GetSimple Extend Repository

137 results found for "ACE"

GS-Socialize 1.1 (Plugin)

This plugin adds some of the more popular social media links to the bottom of all your posts & pages.
Tagged: facebook twitter post social media pages

Addsense Enabler 1.0 (Plugin)

Allows you to place adds anywhere on page where you want via a tag (%ad:ad_id%) or on sidebar/template...
Tagged: adsense google

slug Transliteration 2 (Plugin)

A transliteration function that through this plugin can be added to your GetSimple core. It will replace...
Tagged: core function changedata slug internationalisation internationalization i18n transliteration translation

Dominion Blog/News 0.5a (Plugin)

Allows you to create multiple blogs and news groups with items under them with images etc. News items will...
Tagged: blog news

Dominion jCart 0.5e (Plugin)

Carting system for multiple categories and products. With product descriptions and pictures. Can currently do...
Tagged: cart shopping orders

RePlacer 0.1 (Plugin)

RePlacer replaces a definded placeholder (RePlace) with dynamic or static PHP contents. This plugin...
Tagged: replace dynamic content placeholder

Client Files 0.9 (Plugin)

This plugin is designed to provide private file downloads. I created this to provide files of ongoing work...
Tagged: client upload file

External Commenting 0.9 (Plugin)

A plugin to provide external commenting support. This version supports Disqus, IntenseDebate, Livefyre, or...
Tagged: comment comments disqus intensedebate facebook livefyre VK

I18N 3.3.2 (Plugin)

This plugin adds multilanguage support and hierarchical menus to your website. Note: *I18N* is the...
Tagged: i18n internationalization navigation hierarchical menu sitemap

DynPages 0.7.2 (Plugin)

The plugin allows you to use a placeholder to include a component on the page and even pass parameters to...
Tagged: dynamic content

I18N Search 2.13.4 (Plugin)

This plugin allows you to search for tags (keywords) and words. It uses an automatically created index and...
Tagged: search internationalization i18n tags keywords rss feed

GSgallery (Simple Image Gallery) 2.5.3 (Plugin)

GSgallery is a Simple Image Gallery plugin for GetSimple CMS. **Features:** - Create multiple...
Tagged: gallery images portfolio squareit gsgallery

Free Disk Space 1.0 (Plugin)

Displays available free disk space on server in "Files" page.
Tagged: free space disk space disk usage

My Video Display 1.01 (Plugin)

The plugin allows you to add a video player on your site. The video must be on your site in the directory....
Tagged: video player MP4 video file video

FAQ 1.3 (Plugin)

Allows you to define FAQs, where answers are only shown after you click on the question. Example:...
Tagged: faq questions answers

I18N Gallery 2.3.0 (Plugin)

You can create multiple image galleries as collection of images with titles and descriptions (in multiple...
Tagged: gallery images pictures slide show slides photo

SimpleTumblr 0.2 (Plugin)

This plugin provides a simple way to place a tumblr <> stream in your GetSimple...
Tagged: tumblr blog

Theme Highlighter 1.1 (Plugin)

Performs syntax highlighting (coloring), when editing the theme (php, css, js) or the components in the...
Tagged: theme component highlight syntax highlighting color autocompletion suggestion

Share 5+ 1.2.1 (Plugin)

This plugin adds the *Twitter, Google+, Facebook, Digg and LinkedIn* share buttons below the content....
Tagged: social buttons plugin twitter linkedin googleplus

Czech language for 3.0 - 3.2 1.4 (Language)

Česká lokalizace pro administrační rozhraní **GetSimple 3.2** a starší....
Tagged: čeština český jazyk czech lang file

Share 3+ (G+, TW, FB) 1.1.2 (Plugin)

Adds only the twitter, facebook and gplus button below the content. For a simple site sharing. **no...
Tagged: social share button twitter google plus facebook

Mail Newsletter 1.0.1 (Plugin)

This plugin sends an email with custom subject and body to email address list....
Tagged: mail newsletter distribution subscription list email

White Space 1 (Theme)

Uses component "sidebar" for the sidebar Uses component "tagline" for the...

