GetSimple Extend Repository

25 results found for "editing"

I18N 3.3.2 (Plugin)

This plugin adds multilanguage support and hierarchical menus to your website. Note: *I18N* is the...
Tagged: i18n internationalization navigation hierarchical menu sitemap

Multi User 1.8.2 (Plugin)

**Multi-User Plugin For User Management, User Creation & User Restrictions/Permissions** **Edit...
Tagged: getsimple getsimple multi-user getsimple multi user user permissions add user edit user user management

URI Redirect 0.2.1 (Plugin)

Version 0.2.1 Changes - * Added a check to make sure curl installed before trying to use it to do version...
Tagged: uri redirect

Theme Highlighter 1.1 (Plugin)

Performs syntax highlighting (coloring), when editing the theme (php, css, js) or the components in the...
Tagged: theme component highlight syntax highlighting color autocompletion suggestion

Auto-open Page Options 2.0 (Plugin)

Automatically opens the page options when editing pages Version 2.0: remembers the state when you last...
Tagged: page options auto-open open

PubDate Fix (publication date) 0.3 (Plugin)

Makes GetSimple pages' date field fixed and editable, and adds new replacement *lastUpdate* field. It...
Tagged: date time fix fixed datetime picker post posts news blog publication published pubdate

Seascape Theme 1.2 (Theme)

This is a theme built on the Skeleton grid to make it fully responsive down to small phone screen size. View...
Tagged: responsive

user-lock 1.0 (Plugin)

This plugin checks if another user is editing a page, and avoids another user to edit the page until the...
Tagged: lock mutex

News Manager Title 0.2 (Plugin)

This plugin tries to add the title of the current News Manager post to the page `<title>` tag. It...
Tagged: news manager title post seo blog posts

GSkeleton 1.2 (Theme)

This is the responsive boilerplate Skeleton by Dave Gamache made ready for GetSimple. "A Beautiful...
Tagged: responsive html5 boilerplate grid

Zen 1.0 (Theme)

A new theme I've been working on. It is based on the Doubtless theme at...

Pure Gallery 1.1 (Theme)

An awsome, fully responsive,, fluid, tiled, image gallery homepage from Pure plus two more page templates...
Tagged: responsive pure gallery

GroupDocs.Annotation for Java 1.0 (Plugin)

Enhance your GetSimple website with multi-format HTML5-based document annotation...
Tagged: groupdocs html5 document annotation html5 pdf annotation html5 image annotation

TS Edit Anywhere 0.1 (Plugin)

This plugin enables a comfortable editing from within the frontend. It also turns the behavior from the...
Tagged: editing content

TS Edit in same window 0.1 (Plugin)

### Goal This Plugin turns the behaviour of the "VIEW" button on the edit page. After...
Tagged: admin site creation

Modern Admin 1.5 (Plugin)

This is the second version of the Modern Responsive Admin theme that is installed via plugin. This admin...

GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET 1.0 (Plugin)

Let your users view and annotate PDF, Microsoft Office, CAD and 50+ other document and image types right on...
Tagged: groupdocs document annotation pdf annotation image annotation

File Editor 1.0.33 (Plugin)

**File Editor** With this editor it is possible to edit the .htaccess and robots.txt...
Tagged: file editor robots.txt htaccess robots

GS Custom Settings 0.6.2 (Plugin)

GS Custom Settings is a plugin which lets webmasters/ site managers, theme and plugin developers implement...
Tagged: GS Custom Settings fields settings input template interactive lookup

Responsive FileManager 2.8 (Plugin)

This plugin is a great project called Responsive filemanager integration into GetSimple CMS.<br> **RFM...
Tagged: file manager responsive upload image edit tools animated image gallery

Select Filter 0.1 (Plugin)

If you have a large site with many pages this will simplify editing pages, because you can filter any (large)...
Tagged: large sites

ruPload 1.2.2 (Plugin)

Due to the fact that swf uploadify is now blocked by all browsers and constantly asks for permission, I have...
Tagged: upload

CSS CKeditor 0.5 (Plugin)

**CSS CKeditor** *Description* This plugin is a simple manager that allows you to use a specific CSS...
Tagged: CSS CKeditor WYSIWYG

I18N Sitemap Parent Fix 1.0.0 (Plugin)

When sitemap.xml is generated by i18n base plugin, there might occur a problem with the &lt;loc&gt;...
Tagged: i18n sitemap parent

debugCE 🐛 1.0 (Plugin)

**debugCE 🐛** Turn On & Off DEBUG MODE without editing gsConfig. ![Plugin...
Tagged: debug