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Extended News Manager version 2.0
Extended News Manager Plugin version 2.0 Released.

After problems with versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 . We released Getsimple plugin Extended News Manager version 2.0 Stable.

Reason for problems was fact that Extended News Manage was written for our site and adapted for that purpose. So we must modify a lot of things to be able to be used on any instalation of Getsimple 3.0.

  1. FANCY URLS Support
  2. External Commenting Plugin integration separate for every page
  3. News RSS Feed
  4. RSS Feed Menu
  5. Paginate for News Page
  6. Latest News Menu
  7. Language Files Support - ENglish and Serbian Languages included.
  8. Aditional CSS Files for core Themes - depending of theme use Extended News Manager will use specific CSS file
  9. Aditional rss.php, news.php and template.php files for for core Themes.
  10. RSS Feed Menu icon pack - included 10 icon you can choose over Extended News Manager Admin Menu.

As post should be too long I decide to setup Support Web Site for Extended News Manager and Plugins developed by Site Info Service. You can find it at:

We must say do not offer downloads so you can download it from:

Extend -Extended News Manager Version 2.0

[h]Future Extended News Manager Version 2.5:[/h]
  • Meta tags support
  • Multiple News Categories
  • Better Theme Support
  • Update News Button
  • Multiple RSS Feeds-Podcasting
  • Better Pages Optimization
  • Undo Support

Credits: Based on Rogier Koppejan News Manager Plugin.

Also Getsimple Serbian Latin Translation is released and you can find it on

Extended News Manager Version
Demo Link
bogyvet Wrote:I will publish Extended News Manager for few days just to finish RSS Feed Settings. That is as before mention in Developer Forum New Manager plugin with :
  • Fancy URL support
  • News RSS 2.0 Feed
  • RSS Feed Settings (Title, Image ....)

You can see working demo on

hi there, i need help about news manager, in my site i have 2 languages, which mean i must have 2 news pages, is it possible to make two news pages with different language?
It is possible but you need:
1. some plugin modifications or
2. easy way is to rewrite plugin with other name and change articles path and function names. Create two template files and include two different functions eg.
news_en.php <?php show_articles(2); ?>
news_jp.php <?php show_other_articles(2); ?>
bogyvet Wrote:It is possible but you need:
1. some plugin modifications or
2. easy way is to rewrite plugin with other name and change articles path and function names. Create two template files and include two different functions eg.
news_en.php <?php show_articles(2); ?>
news_jp.php <?php show_other_articles(2); ?>

thanks bogyvet for your answer, i'll try the second option
Would you consider a functionality to create multiple instances of your plugin, to offer also articles, or as many news instances as user would like, without beinf forced to duplicate plugin files and changing its code ?

In the way Dominion blog/news plugin works.

Of course it's not top priority. Rather a question for further development path Wink

ahhh forgot to ask for pagination buttons like [<<latest][1][2][3][4][5]....[10][oldest>>]
Any chances to have them ?
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
I'm not core developer I build some code for myself. For multiple instances possible, pagination also.

In this version external comments will be included in individual News. And Latest News Menu. RSS Feed will have Settings in Admin Panel.

bogyvet Wrote:I'm not core developer I build some code for myself. For multiple instances possible, pagination also.

In this version external comments will be included in individual News. And Latest News Menu. RSS Feed will have Settings in Admin Panel.

Sounds great ! Smile
There's one techie thing which occured with news manager plugin.
Have on mind problems with character encoding - htmlentities - as I had to get rid of them in some of the input fields, and other guys changed to htmlspecialchars.

btw. are you developing it to be html5 ready (article/header etc.) or html4 (divs), with possibility to stylize all elements ?
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
I use New Manager Plugin as base just add functionality you create news.php template file and add in template file


create new page ->add template(news) and that is it for RSS and Latest News Menu you just add:


I use htmlspecialchars and test on Windows Localhost and Live .nix server with my hosting account.
Working with FANCY URL's, External Commenting Plugins is enabled in every News Item-you can enable/disable from Admin Panel.

Control number of News Items in Latest News Menu, RSS Feed, Feed name, description, image ...
Multiple icons for RSS Menu...

Must say that is finished and I intend to publish it but I decide to add multiple RSS Fedd Menu icons to be able to choose from Admin Panel.
Extended News Manager Plugin Released.

I manage to finish this plugin. I hope that I will have time to improve it.

  • FANCY URLS Support
  • External Commenting Plugin integration
  • News RSS Feed
  • RSS Feed Menu
  • Paginate for News Page
  • Latest News Menu

You can control most features over Plugin Admin Panel.


Upload Extended News Manager file and folder to plugins directory. Located in plugins ditectory.
In most cases After first load Extended News Manager will create all directories needed. If you have problem you must upload directory structure from Directory Structure directory from Download Package.

