2011-12-28, 20:01:20
Hi guys!
I can't get the hang of how to code a plug-in.
This is what I have today.
1. It's a tiny script that scans given folder for JPG files and returns an array.
2. If the thumbnail folder is empty or has fewer thumbnails than the image array, it creates new thumbs.
3. After that it creates a index.php file with a UL list of all the images. (thumbs and links)
4. When the script is inluded at the end, a javascript loads the gallery CSS, JS and so on into the <head>.
On my old CMS system adding <?php nQaG("gallerydir","test"); ?> works fine .
But in Get-Simple, nothing happens even if I tried multiple solutions.
Doesn't work: <?php nQaG("gallerydir","test"); ?>
Doesn't work: (% nQaG( gallerydir , test ) %)
Here's the main script:
I can't get the hang of how to code a plug-in.
This is what I have today.
1. It's a tiny script that scans given folder for JPG files and returns an array.
2. If the thumbnail folder is empty or has fewer thumbnails than the image array, it creates new thumbs.
3. After that it creates a index.php file with a UL list of all the images. (thumbs and links)
4. When the script is inluded at the end, a javascript loads the gallery CSS, JS and so on into the <head>.
On my old CMS system adding <?php nQaG("gallerydir","test"); ?> works fine .
But in Get-Simple, nothing happens even if I tried multiple solutions.
Doesn't work: <?php nQaG("gallerydir","test"); ?>
Doesn't work: (% nQaG( gallerydir , test ) %)
Here's the main script:
Plugin Name: nQa Gallery
Description: Simple but nice Gallery function
Version: 1.1
Author: Dialup
Author URI: www.example.com
# get correct id for plugin
$thisfile=basename(__FILE__, ".php");
# register plugin
'nQa Gallery',
'Simple but nice Gallery function',
# activate filter
function insert_javascript_and_css () {
$lines = file("plugins/nQa_Gallery/meta.php");
foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line)
{echo $line;}
function nQaG($gallery_dir,$folder){
$alldir = $gallery_dir."/".$folder."/";
$tndir = $gallery_dir."/".$folder."/tn/";
if (!is_dir($tndir)) {mkdir($tndir);}
//$images = glob("/tmp/*.{jpeg,gif,png}", GLOB_BRACE);
$img_count = count(glob($alldir."*.{jpg,JPG,jpeg,JPEG}",GLOB_BRACE));
$tn_count = count(glob($tndir."*.{jpg,JPG,jpeg,JPEG}",GLOB_BRACE));
$img_dir_list = glob($alldir."*.{jpg,JPG,jpeg,JPEG}",GLOB_BRACE);
if ($tn_count < $img_count)
//create thumbnails
$dir_handle = opendir($alldir);
foreach($img_dir_list as $imagefile)
//if (!file_exists($tndir.$imagefile)){
$onlyfile = str_replace($alldir, "", $imagefile);
$img = imagecreatefromjpeg($alldir.$onlyfile);
$width = imagesx($img);
$height = imagesy($img);
$tn_width = 200;
$new_height = ceil($tn_width * ($height / $width));
$tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($tn_width, $new_height);
//imagejpeg($tmp,"$tndir".$tnfile,100);print_r ($tmp."<br />");
imagejpeg($tmp, $tndir.$onlyfile);
// Create and Open the new php file
$createIndex = "$alldir/index.php";
$fh = fopen($createIndex, 'w') or die("can't open file");
// Get the content from the template
$stringData = "<div id=\"gallery\">\n<ul>\n";
fwrite($fh, $stringData);
foreach($img_dir_list as $imglink){
$links = str_replace($alldir, "", $imglink);
fwrite($fh,"<li><a title=\"$gallery_dir\" href=\"$alldir$links\" ><img class=\"shadows\" src=\"$tndir$links\" alt=\"$gallery_dir\" /></a></li>\n");
$stringData = "</ul>\n</div>";
fwrite($fh, $stringData);
include ($alldir."index.php");