GetSimple Extend Repository

27 results found for "languages"

HitCount 2.3.0 (Plugin)

For all those who want an integrated hit and visitor count or don't trust Google Analytics & Co,...
Tagged: hits visitors hit count user agent referer languages systems

Google map 2.0 (Plugin)

This plugin displays a map of Google Maps on your GetSimple...
Tagged: google map

Translate 1.1 (Plugin)

This plugin allows you to translate plugins and even GetSimple directly on your server (as long as the...
Tagged: translation languages internationalization i18n

I18N Gallery 2.3.0 (Plugin)

You can create multiple image galleries as collection of images with titles and descriptions (in multiple...
Tagged: gallery images pictures slide show slides photo

Extended News Manager 2.0 (Plugin)

Extended News Manager is News Manager Plugin version 2.0. Features: ======= * FANCY URLS Support *...
Tagged: Extended News Manager RSS Fancy URL support Language Support

Extend downloader 1.0 (Plugin)

This plugin will allow you to download and install items form the extend from within your...
Tagged: Extend Downloader Plugin

Calendar 1.8 (Plugin)

With this plugin, you can create a simple calendar and add events with descriptions to everyday calendar. You...
Tagged: calendar events event

PubDate Fix (publication date) 0.3 (Plugin)

Makes GetSimple pages' date field fixed and editable, and adds new replacement *lastUpdate* field. It...
Tagged: date time fix fixed datetime picker post posts news blog publication published pubdate

Last tweet(s) 1.2 (Plugin)

I like it myself to show one or two last tweets in the sidebar on my site. I was a bit surprised this kind of...
Tagged: twitter tweet plugin socialmedia

Multi user plugin localized + italian translation 1.1 (Plugin Language)

The [multi-user plugin]( by mikeh, rewritten to provide...
Tagged: multi user user managment italian

GS Blog 1.5 (Plugin)

**Outline Of Plugin:** * Create blog posts * Blog categories * Post archives * Recent...
Tagged: gs-blog blog news manager pages posts special categories rss

News Manager (updated) 3.6.1 (Plugin)

A news/blog plugin to manage and display your posts. Currently maintained and extended by: *Carlos...
Tagged: blog news posts articles news manager i18n

Image Resizer 1.05 (Plugin)

This plugins let's you dynamically generate resized images from your uploads folder. It supports...
Tagged: image resizer resizer responsive image

ThemeExtras 1.0.0 (Plugin)

This awesome plugin will allow theme developers to enable the ability to give users configuration options for...
Tagged: theme-extras themes

Cart For GetSimple 1.2 (Plugin)

Plugin features: Small Cart, Cart Page for making orders, Orders history (for admin and for user), Discounts...
Tagged: basket magazine catalog commerce cart shop orders

Extra Gallery 1.09 (Plugin)

Extra Gallery is a backend plugin for creating galleries, with advanced features like: custom fields,...
Tagged: gallery multi language cropping thumbnail images galleries extra

Light Bar 1.3 (Plugin)

I created next plugin, this is add sidebar menu to the frontend, you can customize this if you want. ...
Tagged: frontend menu light admin light menu.

nanoGALLERY for I18N Gallery 1.0.2 (Plugin)

A cool gallery plugin, mobile friendly fully responsive and swipe action, with slideshow...
Tagged: gallery image picture photo slide show slideshow responsive swipe

Components Extended 0.9.3 (Plugin)

# GS Components Extended Augmented functionality for cleaner and more powerful GetSimpleCMS...
Tagged: component slug get_component ajax modified created date components extended

My SMTP Contact 1.1.2 (Plugin)

This plugin will help you to set up a contact form with captcha and checkbox. Plugin can be used SMTP (Simple...
Tagged: contact form contact contacts smtp form forms mail

ICDM File Download Manager 1.0 (Plugin)

InCodDownloadManager download Manager for GS 3.x. The plugin allows you to place links and buttons to...
Tagged: Download Manager Files

My Gallery 1.0.5 (Plugin)

This plugin will help you create a gallery. - ability to select scripts for output (BaguetteBox,...
Tagged: gallery photo images pictures thumbnails

My Template 1.1.0 (Theme)

Template with built-in components. Components can be configured in the admin panel. When the user is in the...
Tagged: theme template

I18n DeepL Page Translation 1.0.3 (Plugin)

This plugin allows automatic translation of GetSimple CMS pages using the <a...
Tagged: deepl translation i18n multilingual

I18N Sitemap Parent Fix 1.0.0 (Plugin)

When sitemap.xml is generated by i18n base plugin, there might occur a problem with the &lt;loc&gt;...
Tagged: i18n sitemap parent

I18N Language Globe 1.0.0 (Plugin)

**For i18n multi-language sites, a Globe with a languages navigation dropdown.**<br> Requires the I18N...
Tagged: language languages multilanguage multi-language i18n navigation globe

All in One Accessibility 1.4 (Plugin)

All in One Accessibility AI Widget Supports 140 Languages, Screen Reader, Voice Navigation, Dictionary,...
Tagged: accessibility WCAG ATAG Section 508 accessibility compliance disability friendly site accessibility rules web accessibility