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Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0
Community edition ready for php 8.1 soon download pack from github, Great work guys! We have plan replace default themes inside cms install. Something suggestion?
Ok, now we created version download with all your fixes. Pure install compatible with php 8.1Smile Soon we make next releases.
Updated patch v.06 file for GS 3.3.16 for php 7.4 - 8.1 compatibility.

This patch includes new updates as well as all previous updates.

GS-3.3.16-php-8.1-patch-v.06  (updated 2022-11-20)
  *Further 7.4-8.1 compatibility


  * Fixes bug in Components if none exist.
  * Fixed non numeric error on gsdebug.
  * Changed function name do to deprecated class constructor.
  * Missing php7 extension on file_ext_blacklist #1237


  * Fixes vulnerability #1335


  * Fix error message (empty log file) #1312 (

  *  Add .webp support for GetSimple CMS #1350 (

  *Further php7.x-8.x compatibility

  *8.x compatibility enhancements (all fixes mentioned in this thread to date)

Download Patch only.

To download a full version of GS 3.3.16 with the latest patches already applied, visit the Get Simple Community Edition page.

GS Community Edition with php8.x compatibility, new features and much more!  Support Me

Dear Team,

Thanks for sharing Get Simple Community Edition.

We have noticed changes mostly in the admin folder files.

Please confirm this so that we could upload and update the Files in Admin.

We have to compare and update the theme folder files if there are any changes in them as those files have been customized.

(2022-09-29, 04:52:35)Knobbles Wrote: Also fixed some warnings of the same type in i18N Bases and i18N Search, but I do not know what Mvlcek thinks about modifying his plugins.

Dear @Knobbles,

Please share with us the modified files of i18N Search Plugin as we are also using the same in our websites.

(2022-10-16, 16:56:03)celextel Wrote: Dear Team,

Thanks for sharing Get Simple Community Edition.

We have noticed changes mostly in the admin folder files.

Please confirm this so that we could upload and update the Files in Admin.

We have to compare and update the theme folder files if there are any changes in them as those files have been customized.


If you download the patch file, you will see that it includes two folders, "patch", which is primarily admin file updates.

You will also note a "_Report" folder. This shows a file compare of all files that were updated and what was changed, just in case you have added any manual changes.

Themes have not been touched.

As with any update, it is recommended that you make a complete backup before applying.

Kind regards

GS Community Edition with php8.x compatibility, new features and much more!  Support Me

(2022-10-16, 18:27:55)islander Wrote: If you download the patch file, you will see that it includes two folders, "patch", which is primarily admin file updates.

You will also note a "_Report" folder. This shows a file compare of all files that were updated and what was changed, just in case you have added any manual changes.

Themes have not been touched.

As with any update, it is recommended that you make a complete backup before applying.

Kind regards

Thanks for the details.
I tried to setup it on php 8.1, i got blank page on setup.php! whats wrong....
It may have not been tested or reported until now. Can you turn on debug in gsconfig.php to see if it gives a message?

GS Community Edition with php8.x compatibility, new features and much more!  Support Me

(2022-10-17, 22:01:39)islander Wrote: It may have not been tested or reported until now. Can you turn on debug in gsconfig.php to see if it gives a message?

Nothing, blank page
(2022-10-17, 22:15:58)kdxfi Wrote:
(2022-10-17, 22:01:39)islander Wrote: It may have not been tested or reported until now. Can you turn on debug in gsconfig.php to see if it gives a message?

Nothing, blank page

At what stage does it give the blank page?
Did you apply the patch before install, or use Community Edition?

I just did a clean install on 8.1 and all went fine.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

GS Community Edition with php8.x compatibility, new features and much more!  Support Me

PHP Warning: Undefined array key "SERVER_PORT" in /home/jonne/public_html/admin/inc/basic.php on line 1108
PHP Warning: Undefined array key "SERVER_PORT" in /home/jonne/public_html/admin/inc/basic.php on line 834
PHP Warning: Undefined array key "SERVER_NAME" in /home/jonne/public_html/admin/inc/basic.php on line 842
PHP Warning: Undefined array key "SERVER_PORT" in /home/jonne/public_html/admin/inc/basic.php on line 1108
PHP Warning: Undefined array key "SERVER_PORT" in /home/jonne/public_html/admin/inc/basic.php on line 834
PHP Warning: Undefined array key "SERVER_NAME" in /home/jonne/public_html/admin/inc/basic.php on line 842
Setup.php doesnt seem to work in 8.02 Big Grin
Only my opinion, but maybe take a breath for a moment?

Nobody has reported this before and I cant reproduce this.

You said there is a blank page with no errors, then say the next page shows errors.

I asked about patch or CE version, you did not answer.

Everyone here are in different time-zones and donating our help when we can.

Most likely there will be another update as soon as somebody else can find and extract the error, but you may have to wait more than 5 minutes.

Please have some patience before flipping tables.

GS Community Edition with php8.x compatibility, new features and much more!  Support Me

(2022-10-17, 22:01:39)islander Wrote: It may have not been tested or reported until now. Can you turn on debug in gsconfig.php to see if it gives a message?

I cannot, because install is not working Big Grin
(2022-10-17, 22:50:50)kdxfi Wrote: Setup.php doesnt seem to work in 8.02 Big Grin

So, is this 8.1, 8.02, or both where you are having a problem?