News Page:

In your Active Theme Directory create new template file (eq. call it news.php) that match your existing site template and add :
Quote:<?php show_news(); ?>
In Download Package directory Active Theme Files to add you have EXAMPLE_news.php just as example code.

Create News Page and use news.php as template for your new page.

RSS Feed:
Upload rss.php file from Active Theme Files to add directory located in Download Package into your site Active Theme Directory.

Latest News Menu:
In Active Theme template file add:

Quote: <?php list_news(); ?>

RSS Feed Menu
Just add in Active Theme template file:
Quote:<?php rss_link(); ?>

You must add to your. htaccess file code from .htaccess in Download Package to be able to use FANCY URS.

All questions, suggestions are welcome and problems/bugs I will try to solve as fast as possible.

Tested on Windows and *nic Server.
it doesn't seem that the demo link in the first post works anymore?
- Chris
Thanks for using GetSimple! - Download

Please do not email me directly for help regarding GetSimple. Please post all your questions/problems in the forum!
Link is working
I have not tried it yet, but: is it supporting language-files?

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Extended News Manager version 1.1. Language Files Support added.

On the News Setting page I see this error message:

Quote:Notice: Undefined index: extension in /home/MYUSERNAME/public_html/plugins/extended_news_manager.php on line 845
Hi bogyvet,

Just tried this plugin with a brand new installation of GS 3.0 running locally using MAMP (PHP 5.2.13), the only other plugin currently installed is I18N.

Everything seems to be working fine except for creating or editing news. Here I'm just seeing the headline field and the save button. Big expanse of white in between.

Consistent in FF 4.0, Safari and Opera. Debug mode offers no clues.

Sorry, just figured it out.

extended_news_manager.php : lines 227 and 247

extraPlugins : "syntaxhighlight",

Basic GS 3.0 installation doesn't include this CKEditor plugin. Removing both lines fixes the problem.
in Russian news is not saved
Angryboy Wrote:845


You just do not have images in upload directory I will fix that. Plugin check fo images in data/upload directory
it seems that you do not have any image there
Cary Wrote:Sorry, just figured it out.

extended_news_manager.php : lines 227 and 247

extraPlugins : "syntaxhighlight",

Basic GS 3.0 installation doesn't include this CKEditor plugin. Removing both lines fixes the problem.

News version 1.2 tonight.

I do not understand problems with Russian language please give more details.
Check if data/news and data/other/news_feed folder are created if not create them manual


Extended News Manager version 1.2 with fixes added.

Serbian language file will be added tonight also GETSIMPLE Serbian translation.
Glad to see that the WYSWIG editor has been fixed.

I still get the same error as above (trust me, I have plenty of images in the uploads directory) and instead of line 845 it is 843. Also, when I click the link to the page of the individual article, I get my 404 error page instead (despite copying the .htaccess rules from the file you gave us). But if all these bugs are ironed out and this thing is shown to work, this could be one of our most complete news managers to date (especially with the inclusion of RSS feeds, which has been a lacking feature of the current ones).
Extended News Manager Plugin version 2.0 Released.
I would like to hear some comments is it working, improvements. 136 downloads without any comment.
here is my feedback: sorry to say but installation is too confusing for me. I installed the plugin (copied the content of plugin folder found in Extended_News_Manager_2.0 to GS plugin folder). The plugin showed up, but there is no news settings as you told in: "Go to Extended News Manager in Admin Menu - NEWS SETTINGS ". I looked up the "advanced" install instructions where i read: "But if you have problem and there are no news, rss feed or menu items shown, you must Upload data structure located in Directory Structure folder and again Save Settings. Then all should be ok."
So i uploaded the folder "Directory Structure" in GS root directory (beneath plugins-, data-, theme- .. folder). Still no News Settings to see in Admin/Settings. So i gave up. It is obvious i do not understand your instructions.

edited a little later:

stop - good news: i managed it now. Found the "Extended News Manager"-Button in "Pages"-Menu (but expected it in Settings). And because i fiddled around for some time with GS i could take action when faced with error-statement (folder news not to be found in data) and copy necessary files here and there (e.g. news.php in theme folder).

I managed to release a news. Finally it was easy. And the possibilities in "news settings" are impressive, i will try this (tweak around there).

May i dare to give you some advice: You should describe the installment-process foolproof. You might take some screenshots to assist the description.
Thanks for response. It could be that mine installations instructions are too confusing. I add some directory structure info.

Quote:will try this (tweak around there).

I work few job and few projects and I have problem with time so you are welcome to contact me for cooperation. Now working on Affiliate Product Manager for Getsimple.

You can look base functionality on Site Info Service Luxury Store. I will release 2 versions in future. Open Source and Commercial with same Front End functionality. Back End is a lot of work so ....
Oleg06 Wrote:in Russian news is not saved
yeah, what we can do?
my creative
ps. sorry for mistakes =)

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