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I18N Gallery
Rene Wrote:@mvlcek: get_site_url(); is returning a slash on the end, so by example ...

<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php get_site_url(); ?>/plugins/i18n_gallery/js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js"></script>

... results in ...

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Fixed in I18N Gallery version 0.7.6.

BTW: Did this cause any problems? If yes, with which browsers?
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
@Nick: Thx for the explanation.

@mvlcek: I want multiple views on same gallery. When I set settings for Cycle (Text position / Text width or height) it's also set for Slider. But I want that to be different, can that also be done with parameters? Or - maybe better - is it possible for each type to have his own settings?

Sorry, I don't want to pettifog, it's a great plugin and thx for all the hard work.
mvlcek Wrote:
Rene Wrote:@mvlcek: get_site_url(); is returning a slash on the end, so by example ...

<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php get_site_url(); ?>/plugins/i18n_gallery/js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js"></script>

... results in ...

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Fixed in I18N Gallery version 0.7.6.

BTW: Did this cause any problems? If yes, with which browsers?

@mvlcek: NO it didn't cause any problems for latest Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari and even IE (8)

can you think of something to embed a gallery in the news manager
Oleg06 Wrote:can you think of something to embed a gallery in the news manager

See here.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
Hello, when I try to ad images to a gallery which I'm creating, I get the following error: see Attachment.

I'm using GS v.3.0 and still using v0.7.1 of the I18N Gallery. I will update soon.

EDIT: reinstalled to v.0.7.6, problem is still there.

Another thing: All files from i18n plugins have 777 permissions by default when I upload them. Is this the right setting? Shouldn't this be 755?
datiswous Wrote:Hello, when I try to ad images to a gallery which I'm creating, I get the following error: see Attachment.

If you have sitewide cookies enabled, it might be caused by your installation in a subdirectory. I'll try to check, if this could be the problem. Otherwise please turn on debugging and see if you get a better error message.

datiswous Wrote:Another thing: All files from i18n plugins have 777 permissions by default when I upload them. Is this the right setting? Shouldn't this be 755?

I'm not sure if permissions are stored in the zip file. Normally it depends on your ftp client and the configuration of the webhost how files are uploaded. As for 755 or 777: 755 should be enough.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
datiswous Wrote:Hello, when I try to ad images to a gallery which I'm creating, I get the following error: see Attachment.
  • Subdirectory should not be a problem, as paths are relative.
  • does the file plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/imagebrowser.php exist and can it be accessed?
  • do you have custom rewrite rules in your root .htaccess?
  • did you rename the admin folder, but not change GSADMIN in gsconfig.php?
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
Yes it exists and has 777 rules.
I don't know about the custom rewrite rules, do you mean the root of my site, or the root of my GS folder?
I did not rename my admin folder. (why should one do this anyway?)

About the file permissions:

All plugins I tested before (apart from yours) set their uploaded file permissions to 644 and folder permissions to 755. I find it a bit strange that at least 3 of your plugins set all files and folders to permission 777. If this is not a security problem, then no problem.


I checked my server error log (in Cpanel), see the following error:

[Wed Jun 01 00:08:34 2011] [error] [client] SoftException in Application.cpp:601: Directory "/gs/plugins/i18n_gallery" is writeable by group, referer:
and some smilar lines of code.

So I changed in the plugin all files to 644 and folders to permission 755. Now I get another error:

Not logged in!

EDIT2: After changing the thing about sitewide cookies, it works. Looks nice.
datiswous Wrote:About the file permissions:

All plugins I tested before (apart from yours) set their uploaded file permissions to 644 and folder permissions to 755. I find it a bit strange that at least 3 of your plugins set all files and folders to permission 777.

I'm not setting it explicitely. I suppose this is an effect of developing under Linux, but saving and archiving the plugin on a NTFS drive. Thanks for mentioning it.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
Hello all,

I have followed instruction (enable cookie, gallery.xml, etc etc) and created a gallery but when i want to see it; it shows that: (% gallery %)

I have created another page and pasted (% gallery name=test %) which is my gallery name but it shows same above. you can see screen shot in attachment.

using default theme and in header.php there is get_header function so i didn't understand where i make mistake ?? Sad
oratoran Wrote:Hello all,

I have followed instruction (enable cookie, gallery.xml, etc etc) and created a gallery but when i want to see it; it shows that: (% gallery %)

I have created another page and pasted (% gallery name=test %) which is my gallery name but it shows same above. you can see screen shot in attachment.

