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version jQuery conflict between i18n-Gallery and Mp3 Plugin
Hi to all,

if is there any french spoken user I'll be happy because i'm better speaking french ! ;-)

I've an issue in a fresh installation of GetSimple with the vesrion of jQuery used by i18-gallery who is out of date and don't work with the latest vesion comming with Mp3 Player Ultimate.
If i activate jQuery on the i18n-gallery setting, gallery work fine but multi player version of Mp3 Player doesn't work. And If i activate jQuery on MP3 Player setting it works fine, but not i18n-gallery.

Hope I'm clear and my english is good !

That's for website.
(2012-11-14, 23:04:32)gegeweb Wrote: I've an issue in a fresh installation of GetSimple with the vesrion of jQuery used by i18-gallery who is out of date and don't work with the latest vesion comming with Mp3 Player Ultimate.
If i activate jQuery on the i18n-gallery setting, gallery work fine but multi player version of Mp3 Player doesn't work. And If i activate jQuery on MP3 Player setting it works fine, but not i18n-gallery.

I18N Gallery most probably works with a higher version of jQuery, but (on your installation) the MP3 plugin is loaded after the I18N Gallery and jQuery is thus not available, if jQuery is loaded in the MP3 plugin only.

The solution is to include jQuery (e.g. that of the MP3 plugin) directly in your template (before the get_header() call) and switch off jQuery inclusion for both plugins.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
(2012-11-15, 00:04:43)mvlcek Wrote: The solution is to include jQuery (e.g. that of the MP3 plugin) directly in your template (before the get_header() call) and switch off jQuery inclusion for both plugins.

OK thanks i'll try that.
I'm newbie with GetSimple, could you tell me the best way how to do that.
Edit : I've found how to do that, it works fine know. Thanks!

Other question, I haven't at this time setup a multilingual version of the site. Is there a doc somewhere who explain how to use all the i18n plugins ? In french it will be better for me but in english it's OK too.
(2012-11-15, 00:43:11)gegeweb Wrote: Other question, I haven't at this time setup a multilingual version of the site. Is there a doc somewhere who explain how to use all the i18n plugins ? In french it will be better for me but in english it's OK too.

Pas difficile, on commence par ajouter une page pour qui le slug est index_fr. Puis, c'est presqu'automatique.

Facultative : penses à installer les fichiers de traduction, disponible pour pas mal des plugins 'I18N-', je croix. Ils se trouvent dans l'Extend.

Voir aussi le site francophone. Wink

Edit : seulement 'I18N' est obligatoire pour multilangages.

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