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GS Blog v1.4
Changes are looking awesome.
Ill try to test them out.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
magik Wrote:I looked at the changes to the code on GitHub and looked at the custom permissions. I really like the presentation of the custom permissions.

I'll test this version in the next few days.

Have you changed the "View All Categories" functionality or added an "Uncategorized" option? (see

Also, I'm unsure if the line in bold in this is currently in error:
public function listPosts($array=false, $sort_dates=false)
$all_posts = glob(BLOGPOSTSFOLDER . "/*.xml");
if(count($all_posts) < 1)
return false;
$count = 0;
return $all_posts;
foreach($all_posts as $post)
$data = getXML($post);
$posts[$count]['filename'] = $post;
$posts[$count]['date'] = (string) $data->date;
$posts[$count]['category'] = (string) $data->category;
$posts[$count]['tags'] = (string) $data->tags;
if(isset($data->author)) { $posts[$count]['authur'] = (string) $data->author; }

Author seems to not be implemented (I may be wrong). Otherwise, I believe it should be $posts[$count]['author'].

Also is the feature "Added ability to display post count next to archive months in archives function (disabled by default)" also available for categories? I would really like being able to do it for categories too.

I'll be sure to check the code more thoroughly in the next version. I really like learning from it.

Thank you for the heads up and category suggestion. I will organize the plugin a bit and release the new version tomorrow.
I have been debating adding support for optional database storage for this plugin.
Would anyone find this feature useful? It would provide some more advanced capabilities and would scale well if your blog began picking up a lot of traffic.
mikeh Wrote:I have been debating adding support for optional database storage for this plugin.
Would anyone find this feature useful? It would provide some more advanced capabilities and would scale well if your blog began picking up a lot of traffic.

What would the optional databases supported be? (MYSQL, SQLite, ?)

I wouldn't require it for my personal use cases. But, it's true that it might be useful.
magik Wrote:
mikeh Wrote:I have been debating adding support for optional database storage for this plugin.
Would anyone find this feature useful? It would provide some more advanced capabilities and would scale well if your blog began picking up a lot of traffic.

What would the optional databases supported be? (MYSQL, SQLite, ?)

I wouldn't require it for my personal use cases. But, it's true that it might be useful.
I only intended on providing support for MYSQL, however I would be using PDO so I could SQLite and a few other options as well.
I just made a patch that corrects two minor errors.

I'm really a noob with GitHub, so I'm unsure if I did everything right.

I'll await your next release and might fork other changes in the future.
lr Wrote:
lr Wrote:Hi I installed and the blog is running great apart from image upload /save in the edit post area
The images upload okay, (and they show on the front end)
Problem is when I save the code converts to (example)
<img alt="\\"\\"" data-cke-saved-src="\\" src="\\"\\"" style="\\"width:" 210px;="" height:="" \\"="">
in admin...

FIXED.. old hosting 1and1 account. I had added to php.ini magic_quotes_gpc = off
but adding to the main directory was not enough. Added it also to sub directories admin and plugin/blog
and the error disappeared.

I have exact problem, but i didn't fixed... how to fix exactly please?

Box Wrote:
lr Wrote:
lr Wrote:Hi I installed and the blog is running great apart from image upload /save in the edit post area
The images upload okay, (and they show on the front end)
Problem is when I save the code converts to (example)
<img alt="\\"\\"" data-cke-saved-src="\\" src="\\"\\"" style="\\"width:" 210px;="" height:="" \\"="">
in admin...

FIXED.. old hosting 1and1 account. I had added to php.ini magic_quotes_gpc = off
but adding to the main directory was not enough. Added it also to sub directories admin and plugin/blog
and the error disappeared.

I have exact problem, but i didn't fixed... how to fix exactly please?

magic_quotes_gpc = off
^ Should do the trick. Are you sure you put that in your php.ini? Try using the phpinfo() function to make sure it is off.
I will be releasing the new version sometime today or tomorrow. If you have a request, submit it now.
Version 1.4 Added To Extend
  • Added "Permissions" which are enabled if you are using the the Multi User Plugin (Ver. 1.8.2+)
  • Polished permissions process
  • Fixed issue where posts which had a category did not have the category selected automatically under "post options"
  • Fixed "View All Categories" issue where it was only showing posts without a category
  • Removed codemirror from all admin pages that do not belong to blog plugin
  • Disabled posts without titles from being created
  • Added RSS auto-detection in theme header
  • Fixed JS errors on editor pages
  • Placed tags in blog_post_container in frontend
  • getSettingsData method returns entire settings file in array if $node param is not provided
  • Added ability to add "Read More" link after excerpt and choose text to display (disabled by default)
  • Added ability to display post count next to archive months in archives function (disabled by default)
  • Fixed some tag errors.
  • Added hooks for custom permissions which can be used if using the latest version of the multi-user plugin (on github)
  • Added new function to display post title
  • Fixed bug with tags, they were not checking if there are not tags for a post
  • Updated documentation on help page and blog custom page help
  • Re-organized entire plugin
  • Updated DocBlocks
  • Various other changes I forgot to add to the list as I was working

I have been creating test sites and debugging this plugin throughout the past few days, hoping I would find any bugs. However, this is a big update so bear with me if you run into any problems. I will be checking this thread daily for the next week or so to fix any issues that may arise. After a week, I probably will not have time to create another update for quite a while.