GetSimple Contactable 1.9 (Plugin)

*** This plugin is for GS 3.1 and above only !!! *** GS Contactable is a Getsimple plugin designed to...
Tagged: GS3.1 email form contact form

Humarkise 1.0 (Theme)

This is a two-column theme (primarily developed for the site <>) with a completely...
Tagged: theme liquid two-column flexible

Random Content 1.0 (Plugin)

This is a simple and easy to use plugin for displaying random content (ads, images, quotes, etc..) on your...
Tagged: random ads random banners banners ads advertisements random content components

FAQ Manager 1.2 (Plugin)

This is a simple and easy to use F.A.Q. manager. **Features** * Create, edit & delete...
Tagged: faq questions frequently asked questions faq manager

Free Disk Space cPanel 1.0 (Plugin)

Plugin that shows used / remaining disk space on cPanel hosting Get Simple CMS installations.
Tagged: free disk space cpanel

PubDate Fix (publication date) 0.3 (Plugin)

Makes GetSimple pages' date field fixed and editable, and adds new replacement *lastUpdate* field. It...
Tagged: date time fix fixed datetime picker post posts news blog publication published pubdate

Imagizer 1.3 (Plugin)

The plugin intercepts uploading file and resizes it to desired dimensions (thus, reducing its size)....
Tagged: image upload resize image resizing convert watermark

MetaRobots 1.1 (Plugin)

**Outline Of Plugin:** * Ability to select "No Follow, No Index" from within create/edit...
Tagged: meta meta tags robots google search engine

SEO Manager 1.0 (Plugin)

**Outline Of Plugin:** * Ability to add/delete keyphrases to place in template files * Ability...
Tagged: getsimple seo seo search engine google

Simple Backups 1.0.5 (Plugin)

Automated, schedulable remote and local backups for your GetSimple websites - because accidents...
Tagged: automatic backups simplebackups ftp s3 email schedule cron

WhatHappened 0.1 (Theme)

A simple 2-column theme with integrated Facebook and Twitter share buttons/
Tagged: 2-column

Maroon 1.01 (Theme)

This is a theme I created for my website, but I thought people might find it useful. Integrated File...
Tagged: Theme Maroon Twiiter Widget Weather Widget

Flamingo 2.2.2 (Theme)

2.2.2 UPDATE: Reference fix for background images (again) 2.2.1 UPDATE: Fixed validation errors. Charts...
Tagged: theme responsive flamingo mobile optimized theme html5

Pajax 1.4.5 (Plugin)

This has been open sourced Pajax loads content through ajax. It's...
Tagged: pajax ajax navigation content load 5wooley4

SA Development Suite 0.8 (Plugin)

## Development plugin to assist developers ## Version: 0.8 Compatibility: 3.1 Plugin Type:...
Tagged: developer debug console benchmark programming

Thajax 1.0.2 (Plugin)

Thajax 1.0.0 beta is now on extend. As with everything I make, this is offered as is. Myself and a few others...
Tagged: ajax thajax theme editor replacement 5wooley4

Seascape Theme 1.2 (Theme)

This is a theme built on the Skeleton grid to make it fully responsive down to small phone screen size. View...
Tagged: responsive

User vCard 1.0 (Plugin)

The user-vCard GetSimple Plugin allows the users of a site to dynamically create profile pages and a...
Tagged: vcard contact contact form user profile

GS Blog 1.5 (Plugin)

**Outline Of Plugin:** * Create blog posts * Blog categories * Post archives * Recent...
Tagged: gs-blog blog news manager pages posts special categories rss

TIDEngine News/Blog Manager 1.5 (Plugin)

TIDEngine News/Blog Manager - This is new release of Extended News Manager Plugin. Features: ======= * ...
Tagged: news news manager blog blog manager

Syntax Highlighting for Components View using ACE Javascript editor. 0.1 (Plugin)

Performs syntax highlighting at admin components view using the [ACE editor](
Tagged: Component Syntax Highlighting ACE Syntax Highlighting Editor Javascript

Bootstrap (Theme)

A theme built on [Initializr]( and...
Tagged: Bootstrap responsive twitter bootstrap twitter html5 white

Sharebar 1.2.6 (Plugin)

The Sharebar plugin includes social media buttons below the content. With a option page, for activate or...
Tagged: share social facebook redit stumbleon digg delicious

