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File Manager
Hi guys

I've just discovered GetSimple CMS and I really like it, especially the fact that it's so simple to use. To test whether it really fits my purposes I now downloaded and installed it on my server using the german language pack. Everything worked fine but now, while trying to upload a file using the file manager, it doesn't seem to work:
In Firefox and Chrome I click on Add Files and/or Images (why isn't it german by the way?), then select the file. It now looks as if it was uploading, but either nothing happens when it has reached 100% (next to Plugins the wheel is still turning and won't stop) or an error is displayed: Postkarte.pdf (183.48KB) - HTTP Error.
In IE, not even the Add Files and/or Images is displayed, so I can't even select a file I want to upload.
Without the file manager, this CMS isn't worth a lot so I'm really looking for an answer.

Thanks in advance
To start with the least important question:
joene Wrote:Why isn’t [Add Files and/or Images] German by the way?
Due to how Uploadify works, this is an image and not text. You can find this button at /admin/template/images/browse.png

I can’t tell you anything about the IE problem, since I currently don’t have access to a Windows machine.

HTTP Error is a bit hard to say anything about. First of all, that’s the type of error but not the actual error. The actual error is a number and has to be found out in some way. It also seems to be a server problem rather than a software program because it only shows this on certain hosts. This makes it very hard for us to help you out, we can’t reproduce your error.

You could test whether you are allowed to upload at all by disabling Uploadify. Open gsconfig.php (if you don’t have this file in your root, rename temp.gsconfig.php) and search for the following line:
#define('GSNOUPLOADIFY', 1);
Take away the #-mark and try uploading a file now.

I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help.
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Ok, thanks for your help. I followed your instructions and I can now upload everything in both Firefox and IE. I still don't know what the problem was but this option is fine for now.
joene Wrote:Ok, thanks for your help. I followed your instructions and I can now upload everything in both Firefox and IE. I still don't know what the problem was but this option is fine for now.

I had the same problem and achieved the same solution. I beleive it had something to do with the proxy I was connecting through.

-Rob A>
Quote:I had the same problem and achieved the same solution. I beleive it had something to do with the proxy I was connecting through.
Well, I don't know of any proxy I might be connecting through. It is just a simple web hosting I installed getSimple on.
I realized there are other problems too. I can't create a sitemap, for example. Do you have that problem too?
I think for coming versions of getSimple, it would be useful to produce error messages that are more explanatory. That way, users could figure out more easily where the problem might be. Messages like Error: Your sitemap could not be generated do not give a very detailed error-description!

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