologies, it was the post thumbnail that was not displaying and I had troubles trying to display it by incorporating it into the function, irrespective of that I would greatly appreciate a function to display only the latest post on the front page with an excerpt length.

version 2.0 will not be released as quickly as I hoped. I have many projects to work on right now and do not have the time to finish the update.

So you all know the progress. I have a custom fields option fully implemented and configured. I only need to finish the area where the user can layout the custom fields for front-end viewing. Hopefully I can accomplish this within the next 2 weeks.
Can you dump all the fields into an object and pass it globally to a user specified component?
It's a lot easier than coding all your config stuff into your plugin, and it's all in one place.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
shawn_a Wrote:Can you dump all the fields into an object and pass it globally to a user specified component?
It's a lot easier than coding all your config stuff into your plugin, and it's all in one place.

Well the whole process becomes a bit complicated due to the rules on the settings page.
(display thumbnail, tags, date, etc..)
mikeh Wrote:
shawn_a Wrote:Can you dump all the fields into an object and pass it globally to a user specified component?
It's a lot easier than coding all your config stuff into your plugin, and it's all in one place.

Well the whole process becomes a bit complicated due to the rules on the settings page.
(display thumbnail, tags, date, etc..)

hmm, i imagine those would be ignored if people were using their own component for rendering.
They could make those decisions on their own in code.

Granted this is a advanced user use scenario.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
shawn_a Wrote:
mikeh Wrote:
shawn_a Wrote:Can you dump all the fields into an object and pass it globally to a user specified component?
It's a lot easier than coding all your config stuff into your plugin, and it's all in one place.

Well the whole process becomes a bit complicated due to the rules on the settings page.
(display thumbnail, tags, date, etc..)

hmm, i imagine those would be ignored if people were using their own component for rendering.
They could make those decisions on their own in code.

Granted this is a advanced user use scenario.
Alright, so in your opinion it is best to completely ignore most of the settings on the settings page if the user opts in to choose a custom display. And what would be the benefit of using a component rather then a text area on the settings page? I think that would just confuse the user or make them go to another place when it could be done on the spot.
mikeh Wrote:Alright, so in your opinion it is best to completely ignore most of the settings on the settings page if the user opts in to choose a custom display. And what would be the benefit of using a component rather then a text area on the settings page? I think that would just confuse the user or make them go to another place when it could be done on the spot.

IMHO , mikeh , you are right. It's better having blog settings inside of the component itself.
Anyway, thank you for your plugin, it's great. When you can come for 2.0, we'll be waiting for you !
I don't know, I like components, it gives me a single location to manage all my code modules.

Plus it removes all that overhead form your plugin, you don't have to code a codemirror textarea since we already have a mechanism for this. i18n search does this and I found it much more pleasant to work with than the way , say item manager did.

Of course if you implement a textarea, users can always just call their own component inside it, so doesn't really affect us. Was just thinking of ways to make plugin authoring easier than having code inputs all over the place.

Maybe in core we can have components register with the system and all show up in component editor, but remain linked to the plugin they belong to, so when the plugin is removed, the component can be and vice versa.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix

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