GetSimple Extend Repository

5 results found for "Highlighting"

Theme Highlighter 1.1 (Plugin)

Performs syntax highlighting (coloring), when editing the theme (php, css, js) or the components in the...
Tagged: theme component highlight syntax highlighting color autocompletion suggestion

Syntax Highlighting for Components View using ACE Javascript editor. 0.1 (Plugin)

Performs syntax highlighting at admin components view using the [ACE editor](
Tagged: Component Syntax Highlighting ACE Syntax Highlighting Editor Javascript

Modern Admin 1.5 (Plugin)

This is the second version of the Modern Responsive Admin theme that is installed via plugin. This admin...

Edit Syntax Highlight 1.0 (Plugin)

Adds syntax highlighting when the HTML editor is disabled
Tagged: admin edit syntax highlighting

Components Highlight 1.0 (Plugin)

The plugin allows you to highlight the syntax in the component editor. For highlighting, the...
Tagged: Syntax Highlight