The last one is the correct way. But you seem to have quite a lot of permission problems, e.g. from the p01-contact plugin. And there are message indicating that the setup/installation of GetSimple did not succeed.

Try to first get a running GetSimple installation without plugins and then add one plugin after another, checking each one's functionality and if it displays any errors or warnings.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
actually i disabled all plugins and tried but nothing changed; you mean delete and install again?

many problems because my server has very strict rules; hard to configure (even for GS, if we want to install WP we should try some instructions).

so, as an experienced user, can you advice me hosting website well with GS (no debug errors). I mean when i try to install i18N gallery, i made all changes by manually (not auto-copied to pages/gallery.xml, not created backups folders and file permissions, etc etc. (sorry not true place but i want to know )

i will try to install again and you say if everything good, i could't see errors in debug mode?
oratoran Wrote:actually i disabled all plugins and tried but nothing changed; you mean delete and install again?

Disabling doesn't work as one would expect, as the plugins are still loaded and parts are executed.
It's better to completely delete them - or if installation is complex - just rename all php files in plugins to <plugin>.php.txt or similar.

oratoran Wrote:many problems because my server has very strict rules; hard to configure (even for GS, if we want to install WP we should try some instructions).

That's why I wrote the problem check list in the first post of this topic. I hope it's complete.

oratoran Wrote:so, as a experienced user, can you advice me hosting website good with GS (no debug errors). I mean when i try to install i18N gallery, i made all by manually (not auto-copied to pages/gallery.xml, not created backups folders and file permissions, etc etc. (sorry not true place but i want to know )

i will try to install again and you say if everything good, i could't see errors in debug mode?

If everything works you shouldn't see warnings or errors in debug mode.

You might also install everything on a local web server until it works, then copy everything to your website, check the permissions, disable all plugins by renaming, login and change the website url, then test first GetSimple itself and then enable the plugins one by one and test them.

As for a hosting provider, I don't really know. I'm using which is free, does not show advertisements, didn't give me problems during installation and is sufficient for low-traffic sites.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
oratoran Wrote:Hello all,

I have followed instruction (enable cookie, gallery.xml, etc etc) and created a gallery but when i want to see it; it shows that: (% gallery %)

I have created another page and pasted (% gallery name=test %) which is my gallery name but it shows same above. you can see screen shot in attachment.

using default theme and in header.php there is get_header function so i didn't understand where i make mistake ?? Sad
Do you use perhaps Exec-PHP plugin?
The same was in my situation. It seems to be incompatible with newest I18N Gallery. Renaming zzzz_exec-php.php solved problem.
Polish translation of I18N gallery if you're interested.
Unzip it into plugins/i18n_gallery/lang directory.

I installed the I18N Gallery, created a new album, but the images do not appear. Where the images would appear that there was only receiving this message: (% gallery%)
What went wrong?
Thank you Raffee, i had disabled Exec-PHP plugin before, now rename and gallery works great.

sizili, as a new beginner i can tell you first carefully read (Problem solving section) and then test you not using exec-php plugin. It solves mine.

Thanks again..
szili Wrote:Hello!

I installed the I18N Gallery, created a new album, but the images do not appear. Where the images would appear that there was only receiving this message: (% gallery%)
What went wrong?

The syntax is (replace my-gallery-name with the name of the gallery):
(% gallery name=my-gallery-name %)
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
Thanks, it works!
This line was missing in the template.php file:
<? php get_header ();?>

as this tag is essential, please tell us which template you used, as this should be fixed ;=)

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Sorry I'm bordering you but I've stuck with I18N gallery v 0.7.6 .. just everything looks fine , I've checked all recommendation but still when I want to upload files in gallery tab just appears :


You don't have permission to access /plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/imagebrowser.php on this server.

Pls can anyone help me ?

thnx Filip
This is a permission problem, often discussed in the forum

Did you run the Support => health-check already? If yes, you will see if there are missing permissions and you can take this info to talk with your hoster's support

if you feel with CHMOD and setting file / folder permissions by FTP, ask your hoster's support to configure your webspace in that way that you can upload files from within web applications.
It's their job

good luck, Connie

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Thx Connie

I've already did health-check and as you can see everything seems is OK (green)


also did little change in .htaccess file .. in RewriteBase .. but still without success

well my web service provider ( doesn't work weekends and I need to get gallery ready as soon as possible .. ( doing webpage for client)

any ideas.....
I´ve also changed permission of imagebrowser.php file - still nothing

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