CityWide 2.0 (Theme)

A business type theme built on the Cardinal theme. Version 2.0 is now variable width and responsive right...
Tagged: business professional trade phone handheld responsive fluid

Simple Input Tabs 2.6 (Plugin)

Simple Input Tabs 2 ==== >Content management with twice the simplicity. Simple Input Tabs takes some...
Tagged: simple input tabs extra template theme content user more additional edit

Facebook Events 1.0.1 (Plugin)

This plugin allows you to pull events from Facebook and display them in your website.
Tagged: facebook events

GetPro Theme 1.0 (Theme)

GetPro Theme doesn't use any graphics but it has demo image, mini images for payment for and favicons....
Tagged: getpro theme responsive free professional template getsimple gsthemes

GroupDocs Documents Viewer 1.0 (Plugin)

The GroupDocs.Viewer for Cloud plugin for GetSimple allows you to embed documents, complete with an online...
Tagged: groupdocs online viewer documents viewer pdf viewer

Pages Fields 0.1.0 (Plugin)

This is an extension of the pages-excerpts...
Tagged: Pages Fields Field References Excerpts

GroupDocs Document Assembly 1.0 (Plugin)

GroupDocs.Assembly app allows you to automate generation of contracts, invoices, quotes and other business...
Tagged: document assembly online document assembly document generation automated document generation

Beadysite 2.0 (Theme)

This is a friendly and appealing theme, designed by aka...
Tagged: white simple blog popular

GSkeleton 1.2 (Theme)

This is the responsive boilerplate Skeleton by Dave Gamache made ready for GetSimple. "A Beautiful...
Tagged: responsive html5 boilerplate grid

Responsive Innovation 1.0 (Theme)

I made the default GS theme responsive with the Skeleton css grid and it works well. You can see the...
Tagged: responsive innovation

nanoGALLERY4GS 4.4.2a (Plugin)

**Image gallery plugin.** A powerful and easy to setup GetSimple plugin for displaying image galleries,...
Tagged: Image Gallery Slideshow Photo Google Photos Google+ Flickr

nanoSLIDER4GS 1.2.0a (Plugin)

This plugin is a portage of the **NIVO SLIDER** to **GetSimple CMS**. It provides a very easy method to...
Tagged: Image Slider Slideshow Photo Picasa Google+ Flickr

Danish contact form 5.6.3 language file 1.0 (Plugin Language)

Place traducir.php in the plugins - contact directory
Tagged: contact contact form Danish dansk sprog language

Danish Language for innovationplugin 1.0 (Plugin Language)

placer da_DA.php i plugin - lang
Tagged: Danish dansk innovation plugin language

Freedom (Scrolling) 1.1 (Theme)

**DEMO: <>** Freedom is an Ubuntu-inspired theme for Get Simple....
Tagged: linux ubuntu simple clean purple orange grey

Responsive White Space 1.2 (Theme)

Fully responsive on the skeleton framework. V1.1 Added a nosidebar.php template. Added an...
Tagged: responsive white

Absolute Link Fixer 1.00 (Plugin)

<p>This plugin replaces all occurencies of current site path string to specified string, while saving...
Tagged: absolute link absolute url link images

Metrical 1.2 (Theme)

Metrical allows you to make fully responsive, complex, multi-column layouts. Custom templates are easily...
Tagged: responsive

TS Edit Anywhere 0.1 (Plugin)

This plugin enables a comfortable editing from within the frontend. It also turns the behavior from the...
Tagged: editing content

Inspire 1.0.0 (Theme)

Simple responsive, black & white theme <img...
Tagged: simple clean twitter twitterfeed wide sidebar responsive dark blue

Fix PL orphans / Poprawienie wisz?cych sierotek 0.1 (Plugin)

This plugin automatically fixes orphans in page content for you! (In Polish) Right after installation :)...
Tagged: pl orphans sierotki typografia

TS FastReplacer 0.1 (Plugin)

## Background If a site should switch to production state often the absolute filenames will be a...
Tagged: replace content links

TS TempReplacer 0.1 (Plugin)

## Background Sometimes it would be very helpful if parts of the site could be changed...
Tagged: replace

GetSimple Blog 3.4.4 (Plugin)

