GetSimple Extend Repository

17 results found for "seo"

Staseo 1 (Theme)

SEO GetSimple Theme: Very simple, old tables style GetSimple theme. Very fast theme loading, maybe the...
Tagged: seo seo theme table

Link Juice 1.0 (Plugin)

Enable 301 redirection to all 404 URIs and non-existing subdomains (when wildcard is enabled) to main page,...
Tagged: SEO 301 404 subdomains redirection

Custom Title 1.5 (Plugin)

This plugin allows you to change the default title tag, you can use the following variables: -...
Tagged: custom title seo

SEO Manager 1.0 (Plugin)

**Outline Of Plugin:** * Ability to add/delete keyphrases to place in template files * Ability...
Tagged: getsimple seo seo search engine google

Microdata breadcrumbs 1.0 (Plugin)

Microdata Breadcrumbs breadcrumbs for both navigation and SEO in GetSimple...
Tagged: breadcrumbs microdata seo navigation fil d'ariane microdonnees

Fancy URLs in IIS 2.0 (Plugin)

# GS Fancy URLs on IIS Windows Server **[Please use
Tagged: iis fancy urls web.config fancy urls seo

ElegantOne 1.4 (Theme)

Full Width Layout, Left Sidebar Layout, Right Sidebar Layout, Responsive, Drop Down Menu Support (Must...
Tagged: clean professional seo business white grey

News Manager (updated) 3.6.1 (Plugin)

A news/blog plugin to manage and display your posts. Currently maintained and extended by: *Carlos...
Tagged: blog news posts articles news manager i18n

SimpleMin640 1.0 (Theme)

The older theme SimpleMin checked, improved, tidied and reduced in width suitable for all sites, easy to edit...
Tagged: simple iphone white sidebar nav custom title seo

News Manager Title 0.2 (Plugin)

This plugin tries to add the title of the current News Manager post to the page `<title>` tag. It...
Tagged: news manager title post seo blog posts

SimpleBee 1.1 (Theme)

Theme is called SimpleBee. 2 column responsive layout, theme also has extended function via the theme...
Tagged: 2 column html5 css3 responsive seo

CD - Open Graph & Social Integrations 1.1 (Plugin)

This plugin provides Open Graph and other social integration's. <br> <br> <b>Add...
Tagged: Open Graph Social Integration Facebook Google+ Authorship SEO

GSMaintenance 1.0.6 (Plugin)

A simple plugin to put your site in "Maintenance Mode". You can entirely create the message (or...
Tagged: Site maintenance offline

Url Rewrite 1.1 (Plugin)

This plugin can be useful when you are migrating old html based website to GetSimple. You can keep your...
Tagged: url rewrite SEF SEO

BetterSEO 2.0 (Plugin)

![]( This plugin create better header function for SEO. * Homepage...
Tagged: seo header plugin SEO

SEOGPT 1.1 (Plugin)

AI content creation has now arrived for GetSimple Cant think of some nice text to add to your site? Clients...
Tagged: Seo open ai chatgpt ai text ckeditor text generator

All in One Accessibility 1.4 (Plugin)

All in One Accessibility AI Widget Supports 140 Languages, Screen Reader, Voice Navigation, Dictionary,...
Tagged: accessibility WCAG ATAG Section 508 accessibility compliance disability friendly site accessibility rules web accessibility