GS Community Edition with php8.x compatibility, new features and much more!  Support Me

(2022-10-17, 22:53:32)kdxfi Wrote:
(2022-10-17, 22:01:39)islander Wrote: It may have not been tested or reported until now. Can you turn on debug in gsconfig.php to see if it gives a message?

I cannot, because install is not working Big Grin

To turn on debug, this is not within admin. You must edit the root file "gsconfig.php"

Somewhere near line 30 you will see:

PHP Code:
# Turn on debug mode
#define('GSDEBUG', TRUE); 

Change this to:
PHP Code:
# Turn on debug mode

And try to install again.

GS Community Edition with php8.x compatibility, new features and much more!  Support Me

There might be a special server issue with missing $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] and $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'].

I found the following interesting comment on the PHP Server Variables Documentation.

This is for SERVER_NAME:
Quote:Note: Under Apache 2, you must set UseCanonicalName = On and ServerName. Otherwise, this value reflects the hostname supplied by the client, which can be spoofed. It is not safe to rely on this value in security-dependent contexts.

And this is for SERVER_PORT:
Quote:Note: Under the Apache 2, you must set UseCanonicalName = On, as well as UseCanonicalPhysicalPort = On in order to get the physical (real) port, otherwise, this value can be spoofed and it may or may not return the physical port value. It is not safe to rely on this value in security-dependent contexts.

So, you might ask your hoster to check whether the correct settings for UseCanonicalName, UseCanonicalPhysicalPort and ServerName are applied.

But maybe you are using a nginx server instead which is not fully configured.
Ok, Really important message:
If someone find wrong working on 3.3.16 CE version please paste your error info on github commit or this topic. We make free work. If someone write us "on my server no work - what a sh!t" we don't will reply for this message. This topic is only for inform about new path and inform about working version on php 8.0, 8.1. If you want stay on 7.4 and original version because is working ok - stay with that. But please! Please, dont make stupid post on this topic. We with Islander no get money from anyone, and we don't want read message like kdxfi posts. Give this community some from self, don't wait fixes for your problem. Maybe someone can use yours works too.

Thanks for yours attention
Quote:Please, dont make stupid post on this topic. We with Islander no get money from anyone, and we don't want read message like kdxfi posts. Give this community some from self, don't wait fixes for your problem. Maybe someone can use yours works too.

Totally agree with Multicolor.
Multicolor and Islander contributions for GS are highly appreciated.
Big thanks for adapting GS to PHP 8.x

kdxfi was noticed in the forum before
kdxfi posts are now flagged as trolling
(2022-10-16, 18:27:55)islander Wrote: If you download the patch file, you will see that it includes two folders, "patch", which is primarily admin file updates.

You will also note a "_Report" folder. This shows a file compare of all files that were updated and what was changed, just in case you have added any manual changes.

Themes have not been touched.

As with any update, it is recommended that you make a complete backup before applying.

Kind regards

We have done these Patch Updates provided by you on Get Simple 3.3.16 Version with PHP 8.1.9 and all of our 4 websites are working fine. Thanks to all who are involved in this Community Team Work.

With Best Wishes,

(2022-10-18, 15:20:52)celexte Wrote: We have done these Patch Updates provided by you on Get Simple 3.3.16 Version with PHP 8.1.9 and all of our 4 websites are working fine. Thanks to all who are involved in this Community Team Work.

With Best Wishes,


Thanks for the feedback.
Out of curiosity, are you using any plugins on those sites?
If so, would you mind sharing so we know which ones are safe on 8.x?

Glad it all worked out for you.

GS Community Edition with php8.x compatibility, new features and much more!  Support Me

(2022-10-18, 17:47:01)islander Wrote: Thanks for the feedback.
Out of curiosity, are you using any plugins on those sites?
If so, would you mind sharing so we know which ones are safe on 8.x?

Glad it all worked out for you.

We are using following Plugins:
I18N Navigation
I18N Search
Innovation Theme Plugin
Memory Peak Usage
Random Content

Our main website which is being powered by Get Simple CMS is Vedanta Spiritual Library

This website has more than 1000 Pages. Some of these Pages have more than 250 PDF pages content.

With Best Wishes,

Quote:This website has more than 1000 Pages. Some of these Pages have more than 250 PDF pages content.

Is your website powered by osCommerce or by GS ?
With more than 1000 Pages how many seconds of delay when
opening a Page in the Backend ?
(2022-10-18, 19:53:09)Felix Wrote:
Quote:This website has more than 1000 Pages. Some of these Pages have more than 250 PDF pages content.

Is your website powered by osCommerce or by GS ?
With more than 1000 Pages how many seconds of delay when
opening a Page in the Backend ?

Dear @Felix,

Our following commercial website is Powered by osCommerce:
Celextel Spiritual Store

Our following non-commercial websites are Powered by Get Simple CMS:
Vedanta Spiritual Library
Vedanta Shastras Library

Both these websites have the same content [more than 1000 Pages].

Page Management at the back end shows all the page titles within few seconds. Edit Page which contains more than 250 PDF pages content also open up within few seconds. We do not see any delay which happens in Database based CMS like Word Press.

Please find our CMS Story in brief at the following Thread: 
Vedanta Shastras Library at

All our websites are being hosted in a Shared Reseller Hosting Account!

With Best Wishes,


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