A simple and easy to use blog for GetSimple. With this plugin, you can create blog posts, sort posts by...
Tagged: gs-blog gsblog gs get simple blog news manager feed rss post posts archive categories pages get simple plugin

Simple C(ontact) Fork 1.3.3 (Plugin)

[Simple C(ontact)]( Fork __Key features__ 1....
Tagged: form contact contact form

Skrollr 0.6 (Theme)

An unusual (for GetSimple) theme with sliding pages. Best suited for portfolios and personal...
Tagged: Theme single page one page dark responsive

CD - Open Graph & Social Integrations 1.1 (Plugin)

This plugin provides Open Graph and other social integration's. <br> <br> <b>Add...
Tagged: Open Graph Social Integration Facebook Google+ Authorship SEO

Include Page 1.0 (Plugin)

Replace place holders in pages with content from other page. To include page with slug *example* use `{%...
Tagged: include

GSkeleton2 1.1 (Theme)

The updated 2015 version 2 of the skeleton grid and boilerplate made ready for GetSimple All I have done...
Tagged: skeleton grid boilerplate

Cart For GetSimple 1.2 (Plugin)

Plugin features: Small Cart, Cart Page for making orders, Orders history (for admin and for user), Discounts...
Tagged: basket magazine catalog commerce cart shop orders

MapCreator 4.1 (Plugin)

![]( This plugin add maps to your website with MapCreator Based on...
Tagged: mapcreator leaflet openstreetmap google map

GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET | HTML5 Document Viewer 1.0 (Plugin)

This plugin lets GetSimple developers to seamlessly integrate <a...
Tagged: groupdocs document viewer document viewer pdf word excel powepoint

Extra Gallery 1.09 (Plugin)

Extra Gallery is a backend plugin for creating galleries, with advanced features like: custom fields,...
Tagged: gallery multi language cropping thumbnail images galleries extra

Privy 1.0 (Theme)

"A slick sidebar-oriented design (with space for an avatar!)." See demo at: <a...
Tagged: Theme dark simple

GroupDocs.Viewer for Java | PDF Document Viewer 1.0 (Plugin)

GroupDocs.Viewer is a universal document viewer that lets you display PDF, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint,...
Tagged: groupdocs document viewer java document viewer java pdf viewer pdf viewer pdf word excel powepoint

Fixed-Social-Toolbar 1.0 (Plugin)

Adds fixed social toolbar to the bottom of the website
Tagged: facebook twitter post social media Toolbar bottom Toolbar

Grill Theme and Template Site 1.0 (Theme)

Demo site: <> The following plugins are...
Tagged: responsive bootstrap blog

Foundation5 with SASS support 1.2 (Theme)

This is a clean responsive theme, based on Foundation 5.4.7 framework. It support scss stylesheets. All...
Tagged: Framework HTML5 Responsive SASS COMPASS

Kogaion 1.0.0 (Theme)

Kogaion is a simple GetSimple CMS theme, responsive and with minimal Theme Settings Option Panel, like logo...
Tagged: simple responsive light options panel

Download Manager by 1.0.5 (Plugin)

Download Manager for...
Tagged: download files manager count logs no hotlinking stats shortcodes

GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET 1.0 (Plugin)

Let your users view and annotate PDF, Microsoft Office, CAD and 50+ other document and image types right on...
Tagged: groupdocs document annotation pdf annotation image annotation

SimpleTheme 1.0.0 (Theme)

This theme is a GetSimple CMS responsive theme, builded with Bootstrap 3, and tested with GetSimple...
Tagged: responsive light jumbotron bootstrap two columns option panel

Macedonian language for GS by Spirkoski 0.2 (Language)

EN: Macedonian translation for GetSimple. The Translate plugin reports 65% or 230 out of 348 terms...
Tagged: macedonian language ?????????? ?????

