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Sub-Navigation Menu
RobA Wrote:Sorry for the thread necromancy.

I want to know if there are sub-pages to a page. Typically these subpages would NOT be in the menu tree.

I'd like a function: get_child_slugs('page-slug')

that returns an array of child page slugs or null so I could for-each through them and build a menu (after content) listing all the child pages.

I see the code here should do this (or is close). Do I have to implement it as a plugin or can I just include this stuff in a custom functions.php?

-Rob A>

I don;t know how correct it is to respond to myself, but I figured I'd post the code I went with. I put the following function in my functions.php file of my theme:
function return_child_data()
  $morderArray = array();
  if (is_dir($path))
      if ($dh = opendir($path))
         while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false)
             if($file!="." AND $file!=".." AND $file!=".htaccess")
                    $da = @fopen($pathtofile,"r");
                    if ($data->parent != '')
                if (strcasecmp($data->parent, $slug) == 0)
                $morderArray[$count]['slug'] = (string)$node->url;
                $morderArray[$count]['title'] = (string)$node->menu;


And use this in a page template php code chunk like so:

$subpagelist = return_child_data();
foreach($subpagelist as $subpage) {
  echo $subpage['slug']; // echos the subpage slug string you can use/append as a URL
  echo $subpage['title']; // echos the subpage title string you can use a a label

-Rob A>

Messages In This Thread
Sub-Navigation Menu - by dclawson - 2010-02-18, 12:44:19
Sub-Navigation Menu - by Zegnåt - 2010-02-18, 23:42:37
Sub-Navigation Menu - by dclawson - 2010-02-19, 15:48:53
Sub-Navigation Menu - by caviar - 2010-04-07, 19:46:44
Sub-Navigation Menu - by dclawson - 2010-04-07, 23:30:32
Sub-Navigation Menu - by caviar - 2010-04-08, 23:04:38
Sub-Navigation Menu - by dclawson - 2010-04-26, 20:45:18
Sub-Navigation Menu - by Zegnåt - 2010-04-27, 17:02:13
Sub-Navigation Menu - by RobA - 2010-10-14, 06:08:16
Sub-Navigation Menu - by RobA - 2010-10-15, 06:14:06
Sub-Navigation Menu - by Zegnåt - 2010-10-15, 06:40:35
Sub-Navigation Menu - by RobA - 2010-10-15, 07:10:38
Sub-Navigation Menu - by ccagle8 - 2010-10-15, 10:06:07

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