New "Page Title" Function Docs:
There is a new function I created which you can place in your template files. It returns the title of the page/post.
  • This can go in any template file.
  • It functions EXACTLY the same as the GetSimple function get_page_clean_title() which is found in the core.
  • If you are not on the blog page it will return the regular page title
  • If you are on the main blog page it will return its title
  • If you are on an individual post page, the title will be the title of the post
<?php get_blog_title(); ?>
mikeh Wrote:I will be releasing the new version sometime today or tomorrow. If you have a request, submit it now.

I would really love to see more support for customization. As of right now to customize the layout it requires a lot of tweaks as you can see in my prior posts. This needs the most work, as it replaces everything. Also I'm not quite sure if it is possible to have a subscribed RSS feed, but it would be nice if the browser found the feed automatically. I can't actually get the RSS feed to work. Also support for HitCount would be nice as well. Also there appears to be the ability to have an archive page and category page as shown by the .htaccess edits, so I think there is work that needs to be done there as well, as from what I can see these pages are non existent.

And note:

PS. I went to see how the plugin works on your site and your domain is offline/parked…

I upgraded to GS Blog 1.4 by overwriting all plugin files. I got this (frontend and backend):
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Blog in C:\xampp\htdocs\gs312\plugins\blog\class\Blog.php on line 9

I delete the plugin (blog.php and blog folder) and my site works again (except the blog, of course)

I put the plugin again. I get a blank page, both frontend and backend (no errors, even with debug mode enabled).

I remove it and put back GS Blog version 1.2.2. Everything works again.

All this in a local test site with GS 3.1.2 -- I have not researched further, I just let you know there may be some problem. Did I miss something about upgrading?
Hallo, same error of Carlos for me...
Carlos Wrote:@mikeh

I upgraded to GS Blog 1.4 by overwriting all plugin files. I got this (frontend and backend):
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Blog in C:\xampp\htdocs\gs312\plugins\blog\class\Blog.php on line 9

I delete the plugin (blog.php and blog folder) and my site works again (except the blog, of course)

I put the plugin again. I get a blank page, both frontend and backend (no errors, even with debug mode enabled).

I remove it and put back GS Blog version 1.2.2. Everything works again.

All this in a local test site with GS 3.1.2 -- I have not researched further, I just let you know there may be some problem. Did I miss something about upgrading?

You need to completely delete the old plugin files before installing the new version. You are able to keep the files in the data folders.
still does not work ... There may be conflicts with i18n plugin?
This is why you should prefix all your functions and global names so they are unique.

NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
pavel9 Wrote:still does not work ... There may be conflicts with i18n plugin?
I know nothing until you post what errors occurred.
mikeh Wrote:You need to completely delete the old plugin files before installing the new version. You are able to keep the files in the data folders.

Yes... As I said, I had also tried that.
I've tried again, but this time without I18N Search (the only plugin I had installed), but happens the same: I get a blank page (both site and backend) and no errors (debug mode enabled).

I'll do some test with a fresh GS install and your plugin.
Same problem on a clean install, now i do not know where to find the problem ... :-(
Happens the same to me. Fresh GS 3.1.2 install (no pages, no plugins): after uploading/copying GS Blog 1.4 I get a blank page in both the site and /admin, with debug mode enabled.

I've done a quick trace and it seems to break in blog.php line 17:
i18n_merge($thisfile) || i18n_merge($LANG);

I also spotted a typo in line 15: $LNAG instead of $LANG
(However after correcting this, it still happens the same)
Oh, I think I found it.

blog/lang/en_US.php is faulty. Some uncommented (without # or //) anotations, and maybe duplicated definitions. I renamed es_ES.php to en_US.php and seems to work.
With a clean installation of the system and plug (GS Blog)
website is not working...
error HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error)

how to fix?
(quick fix) Try to replace blog/lang/en_US.php by the same file from a previous GS Blog version.
I did it with 1.2.2 and my site was back.
Some strings will not be translated, but at least it works.

(I'm sure mikeh will soon release some update to fix this issue in 1.4.)
thank you Carlos
Version 1.4.1 Added To Extend
  • Fixed en_US.php lang file which was corrupted during push to github.

Something weird happened during the push to github. GitHub changed my comments in the language file to >>>>>> which broke the plugin. It has been fixed and updated in github and extend.

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