BootSimple 1.0.3 (Theme)

BootSimple is a small responsive theme based on Bootstrap 3.3.2. Its very small (only 3 files, about 8kB and...
Tagged: Bootstrap responsive submenu small

Piwik Integration 1.0 (Plugin)

Updated version of the Piwik stats plugin...
Tagged: piwik plugin statistic

Startbootstrap-Clean-Blog 1.1 (Theme)

#New Replaced contact form on plugin GetSimple Contact...
Tagged: bootstrap blog clean responsive

Grid Me BS4 (content grid manager bootstrap 4 ) 1.1 (Plugin)

This plugin add grid options for your content just like Grid Me original but with support Bootstrap...
Tagged: grid ckeditor plugin content

Facebook sidebar 2.1 (Plugin)

2.0 - now you can customize position top, left or right. <br> 2.1 - fixed likebox for new api, added...
Tagged: facebook sidebar facebook integration

AdminXML Plus 0.3 (Plugin)

AdminXML Plus allows easily & quickly customizing the admin.xml file from the GS interface, with instant...
Tagged: admin theme xml settings

DY Lorem Ipsum 1.0 (Plugin)

Lorem Ipsum text generator. Useful tool for theme developer. Place shortcodes in a page content and view...
Tagged: content development generator

Wordsworth Theme 1.1 (Theme)

Demo at <> Plain white theme suitable for any site. Skeleton...
Tagged: responsive white blog

Responsive FileManager 2.8 (Plugin)

This plugin is a great project called Responsive filemanager integration into GetSimple CMS.<br> **RFM...
Tagged: file manager responsive upload image edit tools animated image gallery

Migrate 0.4 (Plugin)

This plugin automates the URLs modifying in cases when site changes the domain address.<br> The...
Tagged: migrate move site another domain i18n special fields

DY File Include 2 1.0 (Plugin)

This plugin allows you to include content from uploaded text files with Markdown syntax. **Usage:** *...
Tagged: content file markdown

DY Simple Photo Gallery 1.0 (Plugin)

This plugin allows you to show photos from given folder as photogallery. **Usage:** * Place shortcode...
Tagged: photo gallery photogallery image

URI Redirect Plus 0.2.4 (Plugin)

Redirect URIs to internal or external pages (with '301 Moved Permanently' header). Also view the...
Tagged: URI URL redirect omadressering

mp3-html5.php 0.1 (Plugin)

Place mp3 html5 player inside of page contents in this specific TAG: **(% mp3html5: yourmp3.mp3 %)** Place...

Open Graph Manager 0.0.2 (Plugin)

# Open Graph Manager Plugin for Get Simple CMS This plugin can be used to extend the [Get Simple...
Tagged: open graph twitter cards facebook meta tags twitter

BetterSEO 2.0 (Plugin)

![]( This plugin create better header function for SEO. * Homepage...
Tagged: seo header plugin SEO

nanoGALLERY for I18N Gallery 1.0.2 (Plugin)

A cool gallery plugin, mobile friendly fully responsive and swipe action, with slideshow...
Tagged: gallery image picture photo slide show slideshow responsive swipe

Violet (gaming theme) 1.0 (Theme)

I created new modern theme with css/html/js Demo: <a...
Tagged: theme gaming modern responsive themes

ruPload 1.2.2 (Plugin)

Due to the fact that swf uploadify is now blocked by all browsers and constantly asks for permission, I have...
Tagged: upload

YT on website 1.0 (Plugin)

Hi! This is my new plugin:) Now we can use easy youtube movie on our website:) How? Mass width & Settings...
Tagged: youtube shortcode easycode

Basket plugin MOD 1.2.4 (Plugin)

This plugin is an original Basket Plugin modification. Basket MOD Plugin is based on Basket Plugin ver....
Tagged: basket catalog commerce shop search i18n

Components Extended 0.9.3 (Plugin)

# GS Components Extended Augmented functionality for cleaner and more powerful GetSimpleCMS...
Tagged: component slug get_component ajax modified created date components extended

Skeleton FX 0.1.2 (Theme)

Skeleton-FX (Futured eXpandable) designed specifically for professional web designers.<br> Skeleton-FX...
Tagged: responsive animated multilevel menu CSS only slideshow fast google maps captcha multilanguage

GS Aries 1.1 (Theme)

The demo of the GetSimple theme is here: <> The original free html...
Tagged: mobile bootstrap responsive gallery

XML Components 1.0 (Plugin)

This plugin allows to extend Your theme functionality with XML Components. You can create, modify custom XML...
Tagged: xml data admin custom

