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I18N navigation dropdown menu
(2013-02-26, 01:46:41)Alb Wrote: To display this menu I use
PHP Code:
<?php get_i18n_navigation(return_page_slug(),0,1,I18N_SHOW_LANGUAGE); ?>
But when I display them on my Link3 menu it shows the li class closed and it don't show the submenus. How can I make it be alwasy li class current opened ?

Do you mean, that you use drop down menus? Depending on the CSS they are normally only open, if you hover the mouse over the top entry.

If you want to open it automatically, if the page or one of the subpages is displayed, you need to add appropriate CSS, e.g. (extension of CSS from here)
.sitemenu li:hover ul, .sitemenu ul { display:block; }

(2013-02-26, 01:46:41)Alb Wrote: and the other problem is with menu on my sidebar which is like:
I use to display this menu:
PHP Code:
The problem is that it displays only the Sub parent pages and I want to display the sub sub parent pages too. Any sugestion?
Your function call has too many parameters, see here. Third parameter should be > 1, e.g. 9, and fourth (0) should be removed.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.

Messages In This Thread
I18N navigation dropdown menu - by Alb - 2013-02-26, 01:46:41
RE: I18N navigation dropdown menu - by mvlcek - 2013-02-26, 04:25:08
RE: I18N navigation dropdown menu - by Alb - 2013-02-26, 19:30:49

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