GetSimple Extend Repository

8 results found for "uploader"

The Photo Gallery 1.5 (Plugin)

This is a gallery plugin that utilizes the folders within the "Files Management"...
Tagged: photo gallery photo gallery lightbox thumbnails plugin

Items Manager 1.6 (Plugin)

An items manager to manage products, services, and other related items. *Detailed information about this...
Tagged: items manager products items blog catelog

GS Blog 1.5 (Plugin)

**Outline Of Plugin:** * Create blog posts * Blog categories * Post archives * Recent...
Tagged: gs-blog blog news manager pages posts special categories rss

TIDEngine News/Blog Manager 1.5 (Plugin)

TIDEngine News/Blog Manager - This is new release of Extended News Manager Plugin. Features: ======= * ...
Tagged: news news manager blog blog manager

scroll to top 0.2.1 (Plugin)

This simple plugin displays a button / arrow in the lower right corner of the page, if the page height is...
Tagged: scroll arrow scroll to top scroll to top

Massive Admin Theme 5.0.1 (Plugin)

It has long ceased to be a plug-in that changes the appearance of your favorite CMS system. This is one...
Tagged: admin theme theme

uploaderExt 3.1 (Plugin)

This is next plugin from me:) Uploader with compress photo and convert to webp. this replace default...
Tagged: uploader resize image compress photo

uploaderExt - Russian Translation 1 (Plugin Language)

Russian translation for uploaderExt plugin.
Tagged: plugin uploaderExt translation russian language