ImForms 0.3 (Plugin)

ImForms is a light-weight, user-friendly plugin that allows you to build and manage customizable forms for...
Tagged: form email contact form creater

Office 1 (Theme)

A simple theme that holds a variety of place holders for your content. Modern and easy to use too
Tagged: Office theme simple responsive

Dark Theme Admin mod theme 1.5 (Plugin)

now you can try a dark theme using my plugin, before you had to replace the css.php file, now you do not have...
Tagged: admin theme theme admin

Grid Me (content grid manager) 1.4 (Plugin)

This plugin add grid options for your content:) This is still early version, but you can now use this for...
Tagged: grid ckeditor plugin content

Grey Admin Theme 1.2 (Plugin)

Another responsive admin theme for your lovely CMS:) I use for my...
Tagged: theme admin admin theme grey responsive theme

Preloaders GS (vanilla javascript) 2.0 (Plugin)

This plugin add easy preloader to your website:) 1.0 6 example with easy to replace for own. This...
Tagged: preloader theme preloader great preloader

ICDM File Download Manager 1.0 (Plugin)

InCodDownloadManager download Manager for GS 3.x. The plugin allows you to place links and buttons to...
Tagged: Download Manager Files

My Gallery 1.0.5 (Plugin)

This plugin will help you create a gallery. - ability to select scripts for output (BaguetteBox,...
Tagged: gallery photo images pictures thumbnails

Massive Admin Theme 5.0.1 (Plugin)

It has long ceased to be a plug-in that changes the appearance of your favorite CMS system. This is one...
Tagged: admin theme theme

Components Wysywig 1.2 (Plugin)

Replaces components textarea to CKEDITOR new option: if you wanna use wysywig name your commponents...
Tagged: ckeditor components ckeditor wysywig

CorrectMyUrl 1.0 (Plugin)

This plugin replace/fix your links and images on your website from old url adress, to new. This plugin no...
Tagged: migrate url correct url fix url news manager thumnbail

I18n DeepL Page Translation 1.0.3 (Plugin)

This plugin allows automatic translation of GetSimple CMS pages using the <a...
Tagged: deepl translation i18n multilingual

Hosting Space Detector 1.1 (Plugin)

** Hosting Space Detector ** This program was created to inform the administrator when the site takes up...
Tagged: ovh 10mb small hosting

Carousel Creator 4.0 (Plugin)

![]( Every day I struggle with the same boring activity, creating a...
Tagged: carousel carousel creator slider creator slider slider homepage

uploaderExt 3.1 (Plugin)

This is next plugin from me:) Uploader with compress photo and convert to webp. this replace default...
Tagged: uploader resize image compress photo

I18N Language Globe 1.0.0 (Plugin)

**For i18n multi-language sites, a Globe with a languages navigation dropdown.**<br> Requires the I18N...
Tagged: language languages multilanguage multi-language i18n navigation globe

MultiMenu 2.0 (Plugin)

<h3>MultiMenu BIG UPDATE</h3> would you like to easily create many menus with any number of...
Tagged: multi menu menus creator menu plugin

Easy Contact Button 1.4 (Plugin)

This script displays a "Contact-Us" or "WhatsApp" button in the left or right bottom...
Tagged: whatsapp contact button

Read time 1.2 (Plugin)

This plugin will show estimated time for read page content * Easy to use * Setting for message...

BlockContent Plugin 4.0 (Plugin)

## BlockContent Plugin for GetSimple CMS - 🛸Easy to use Wysywig for GetSimple CMS - 🛸Modern upload...
Tagged: editor.js wysywig

easyComments 1.1 (Plugin)

<b> New plugin -EasyComments.</b> <b>What is that?</b> Easy Comments system for...
Tagged: comments system news manager post comment

All in One Accessibility 1.4 (Plugin)

All in One Accessibility AI Widget Supports 140 Languages, Screen Reader, Voice Navigation, Dictionary,...
Tagged: accessibility WCAG ATAG Section 508 accessibility compliance disability friendly site accessibility rules web accessibility

ShareOn 📯 1.0 (Plugin)

**ShareOn 📯** Lightweight, stylish, and ethical share buttons for popular social networks. A...
Tagged: social share