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News / Articles plugin in a multilanguage site.
Hello. I just installget getsimple 3.0 .
I edited a template, and I am still working on it, and I created 3 pages in 4 languages..
- 1 page is home in 4 different languages,
- 1 page is contact in 4 different languages,
- 1 page is for news/articles , where i want to add different news/ articles and translate them in 4 different languages. these articles should be displayed in a page and I am thinkinig to be displayed with excerpt and to have pagination. I want a news/article manager that helps me when i add a post I can select in what language is that post, and that post to be displayed just in the news/article page i have created in the selected language from the user.
I installed :
- I18N Base Internationalize content based on slug/URL names
Version 2.5.1 — Author: Martin Vlcek
- I18N Navigation Multilevel navigation & breadcrumbs (I18N enabled)
Version 2.5.1 — Author: Martin Vlcek
- A blog/news plugin for GetSimple
Version 2.2.4 — Author: Rogier Koppejan

Is there any plugin that can help me doing so and I couldn't find it or is a known way?
i18search plugin
I want to do something like yours. But how can I post the news in different languages ?
for default language page link your-link
<?php get_i18n_search_results(array('tags'=>'blog', 'DATE_FORMAT'=>'', 'max'=>4, 'i18n'=>0, 'lang'=>'ru', 'numWords'=>'1p','HEADER'=>'')); ?>
for en language page link your-link_en
<?php get_i18n_search_results(array('tags'=>'blog', 'DATE_FORMAT'=>'', 'max'=>4, 'i18n'=>0, 'lang'=>'en', 'numWords'=>'1p','HEADER'=>'')); ?>
for fr language page link your-link_fr
<?php get_i18n_search_results(array('tags'=>'blog', 'DATE_FORMAT'=>'', 'max'=>4, 'i18n'=>0, 'lang'=>'fr', 'numWords'=>'1p','HEADER'=>'')); ?>
for de language page link your-link_de
<?php get_i18n_search_results(array('tags'=>'blog', 'DATE_FORMAT'=>'', 'max'=>4, 'i18n'=>0, 'lang'=>'de', 'numWords'=>'1p','HEADER'=>'')); ?>
and then create a news page with the same references(_en, _de, _fr) and tagged blog or any other
I am not understanding what you are suggesting me. I am a begginer and I don't know so much in php and getsimple cms
I created 4 pages.

I use News manager and the news are displayed from news managaer settings in news_en by default.
I used
<a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(return_i18n_setlang_url('sq')); ?>" title='Shqip'"><img src="<?php get_theme_url(); ?>/images/sq.png" alt="Shqip" /></a>
to display a flag in my page and when somebody click on it the displayed page language is in albanian.
Untill now is good.
My problem is, when I post a new article how can I select that article to be shown just in the news_sq page , not in all news pages (news_en,news_it,news_sq,news_ro)?
i18search plugin
Alb Wrote:I am not understanding what you are suggesting me. I am a begginer and I don't know so much in php and getsimple cms

I think, Oleg suggests not to use the News Manager plugin, but do it with the I18N and I18N Search plugins as described here or here (thanks to angryboy).
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.

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